What could be tastier than a juicy kebab with lemon and onions? The best recipes for pork skewers with lemon and onions


Shish kebab is a favorite picnic dish for everyone.

But it can be cooked at home: in the barbecue, in the oven, even in the slow cooker.

Of course, this is not quite right, but you should not deprive yourself and your family of your pleasure of tasting barbecue pork with lemon and onions just because for some reason it’s not possible to go outdoors.

General principles for the preparation of pork skewers with lemon and onions

So that the dish does not disappoint you, choose the right meat. For juicy and soft pork skewers with lemon and onions, it is better to choose meat from the neck. It is not too greasy and quite soft. But you can buy something else, just remember: a good kebab will come from good meat. If you got a tough and unappetizing piece, you can hardly convert it into a fragrant pork skewer with lemon and onions: it is better to use it for cooking the broth, make minced meat and add it to meatballs or use for cooking meat sauce.

To make the meat even juicier and softer, it should be marinated before roasting. Moreover, keep in the marinade pieces at least 9 hours.

There are many different recipes for marinades, some of which you will find on our website. However, many believe that the best option is a pork skewers with lemon and onions. These additives provide the softness and juiciness of the dish, without burdening it at the same time with excessive taste shades that are not to everyone's liking. However, it is worth trying other options: what if he and your loved ones will like him most of all! Actually, you can combine different additives, making a pork barbecue marinade with lemon and onion. For example, mayonnaise, kefir, etc. are suitable for this purpose. These ingredients give some flavor. It should be remembered that after all, lemon and onions are the most natural and unpretentious. They do not clog the taste of meat, but only make it softer.

Grill pork skewers with lemon and onions on the coals, avoiding open fire. A sheet of paper will help determine the desired height: slowly lower it to the coals. If you start to burn, the height is ideal for meat. However, for the first 3-5 minutes it is necessary to lower the skewer lower and hold it this way, often turning over: this is necessary so that the pieces “catch” and juice does not flow out of them. To check the readiness of the meat, it is necessary to slightly cut a piece: light juice indicates that the meat is ready, pink - that it still needs to be held over the coals, the absence of juice - that the kebab is already overcooked.

Recipe 1. Pork skewers with lemon and onions in a classic marinade


Pork neck - a pound

Lemons - 2-3 pieces

Onion - a small onion

Rosemary - 1 sprig

Dry spicy herbs for meat - a spoon or a half, to taste

Salt - a pinch

Garlic - a pair of cloves

Cooking method

Squeeze juice out of lemons. Grind onions with a combine and squeeze juice out of it, mix with lemon. In a mortar, grind garlic with herbs and salt, dilute with lemon and onion juices.

Cut the pork into pieces, if possible of equal size. Submerge them in the marinade, cover with a diameter smaller than a bowl of meat, put a jar of water on top. This is done so that the meat is completely immersed in the marinade.

Soak the pork in this way for several hours, then squeeze slightly and cook as usual.

Recipe 2. Pork skewers with lemon and onions with mayonnaise


Pork - 1 kg

Lemon - 1 large

Mayonnaise - 150 ml

Onion - large onion

Kefir - half a glass

Mint - 5-6 branches

Dried thyme - pinch

Cooking method

Cut the pork into slices of approximately equal size, the onion into rings, the lemon into semicircles 6-7 mm thick. Finely chop the mint with your hands or cut with scissors.

Mix mayonnaise with kefir, mint and thyme.

Put meat, lemon and onion in a bowl and mix everything. Pour the marinade, cover and leave in a cool place for 8 - 12 hours, you can also for a day.

Remove from the marinade pieces of meat, onion and lemon and put them on a skewer. Cook pork skewers with lemon and onions as usual.

Recipe 3. Pork BBQ with lemon and onion "Spicy"


Pork - about a kilogram

Onion - large onion

Lemon - One

Dry wine - 100 ml

Soy Sauce - 50 ml

Sour cream - 50 ml

Sugar is a good pinch

Curry, coriander, nutmeg, ginger (dried) - all together 2 teaspoons

Honey - a tablespoon

Cooking method

Squeeze juice from lemon, mix it with wine (to your taste: white or red), honey and soy sauce. Dry herbs and curry mix with sugar and mix in the marinade.

Chop the onion with a knife or grater.

After cutting it into pieces of the right size, grease it well with sour cream, then mix it with onion, put in a bowl or pan and pour the marinade.

Leave to marinate for at least 8 hours, then remove from marinade and string on skewers.

Recipe 4. Pork BBQ with lemon and onion "Pineapple"


Pork neck (in this case, other meat is undesirable) - kilogram

Pineapple - half, suitable and not very ripe; can, although worse, use canned

Lemon - 1 small or half

Olive oil (can sesame or even sunflower) - 2 tablespoons

Onion - a pair of onions

Sour cream - 100 ml

Cooking method

Pineapple and lemon chopped and chopped with a blender or combine in mashed potatoes. Add oil and sour cream, mix everything thoroughly.

Cut the onion into rings, and the pork neck into slices. Place in a saucepan and mix with pineapple marinade. Leave on for 10 hours.

You can get the pickled meat from the pan, shake it slightly from the marinade and string it on a skewer, together with onions.

