Wonder vegetable beetroot: useful properties of red root vegetables. What can be contraindications for beets


The usual beetroot vegetable is an easily accessible root vegetable, which is often used in everyday life as the main ingredient in borsch, salad and other dishes.

People rarely think about the usefulness of a product, and in vain.

Beets are a storehouse of vitamins and must be present in the diet.

Beetroot composition features, useful properties of components

The beneficial properties that are present in the root crop, from ancient times, made the vegetable noticeable. Today, scientists believe that its composition is truly unique, and its properties are highly valued. The composition includes a separate set of elements that are not found anywhere else in this form. An essential advantage of the elements included in the composition is their resistance to high temperatures, that is, they do not lose their properties during frying, cooking and other cooking methods.

1. About 14-15% of the composition is carbohydrates - fructose, glucose, sucrose and pectin.

2. The vitamin composition is predominantly represented by group B, PP, vitamin C. But beets also contain vitamins A, E, K and such useful trace elements as manganese, lithium, cobalt, chromium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, and sodium. Most contain rubidium, boron and vanadium in beets.

3. The composition is rich in important amino acids, such as leucine, valine, tryptophan, isoleucine, histidine, lysine and others.

4. The composition includes folic and pantothenic acids.

5. Of organic acids can be found in beetroot, apple and lemon.

The calorie content of beets is only 40 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

What are beets useful properties

If you use beets for medical purposes, then it manifests itself as:

• painkiller, sedative and antihistamine;

• immunity strengthening agent;

• laxative and diuretic;

• ulcer healing and regenerating instrument;

• good antiseptic with anticarcinogenic effect.

Thanks to the beets in any form (raw or cooked), which are part of vitamins and antioxidants, it can:

• increase immunity and protective properties of the body from viruses and infections;

• restore the mucous membranes of the body;

• improve vision;

• have beneficial effects on reproductive function;

• increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen them;

• prevent the development of atherosclerosis;

• stimulate brain function;

• have a positive effect on the nervous system thanks to magnesium, zinc and B vitamins, even relieve stress, remove from depression and is recommended for neurological disorders;

• improve the endocrine system thanks to the iodine and copper components.

Beetroot is very useful for the liver, in its raw form it stimulates its work, cleanses of harmful toxins that are collected as a result of an improper lifestyle and bad habits.

Betaine it can protect the liver from the accumulation of body fat, can become an obstacle to the development of diabetes, and also help the body recover from diseases associated with blood vessels and the heart. Favorable beets for the intestines and gall bladder. It prevents the formation of stones in the latter.

A large amount of boron in beets is useful for ligaments, bones and joints. Regular use of root vegetables will help get rid of arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis.

They recommend a vegetable to eliminate women's health problems. Beets are effective during menopause and after it.

Beetroot uniqueness: useful properties for any occasion

1. As a means to lose weight

Beets are a type of dietary product due to its low calorie content. Therefore, it can often be found in the diet of weight loss programs. The fiber and dietary fiber that make up the body create a feeling of satiety for a long time. Vitamin-mineral composition accelerates metabolic processes, which positively affects the effectiveness and speed of weight loss. Another significant plus of beets is the ability to cleanse the intestines from accumulated harmful substances, which significantly improves digestion and has a positive effect on weight loss.

2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Beetroot is the first priority product that is recommended for pregnant women. The iron contained in it will make up for the lack of it in the body during this period. The root crop is also recommended as a prophylactic for iron deficiency anemia in expectant mothers. Having a beneficial effect on the digestive system, the vegetable is able to gently weaken, eliminate constipation during gestation, and also relieve hemorrhoids and rectal cracks. Thanks to the substance choline, the root crop is involved in the formation of the brain and nervous system of the unborn baby.

During breastfeeding also do not give up eating red vegetables. A significant advantage of it compared to similar products - beets do not cause allergic reactions in infants. For mothers, the vegetable will be an excellent tool to restore emotional and nervous balance after childbirth, and also improve their stool.

3. For children

The growing body of the child will be very useful beets rich in vitamins and minerals. The regular use of root crops ensures the normal development and growth of the child. It is recommended to use the vegetable for children who have a lack of muscle growth, neurological disorders, emotional irritability and constipation.

Do not experiment with beets while feeding babies. Up to 6 months, the vegetable is not recommended for children. Ideally, you can start beetroot feeding only in 8-9 months, but if changes in the stool are detected, then it is better to postpone the feeding for another period.

4. The tool in cosmetology

Beet-rich beets are widely used in cosmetics. Betaine retains moisture well in cells. Therefore, in cosmetology, beets perform the following actions:

• moisturizing;

• fights acne;

• relieves inflammation;

• smoothes wrinkles;

• cleans the skin.

What are the contraindications for beets?

With a lot of positive impact, it is difficult to believe that beets have negative sides. In fact, beets do not harm the body, but it has contraindications. This is a fairly large list, which should be carefully considered and not neglected.

1. Vegetable is not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

2. People with a weak stomach and frequent diarrhea should discard beets.

3. People with high acidity of the stomach should not eat beets. A vegetable in itself increases acidity.

4. Diabetes mellitus and beets are incompatible. The composition contains a large amount of sugars.

5. Vegetable is not recommended for urolithiasis.

For people who do not have contraindications, the optimal daily beet rate is calculated - 200-300 g. In any form, the vegetable is useful for the body, provided there are no contraindications.


Watch the video: 10 Side Effects Of Beetroot Juice Must Know Before Including It In Your Diet (July 2024).