Cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker - a German dish in a new way. How to cook stewed cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker


From the simplest ingredients that do not require special preliminary preparation, you can cook a tasty, aromatic and very satisfying dish - cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker.

Based on these two products, adding spices, herbs, vegetables to your taste, you can create new dishes every time.

Both cabbage and sausages go well with potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots and other ingredients.

Cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

To prepare a dish from cabbage, it is enough to remove the upper leaves, and chop the head of cabbage with thin straw, stripes or cubes. Usually, in the process of stewing, the cabbage acquires a brownish tint, if you do not want this to happen, pour over chopped cabbage with boiling water, then pour cold water for a couple of minutes.

You can also cook with sausages and sauerkraut. Usually it does not need pre-preparation, but if the cabbage tastes too brackish or sour, it is better to rinse it and in the process of cooking you should be careful with salt.

Sausages for cooking any suitable, main, so that they are of high quality. Also, instead of sausages, you can use sausages or boiled sausage. It is enough to remove the film from them and cut into slices or strips.

The remaining ingredients, if they are part of the dish, are washed, cleaned, cut into the same slices as cabbage with sausages.

In time, the dish is cooked quite quickly, from 40 to 60-80 minutes, depending on the recipe. The modes "Frying" and "Extinguishing" are used.

Recipe 1. Braised cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker


• 700-800 grams of fresh white cabbage;

• large onion;

• half a glass of water;

• one carrot;

• 60 ml of vegetable oil;

• 250 grams of dairy sausages;

• salt, spices, dried herbs;

• 60 grams of tomato sauce.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings.

2. Peel the carrots, chop the vegetable with a thin straw.

3. Grind sausages in circles, then cut the circles into two or three parts.

4. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, chop the head of cabbage with a straw that is not too long.

5. Pour the vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, heat it in the "Frying" mode.

6. Put the prepared onions. Stir, stirring, until softened.

7. Add the carrots and fry them for five minutes.

8. Put the cabbage. Put the sauce, mix. Fry everything together for five to seven minutes, not forgetting to stir so that the ingredients do not burn.

9. Put sausages, pour water, add spices, salt to taste, pour dried herbs, herbs.

10. Switch the mode to "Extinguishing", set the timer for one hour.

11. Thoroughly mix the finished dish before serving.

Recipe 2. Braised sauerkraut with sausages in a slow cooker


• a pound of sauerkraut;

• 300 grams of sausages;

• onion;

• 30 ml of frying oil;

• a tablespoon of granulated sugar;

• spices, salt, laurel leaves;

• greenery;

• a third of a glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Put the sauerkraut in a bowl, squeeze it from the juice. If the cabbage is too acidic, rinse it overturning in a colander, under a stream of cold water. Dry.

2. Peel the onion, cut in half, chop into thin half rings.

3. Heat the oil in the "Frying" mode, put the onions. Pass it for a few minutes until a delicious golden hue.

4. Put the squeezed sauerkraut, pour in water, pour spices and salt. Cook the cabbage in the "Stew" mode for 30 minutes.

5. 10-12 minutes before the beep, put sausages, sliced ​​in circles, laurel leaves, sugar, into the multicooker bowl. Shuffle.

6. Once the crock-pot has finished its work, open the lid and mix vegetables and sausages thoroughly.

7. Leave the dish to stand ready for 15 minutes.

8. Put the prepared cabbage with sausages in plates, sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs.

Recipe 3. Braised cabbage with sausages and vegetables in a slow cooker


• 350 grams of fresh cabbage;

• onion;

• one sweet fleshy bell pepper;

• two large tomatoes;

• carrot;

• a tablespoon of vegetable oil;

• 50 ml of water;

• salt, spices;

• two sausages.

Cooking method:

1. Clean and rinse all the vegetables necessary for cooking.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots on the middle segment of the grater.

3. Peel the tomatoes from the tomatoes, pre-dousing them with boiling water. Dice the tomatoes.

4. Cut peeled bell pepper into small pieces.

5. Put the onions, peppers and carrots in a multi-cooker bowl. Pour in vegetable oil, add salt and spices to taste. Cook on frying, stirring for five minutes.

