Mark Name Meaning


Name Mark has ancient Greek roots and according to one version came from the name Marcos (from the Latin. "Marcus" - "hammer"). According to another version, this name is derived from the name of the god of war, the patron saint of people and herds - Mars.

The venerable Mark the Undertaker, who faithfully served God and the church, was kind and patient with all, was an intercessor of the weak and humiliated, is considered the patron saint of the name.

Mark - character traits

The name Mark characterizes its bearer as a practical and independent person with a sober mind. Among other names used in Russia, it seems foreign, which, of course, affects Mark's subconscious.

Mark has an increased pride, and in combination with an aversion to painful introspection and poise - a sense of his right to superiority. However, the practical Mark will prefer not to show it to others in order to avoid misunderstandings.

Despite a sober mind, he is not devoid of dreaminess and imagination. Mark's dreams are not at all like a simple wandering in the clouds, but have solid ground beneath them. He is very ambitious, but he does not forget about the material side of life. Mark has good strong-willed qualities and a strong character, so he can achieve significant success in life, while his clear diplomatic abilities make him a good leader.

Sometimes Mark tries to fill up the scanty depth of his feelings with acting and logic. Moreover, he prefers to hide his negative emotions in public, but gives them free rein in the presence of his loved ones. If Mark, for self-affirmation in the team, plays the warmth of a relationship, then this can eventually squeeze real heat out of his soul.

In general, Mark can wish him to delve deeper into the problems of his loved ones and try to build on sincerity. If Mark does not follow these tips, then his severity will create a rather cold relationship in the family.

It is best to communicate with him in the language of logic, while placing emphasis on prospects and benefits. It’s hard to wait for a scandal with unfamiliar people or colleagues, but if that happens, you can always correct the situation with the help of subtle humor.

Mark chooses a life partner very carefully and is looking for a woman who can simultaneously be his unquestioning assistant, an impeccable girlfriend and a person who can sacrifice her interests for him. She must admit that Mark has undoubted intellectual superiority, even if it is not at all. A creatively gifted woman with a pronounced personality will most likely oppress and annoy him.

Mark - Name Compatibility

The most favorable relationship will be Mark with Barbara, Anna, Anastasia, Ada, Agatha, Evdokia, Faith, Dora, Mirra, Maria, Marianne, Faina, Stella, Rosa, Emma and Frida. Less successful will be a marriage with Anfisa, Alice, Agniya, Vladislav, Victoria, Valeria. Catherine, Irina, Inna, Xenia, Claudia, Kira, Nora, Nika, Stephanie, Stanislava, Seraphim, Svetlana, Eleanor and Yana.

Mark - famous people who bore this name

This name is from Gallay, Twain, Chagall, Ruffo, Guillaume Albert Vadier, Cicero, Martial, Varron, Brutus, Rozovsky, Antokolsky, Zakharov, Aurelius and Bernes.

Mark - interesting facts about the name

- planet named Saturn;
- zodiac sign - virgo;
- stone mascot - diamond, agate;
- colors - white, red, yellow and steel.


Natalya 08/15/2016
I really like the name Mark, so I named my son that way. Yes, he is stubborn, somewhere annoying, but in his heart a very vulnerable and kind, positive child. Even outsiders say that the leader is growing, and pediatricians have noticed from the birth that the boss is growing. And in general, I believe that everything depends on the education of parents!

Ivanna 04.16.2016
It seems to me that such advice as: paying more attention to loved ones, delving into their problems - will not bring any result. Even if Mark begins to delve into and listen, it will be all frivolous, because this is not in the soul, just a cold calculation.

Olga 04/16/2016
No, well, you can pretend to be good-natured, even very successfully - with good skill. But, all this, sooner or later will open up, will manifest itself in some little thing. Although, people like Mark, this probably does not bother them at all. They care only about their own opinions.

Elena 04/16/2016
After all, there are women who want just such a relationship. They are quite satisfied with being submissive to the husband in everything, silent, and without special claims. I understand that Mark is able to provide for his family, and his wife does not need to work at all.

Xiu 04.16.2016
And I always knew that Mark was on my mind. I was familiar with one. Arrogant - to impossibility. He knows everything, and even better than others. No, he is not trying to learn how to live. He simply will not communicate with people whom he does not consider equal.
