Garlic breath - how to get rid of quickly and permanently with affordable methods. Effective means for fresh breath


Many of us like to treat ourselves to aromatic dishes, abundantly seasoned with garlic.

For such gastronomic preferences you have to pay with bad breath.

Today you will learn what to do with the smell of garlic from your mouth - how to get rid of it.

Garlic breath - how to get rid of: oral hygiene

Modern cuisine is hard to imagine without fragrant garlic. A plant that contains vitamins and trace elements in abundance is able to add zest to the simplest dish. However, garlic contains various sulfur compounds that react chemically with bacteria, which in turn leads to bad breath. Consider effective ways to help deal with this problem.

Hygiene products

The most effective and easiest way to get rid of bad smell is considered to be the use of available hygiene products:

• toothpaste and brushes;

• dental floss;

• mouthwash balm.

After thoroughly rinsing the mouth with water, the particles of garlic stuck in the teeth will help to remove the toothpaste and brush. The remnants of food, creating an odor, easily eliminates dental floss. It is also recommended to use a mouthwash. The product, which has antimicrobial and disinfecting effects, copes with odors perfectly, and also perfectly refreshes and tones.

Garlic breath - how to get rid of it: effective and affordable methods

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables such as potatoes and carrots help restore fresh breath and the ability to communicate with others freely. A few spoons of these odor-absorbing vegetables and you can forget about the other bad breath.

Mushrooms and fruits of citrus plants also have the ability to "absorb" the smell of garlic. Lemon is especially good at this task. Having chewed its zest a little, you will become the owner of a pleasant breath.

Alcoholic drinks

A stack of vodka is one of the most unusual ways to get rid of the smell of garlic. The fact is that alcohol kills all microbes and, accordingly, the smell after garlic also disappears. If you still decide to use this method, it is very important not to overdo it. After all, then you have to look for a way to get rid of a more unpleasant odor.

Heavy drink

It is believed that you can get rid of the smell of garlic if you drink a large amount of pure water. Drinking plenty of fluids will not only cleanse the breath, but also benefit the entire body. Also, experts recommend trying one glass of water. According to them, such a drink is very refreshing.


Any greens will help to quickly get rid of the stench from the mouth:

• dill,

• parsley,

• cilantro,

• mint.

You just need to take a small bunch of greens and rinse it under water. Then it should be eaten, chewing slowly. You can eat greens in any form. If it is difficult for you to eat it in its pure form, then you can make it your favorite vegetable salad or just make tea. These methods help eliminate other bad odors, including alcohol.

Chewing gum

Chewing gums without sugar with xylitol and cinnamon are great for fighting for clean breath. Chewing gum increases the amount of saliva secreted, which allows you to quickly “wash off” the unpleasant odor. After chewing it for several minutes, your breath will become fresh and clean.

Black tea and dairy products

After a recent meal with garlic, a strong, hot tea will help get rid of bad breath. You can enhance the effect of the drink if you add a small slice of lemon and a leaf of mint to it.

An excellent protection against unpleasant odors will be any dairy products drunk before meals. A glass of milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir will provide reliable protection against stench.

Spices and coffee beans

Aromatic spices such as cloves, cardamom and cinnamon perfectly mask the smell of garlic. It is necessary to put a small amount of seasoning on the cheek and suck for a while. A strong, burning taste of spices is not liked by everyone, but in order to cope with the smell, you can tolerate a little.

Fresh coffee grains are a magic remedy for the smell of garlic. You need to chew only one seed to freshen your breath.


An excellent alternative to spices is nuts. It is noteworthy that to combat the smell of garlic, not only walnuts, but also cedar and almonds are suitable. Having chewed some tasty nuts, you will not only please the body with useful substances, but also get rid of self-doubt.

Activated carbon

This tool has a unique ability to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body. You need to hold the coal in your mouth for a while. There is no trace of a heavy smell. The only drawback of this method is the staining of the tongue, teeth and gums in black.

Garlic smell from the mouth - how to get rid with rinses

Vegetable oil rinse

For this method, it is better to use any natural cold-pressed oil without any additives. Oil rinse has long been used by Indian medicine for healing. It allows you to not only draw out toxins from the body, but also perfectly clean the oral cavity.

Take one tablespoon of oil and start rinsing your mouth. The product, mixed with saliva, will acquire the consistency of milk and become slightly viscous. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Then simply spit out the oil in the sink and rinse your mouth with warm water.

Mustard mouthwash

Hot seasoning remarkably fights the bad smell of garlic if you rinse your mouth with it. You need to take one teaspoon of mustard and dilute it in a small amount of water. The resulting fluid should be thoroughly rinsed with the oral cavity. This procedure is not pleasant, but it solves the problem of unwanted odor perfectly.

Now you know how to deal with the smell of garlic from your mouth, how to get rid of bad breath in affordable ways. Choose the most suitable option for yourself and do not deprive yourself of the pleasure to enjoy dishes with garlic.


Watch the video: Got Bad Breath - Try this natural Remedies to get rid of bad breath fast (June 2024).