Recipe 5. Pork kebab with lemon and onion "Cognac"


Lemon - Half

Onion - 2 onions

Cognac - 60 ml

Meat (pork) - 1 kg

Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon

Black pepper, coriander, basil, oregano, nutmeg, sweet paprika powder

Vegetable oil - a quarter cup

Cooking method

Cut the meat into slices of the desired size, onions - wide half rings. Mix pepper, coriander, herbs and sprinkle them with meat and onions, then mix and leave so.

Mix cognac, juice of half a lemon, soy sauce and vegetable oil. Pour meat and onions with marinade and leave in a cool place for several hours.

Recipe 6. Pork BBQ with Lemon and Onion and Mineral Water

Many people believe that it is highly carbonated mineral water in the marinade that will allow the meat to become juicy and soft.


Highly carbonated mineral water - liter

Pork - one and a half kilograms

Lemon - 1 pretty large

Onion - 3 medium heads

Dried basil, marjoram, thyme and other herbs - a tablespoon of "top"

Black pepper

Cooking method

Mix herbs and pepper, add a pinch of salt.

Cut lemon and peeled onions in advance: lemon slices, as for tea, and onions - part thin, and part - fairly wide rings. Stir the lemon and onion, crushing them slightly, so that the juice stands out.

Pork should be cut into cubes of about the same size, not too big, mix them with lemon and onion and shake a little more so that the meat is covered with lemon-onion juice. Then mix in a mixture of herbs and pepper and salt.

Pour the barbecue with mineral water, which is designed, thanks to the bubbles, to help the marinade penetrate deep into the fibers of the meat.

When stringing pork on a skewer, do not forget the largest pieces of onion - it should also turn out delicious.

Recipe 7. Pork kebab with lemon and onion with kefir


Pork neck meat - 1 ½ kg

Lemon - Medium

Onion - 2 large onions

Kefir - half a liter

Various spicy dried herbs (you can just take the mixture for meat or for barbecue)

Black pepper, salt

Cooking method

Chop the meat.

Peel the onion; cut part of it into neat slices to string together with meat on a skewer, and grind part with a blender, meat grinder or combine.

Grind the lemon with any of these devices.

If there is no blender, no food processor, or even a meat grinder, you can rub everything on a coarse grater, but it’s hard to rub onions: your eyes are watery.

Mix the resulting slurry from lemon and onion with spices and spices and spread on meat. Place it in a bowl and shake several times so that all the pieces are covered with onion-lemon mixture. Put large pieces of onion there. After that, pour the kebab with kefir and put in a cool place for 8 - 10 hours.

When it comes time to fill the skewer, each should, in addition to pork, string together pieces of onion.

Recipe 8. Pomegranate Shish Kebab Sauce

The question arises: what to serve pork skewers with lemon and onions? In addition to traditional ketchup or purchased barbecue sauce, it is worth preparing something special.


Pomegranate juice (better, of course, homemade, because the purchase contains a lot of sugar and other additives - maybe natural, but not "pomegranate" ...) - 1 glass

The wine is red, preferably semi-sweet, but you can semi-dry - 1 glass

Starch - 1 ½ teaspoons

Greens basil, parsley, celery, cilantro in any combination - half a glass in crushed form

Hot red pepper - a small pinch

Salt - half a teaspoon

Cooking method

Mix wine and pomegranate juice and place on the stove. While stirring, cook over very low heat. When the mixture boils, put salt and pepper in it, cover and cook for another quarter of an hour, waiting for the sauce to thicken. Put greens and leave to boil for another couple of minutes, during which spill starch in a quarter cup of water. Pour the starch into the sauce while stirring to prevent lumps. Once the sauce is thick enough, remove it from the heat and cool.

Recipe 9. Feta Shish Kebab Sauce


Feta Cheese - 200 g

Lemon - Half a Small

Garlic - 1 clove

Thick sour cream - 100 g

Spicy fresh herbs (basil, dill, celery, mint, parsley, etc., to taste) - half a bunch

Cooking method

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, cut the greens a little, peel the garlic, smash the feta. Put cheese, garlic, herbs and sour cream in a blender bowl and mash. Dilute with lemon juice. Add a spoonful of olive oil if necessary.

Pork skewers with lemon and onions: tricks and tips

  • It is necessary to salt the meat immediately before cooking, otherwise it will be poorly saturated with marinade.

  • Pork should be marinated in enameled, clay, glassware; steel pots are less suitable for this purpose, and aluminum pots are not suitable at all.

  • If desired, pork skewers with lemon and onions can be cooked not on metal skewers, but on wooden skewers. This is especially convenient if you are cooking the dish not on the grill, but at home, say, in the oven. Before cooking, put the wooden skewers into the water overnight.

  • Do not forget that for the preparation of pork skewers with lemon and onions (as, incidentally, for any other) coal is best suited from fruit tree wood, worse from hardwood, and it is absolutely impossible to use coniferous wood or poisonous wood.

  • Some experts do not recommend stringing onions mixed with meat and other vegetables: they cook faster than meat. However, you can not eat the crossed vegetables, but pickle the onions separately. To do this, cut the purple onion into thin rings and pour in the marinade for half an hour: lemon juice, zest of half a lemon, half a spoonful of salt and sugar, two large tablespoons of vegetable oil and a quarter cup of warm (so that the salt and sugar dissolve) water.


Watch the video: Chicken Kabobs in the Oven in 30 Minutes (July 2024).