Tips for going on a trip during pregnancy


If you are expecting a baby, this does not mean that you will have to forget about traveling for a while. Subject to certain rules, such a pleasure is quite possible to afford.

Tip one: when, where and with whom

The first thing you should consider when planning a trip is the gestational age. It is most favorable to travel in the second trimester, while the stomach is not so large, and morning ailments are no longer disturbing.

It is better to refuse trips to exotic countries. Visit the Black Sea, Italy, Croatia, France, where the climate is close to the climatic features of your region. In addition, a long flight can have undesirable consequences.

You must be with a companion with whom you feel protected. It can be a husband, mother, girlfriend.

Tip two: what to do with yourself on a journey

Extreme sports should be abandoned, as well as cycling and horse riding. The best for you is swimming in the sea and just walking. This has a positive effect on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. Overheating in the sun is especially harmful, so go to the beach only in the morning or in the evening and be sure to use sunscreen, a hat and umbrellas. Do not forget about skin care with moisturizers.

If you are too cold, which is also harmful in your situation, immediately warm yourself with hot tea with raspberries (you can with ginger) and take a warm shower.

Stay in a good hotel with air conditioning and a comfortable bed, because you should sleep well and relax. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes. Drink bottled water, avoid new dishes and fast foods for you.

Tip three: how to travel

The most suitable form of transport for expectant mothers is a train. Your place should be on the bottom shelf in the NE or compartment. Stock up on drinking water, food (preferably fresh vegetables and fruits), wet wipes.

You can travel by plane, but not all. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor. During the flight, periodically walk around the cabin and do a warm-up.

When planning to travel by car, grab a pillow under your back. Fasten your seat belt correctly: the lower part should pass under the stomach, and the upper - above the stomach. And do not forget about the workouts.

What else needs to be provided?

Bring a medical card and medical policy with you. Going abroad, take out medical insurance (at a travel agency or insurance company). This is not necessary, but in case of unforeseen circumstances abroad will have to fork out.

And yet, when should a trip be abandoned?

Refuse the trip for exacerbation of chronic diseases. And in no case do not take risks if there is a threat of abortion, late toxicosis, gestosis and other pregnancy complications.

The consultation of the doctor and your own assessment of the capabilities of your body and well-being should be decisive factors in making the final decision - go on a trip or stay at home. Take care of yourself and that future little man whose life now depends only on you.


Watch the video: Traveling While Pregnant: A few tips from Dr. Jagdip Powar (July 2024).