A bump of hair - neat and stylish! How to make a bump of hair on the head in different techniques (photo)


Almost every woman wants to be the owner of a mane of thick and long hair, because almost any hair style will look great on them. This applies even to carelessly loose hair. However, there are days when you just want to get your hair out of sight. It is at this moment that one of the options for the well-known classic bundle - a bump of hair - will come to your aid.

Lump of hair - how to make a lump of hair on the head: features

Everyone has long known how to properly curl hair so that a bundle forms on the head. However, what exactly makes the bump different from it? You can find several differences:

1. The main difference between the bump and the bun is already their basis: the bun, it is simply the collected hair, and the bump is a carefully made design that, although it seems difficult in words, can actually be assembled in just a couple of minutes.

2. A bump is assembled on the basis of a braid that was previously woven, it is it that allows such a styling to look more advantageous against a simple beam.

One of the main advantages of this hairstyle is the ability to collect it in various places of the head, emphasizing the length of the neck, if the bump is high. Or hides the wrong traits while low. It seems that this is such a simple hairstyle, but it can even help to emphasize the silhouette and image.

The existence of various options for this hairstyle helps her to remain indispensable for both holiday and everyday purposes. Moreover, it is perfect for a lady of any age, from a little girl to an elderly woman. Perhaps this is what makes hair cones one of the main trends of which fashion season.

A bump of hair - how to make a bump of hair on the head: materials and tools

Despite the fact that in appearance such a hairstyle looks rich and intricate, it is quite simple to make it because you will not need any special skills. To get an excellent result, it makes absolutely no sense to spend money on expensive hairdressing services, it can easily be done at home. However, before you start creating a hairstyle, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools ready.

First of all, this is the roller itself, which hides under the hair, disguises itself and on the basis of which the hairstyle looks massive, rich and aristocratic. There are several varieties: round, oblong, elongated, a scallop roller, but they are all designed for the same purpose - to give volume.

Next is shampoo and balm. Such a hairstyle should always be done on a freshly washed head, otherwise the hair will not show itself in all its glory and will look greasy. It is also advisable to use a spray that will add extra volume to the hair. Now many cosmetic lines produce similar products. All this will help you prepare your hair for the direct manufacture of hairstyles.

You should take a comb, it is best to have a wooden one, it is recognized that it is they who least injure the hair when combing. You will also need tools to help styling: foam and hairspray. These wonderful remedies will help the hairstyle to hold on the head all day, preventing it from tearing up.

In order for the bump to directly rest on the head, it is necessary to have in stock a variety of rubber bands, hairpins and invisibility. These are the main tools that help fix the cone itself and its location.

Do not skimp on various hairpins and other clips that will help to decorate your hair and give it a grain of your personality.

A bump of hair - how to make a bump of hair on the head: methods and sequence of actions, photo

At the moment, there are a huge number of different options for weaving cones from hair. Below you can see a phased analysis of each option.

1. A bump of braids.

It is this version of this type of hairstyle that is considered classic. At the same time, it is also the most versatile and easy to manufacture. However, it is suitable only for owners of smooth hair, however, ironing can come to the rescue. In order to perform this option, the following steps should be followed:

1) After the hair is well washed and dried with a hairdryer, a little styling agent, foam or gel should be applied to them. The main thing is that the hair should become smooth and obedient.

2) Choose the place where the bump will be and make a simple tail. Typically, a classic bump is built on the back of the head or crown, it is here that it looks most spectacular.

3) The resulting tail should be divided into three parts and from each make a separate pigtail. Then each of them should be wrapped around the elastic band that holds the tail. The ends of the braids must be carefully hidden under the bump so that they do not peek out and the hairdo is carefully patched with hairpins and invisible ones that match the color of the hair and do not stand out. Fix with varnish.

Mesh and hairpins with rhinestones, Chinese sticks are perfect for such a cone as jewelry, they will give the hairstyle a touch of elegance.

2. Babette - a bump with a roller.

Bridget Bordeaux brought to the world of fashion, among other features, a completely new type of hairstyle - “babette”. In those days, people went to great lengths to repeat her inimitable style, so everything that was possible was to help. Now it is much easier to do, because several varieties of special hair rollers were invented. They come in completely different shapes - round, oval, simply elongated. Appearance does not matter, they are all aimed at creating this style of hairstyle. The main thing is to get a roller that matches the color of your hair, it is advisable even to merge against the general background, so the bump will look most impressive. How to recreate a similar analogue of the hairstyle of the 60s:

1) Wash and dry hair thoroughly with a hair dryer. Next, you should comb them thoroughly and leave aside that part of the hair that is next to the bangs.

2) In the manufacture of this hairstyle, we will use an oval roller, so its implementation will be repelled from a similar tool. The roller should be attached to the back of the head and secured with invisibility so that the bagel does not crawl over the head. Next, you should cover the roller with pre-separated strands.

3) The hair itself should be divided in half and braided from each. Take one of them and fasten round around the resulting cone and secure with invisibility. Do the same with the second, but in the opposite direction.

A wonderful decoration for this cone will be a small artificial flower that will flirty peep out.

3. A two-story bump of hair.

Perhaps this version of the hairstyle is the most difficult to make, because there are many restrictions on its manufacture. The main thing is that the hair is naturally very smooth. Otherwise, a very, very strong straightening is required, which can adversely affect the hair. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

1) Rinse and dry hair thoroughly. Straighten if necessary.

2) All available hair should be collected in a bun on the top of the head, and then fix it with varnish.

3) The strands should be divided in half into upper and lower ones, after which the upper ones should be stabbed separately, they will be stacked only after the lower ones.

4) Take the lower half of the hair and separate a few strands. Next, you should wind them with an elastic band and not tighten too much, otherwise the hairstyle will turn out to be too sleek.

five). After one half of the hair is finished, you should go to the second. These strands should be evenly distributed throughout the circle, creating additional volume. The tips must be hidden with the help of invisibles, however, even a little sticking out will look very harmonious.

Such a cone does not require additional decorations, because it already looks very mysterious and alluring.

A bump of hair - how to make a bump of hair on the head: tips from professionals

1. Creating a bump, you should not abuse hairspray, otherwise the hairstyle will look very heavy and unnatural.

2. Do not use ordinary rubber bands such as banking or pharmacy, they can seriously damage your hair. Now on sale there are special silicone rubber bands.

3. If you are the owner of thin hair, it is best to choose a hairstyle option, which involves the use of a roller. It is he who will help to make the missing volume.

4. Do not hesitate to fantasize with jewelry: hoops, tiaras, hairpins. The bump will endure all your favorite accessories.


Watch the video: How To Style A Bump In Your Hair (July 2024).