6. Add the sliced ​​sausages and the shredded cabbage. Also lay bay leaves and pour water.

7. Set the "Extinguishing" program for 40 minutes.

8. After a beep sounds to indicate that the dish is ready, gently mix all the ingredients.

9. Leave the stewed cabbage with sausages to go in the slow cooker in the "Heating" mode, setting the timer for 5-6 minutes.

Recipe 4. Solyanka with cabbage and sausages in a slow cooker


• 300 grams of sausages;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• onions and carrots;

• one tomato;

• a kilogram of white cabbage;

• fresh dill;

• salt, pepper, bay leaves;

• dried bell peppers;

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Grind peeled onions and carrots. Put both ingredients in a vegetable oil heated in a multi-cooker bowl.

2. Set the "Frying" mode to 35 minutes. Cook the onions and carrots by covering the multicooker for ten minutes.

3. While the vegetables are stewed, peel and dice the potatoes, lay it on top of the fried onions and carrots.

4. Salt all the ingredients, mix. Close the lid, cook another ten minutes.

5. Now put chopped sausages in small pieces. After mixing, cook until the end of the program.

6. Put the cabbage chopped into strips in a deep bowl, add a little salt and grind with your hands so that the cabbage softens and allows the juice to drain. Put the vegetable in a slow cooker.

7. On top, put the diced tomato. Sprinkle with spices, dried Bulgarian pepper, put bay leaves.

8. Cook the dish by switching the program to the "Extinguishing" mode, setting the time to one hour.

9. Once the crock-pot has finished its work, open the lid, mix everything.

10. Serve hot cabbage with sausages.

Recipe 5. Cauliflower with sausages in a slow cooker


• forks of cauliflower for 400-500 grams;

• two sausages;

• one egg;

• 100 grams of grated cheese;

• 50 grams of breadcrumbs;

• salt, pepper, frying oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour two liters of boiling water into the multicooker bowl, salt. Lay out the washed forks of cauliflower. Cook in the "Cooking" mode for 20 minutes.

2. Carefully remove the cabbage on a plate, drain the water. Once the vegetable has cooled, divide the cabbage into inflorescences, beat off each one slightly.

3. Mix the breadcrumbs with the egg beaten with salt.

4. Dip each inflorescence in breading, fry on both sides in the "Frying" mode on pre-heated oil.

5. Put all the fried inflorescences in a bowl, pour sausages on top of sliced ​​slices, pour over the remaining breading, sprinkle with finely grated cheese.

6. Switch the multicooker to the "Extinguishing" mode, set the timer for 15 minutes.

7. Close the lid, bring the dish to readiness.

Recipe 6. Fried cabbage with sausages and potatoes in a slow cooker


• 500 grams of cabbage;

• three potatoes;

• one carrot and one onion;

• two sausages;

• two sausages;

• two tomatoes;

• herbs, spices, salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut peeled potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

2. Fry, stirring, the potatoes, putting the vegetable oil in a bowl of a multicooker heated for 15 minutes in the "Frying" mode.

3. Cut the sausages and sausages into large strips, send the meat semi-finished products to the potato bowl. Roast for five minutes.

4. Put finely chopped carrots and chopped onions, cook for ten minutes.

5. Last, add chopped thin cabbage and diced tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with spices, salt, chopped herbs, pour literally a third of a glass of boiling water. Shuffle.

6. Cook in the same mode for 30 to 50 minutes. It all depends on your taste preferences. If you like cabbage to be soft, soak the dish for longer. If you like a light crunch of vegetables in a finished dish - it will be enough for cooking and half an hour.

Sausage cabbage in a slow cooker - tricks and tips

• To give sauerkraut stewed sausages a sweet-sour taste, you can add a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of granulated sugar ten minutes before being ready.

• To prevent the smell of stewed cabbage from spreading throughout the apartment, put a piece of stale bread in the edge of the multicooker bowl. When the dish is cooked, take out the softened bread.

• Tomato paste, sauce or ketchup will give the dish a special taste and a bright appetizing color. Adjust the amount of ingredient to be laid down based on your taste preferences.

• Cabbage with sausages in a slow cooker is both a full dish and a great addition to boiled potatoes, baked or fresh vegetables.

• Do not forget to sprinkle the finished dish with herbs, this will give the dish a special freshness and unique flavor.


Watch the video: Sausage and Cabbage - Easy Recipe (June 2024).