The meaning of the name Sabina


Name history Sabina connected with the ancient Roman civilization. In a literal translation, the word means "Sabian". Once Romulus with his servants decided to found a city, which would later be named after him in Rome. Men had to work from dawn to dusk, and there was no one to take care of them. Then it was decided to steal women in the neighboring Sabine tribe. So they did. Among the captives was the leader’s daughter, the beautiful Sabina. The angry leader gathered his army to free the concubines. But when he entered the camp of the enemy, he was surprised that the women of the tribe chose to stay close to their husbands. There was no battle. But the first inhabitants of the future great state appeared.

Sabina - character traits

Since the name "Sabina" does not apply to the Orthodox, it is not widely used in Russia. This name is most often given to girls who are beautiful from birth. Beauty and appearance are the main advantages of Sabina.

In childhood, this girl looks like a doll. She has expressive eyes and luxurious hair. She is cute and talkative. She comes into contact with all the people to whom she likes. Sabina is a relaxed and sociable girl.

As a teenager, Sabina begins to realize her damn attractiveness. Even in youth, when most teenagers look awkward and angular, Sabina remains a real beauty. She has a good slim figure and is very proud of it. Since for Sabina the advantages of her appearance become obvious, she uses this for selfish purposes. She early learns to flirt and attract the attention of the opposite sex and such behavior incredibly angers her classmates. Therefore, Sabina often does not have girlfriends, but friends - more than enough! For her, male society is becoming familiar, she likes to be a star and splash around in the sea of ​​admiring glances.

Growing up, Sabina will begin to sort an infinite number of fans, dividing them into necessary and unnecessary people. Sabine will not be able to deny attention to any man, because her spell is much stronger than willpower and common sense. Sabina will learn to manipulate her boyfriends so masterfully that they will not even suspect how cleverly they are circled around her finger.

Sabina in any position will not work, but build her eyes. For her, a career is not important. The presence of a rich and powerful patron is much more important to her than the place she occupies in public life.

Sabina - name compatibility

For Sabina, the material side of the issue is very important. Accustomed to luxury, it will not be exchanged for trifles. Therefore, when choosing a life partner for her, the status of the future elect will play a paramount role - either he is a prince or he has no chance.

Therefore, Sabina’s marriage is possible with a successful, self-confident and tomorrow man. Sabina will feel like the most expensive diamond in his jewelry box. She will be sure that she owes him an incredible honor by agreeing to become his wife. The best option for building family relationships would be Vladimir, Alexander, Illarion, German. And do not count on a successful alliance with Vitaly, Sergey, Dmitry or Oleg.

Sabina - famous people who bore this name

Sabina Poppea is one of the wives of Neuron, the great emperor.

Sabina Shpilreyn is a famous psychoanalyst of the Soviet era.

Sabina Bergman-Paul is one of the leading figures in the Christian Democratic Union of Germany.

Sabina Azema is a French actress.

Sabina Meyer - musician, famous German clarinet player.

Sabina - interesting facts about the name

In 2002, director R. Faenz released the movie Sabina. The original title of the picture was Take My Soul. The picture tells about the fate of a real woman, Sabina Spielreitzn. She suffered from a severe form of mental disorder. Her attending physician saves Sabina from an ailment using the latest Freudian techniques. After treatment, Sabina herself becomes a psychoanalyst in post-revolutionary Russia.


Sabina 11/03/2016

Sabina 09/22/2016
Yes indeed, I have a lot of enemies!

Sabina 06/24/2016

Sabina 06/05/2016
yes, more friends than girlfriends)

Sakha 05.24.2016
Che for stupidity ?? Pffff ... I’m completely different, well, that I’m pretty, yes. But my mission is not to seduce someone but to get a good and beloved work of mine !!!!!


Watch the video: Sabina name meaning. Sabina naam ka matlab kya hai (July 2024).