Hip muscle sore - can this lead to immobility? What threatens pain in the muscles of the thigh and how to get rid of it


The thigh muscles can hurt after prolonged physical exertion, as well as in independence from them.

Pain can limit mobility.

If symptoms occur, measures should be taken to eliminate them as soon as possible.

Hip muscle aches: causes

The occurrence of pain in the thigh can be a consequence of: injuries, injuries, recent infections, lack of vitamins or other beneficial substances. Pain is just an initial symptom that may indicate the development and presence of many diseases. Therefore, to find out the cause of the pain, you need to visit a specialist.

Doctors distinguish several diseases in which the hip muscles hurt.

Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head

If a person has sore thigh muscles, then this may indicate the presence of aseptic necrosis. The disease develops rapidly, within a few days the pain continues to develop and intensify. The cause of the disease is impaired blood flow in the femoral arteries.


Myositis is an inflammation of the muscles that occurs as a result of injuries, hypothermia, muscle cramps. The disease always proceeds in different forms.

With myositis, in the area of ​​the skin of the thigh, compaction, swelling is observed. In order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to prevent strong muscle tension, and also not to be in the cold for a long time.


The main symptom of the disease is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, pain. They occur with inflammation of the arteries. The sensation of pain is so strong that when you try to touch the muscles, it will only intensify.


Over time, the articular cartilage wears out, a complication of depreciation occurs, and pain gradually arises. The disease develops gradually, at the first stage the patient feels a slight pain in the muscles of the thigh when walking. After some time, there is a restriction in movement, with physical exertion, the condition worsens. The power of pain is affected by the weather. With coxarthrosis, stage 3, you can not do without surgical intervention.

Quite often, the thigh muscles hurt due to injuries. The most common ones are hip muscle tear and tear.

When ruptured, the frontal surface is damaged; it occurs during impacts.

The main symptoms of the rupture are as follows:

• there is a feeling of cod;

• the affected area becomes more sensitive;

• muscle tension causes severe pain.

• If the hip muscle rupture is complete, a hematoma is formed.

Thigh muscle tear

Injury is a consequence of sports injury, but it can be found not only in athletes. You can provoke a tear when falling from a height, jumping or running fast. Severe pain and swelling occurs at the site of damage.

Partial rupture of the biceps

Injury occurs when jerking or jerking. Rupture can occur at the place where the muscles pass into the tendons. On palpation, the patient feels severe pain, muscle tension is greatly weakened, movements are limited. The sensation of pain is tolerable, it occurs in the inner surface of the thigh. If you take the thigh to the side, the biceps muscle will ache.

Hip Muscle Sore: First Aid

Therapeutic tactics depend on the cause of the pain. In severe cases, hospitalization will not be possible. If there is pain in the muscles of the thigh, you need to see a doctor, but before doing this, perform several actions that will ease the condition before the doctors arrive.

1. Stop physical activity. For example, if the pain appeared during physical exertion, you need to rest, during which time the muscles can recover. But if after rest the pain did not subside, you should visit a doctor.

2. Lie down. In order to reduce the load, you must lie down.

3. Massage your thigh. The method is good for injuries, but if nerves or blood vessels are affected, it will not be effective.

4. Apply cold to the site of inflammation. Use the method is allowed for injuries, bruises or sprains. To do this, use ice wrapped in cloth. Under the influence of cold, the sensitivity of nerve endings will be reduced, this will reduce pain. In addition, the cold has a vasoconstrictor effect, which means that the occurrence of a hematoma can be avoided.

Hip muscle ache: treatment

In most cases, pain in the muscles of the thigh is accompanied by inflammation of the tissues. Some drugs can suppress the inflammatory process, thereby the pain will not be so pronounced.

Nonsteroidal drugs - Diclofenac, Nimisil, Indomethacin.

Painkillers - Paracetamol.

Coxarthrosis treatment

You need to start treatment for the disease as soon as possible.

Drug therapy - muscle relaxants, under their influence, spasmodic muscles relax. Vasoconstrictors - blood circulation normalizes.

Massage. If the massage is performed correctly, metabolic processes in the tissues will be significantly accelerated, and this will lead to a quick recovery.


• joint mobility will improve;

• muscles get stronger;

• tissue edema will subside;

• the pain will not be so pronounced;

Surgery. During surgery, bone growths will be removed.

Aseptic Necrosis Treatment

It takes a long time to treat the disease, since the damaged tissue is restored slowly. The main activities include taking medication, physiotherapy, intra-articular administration of drugs.

Another new treatment for the disease is tunneling. New artificial channels are formed in the bone substance. Due to this, intraosseous pressure decreases, the pain becomes not so pronounced.

Myositis treatment

If a disease occurs, specialists prescribe medication, for example, finalgon, ketoconazole, pyrantel. Which drug will be prescribed depends on the cause of the disease.

A few days after the inflammatory process decreases, physiotherapy can be used.

Important! Before a doctor's examination, you can only take painkillers. Other medicines must not be taken without the appointment of a specialist.

Hip muscles ache: folk remedies

There are many reasons for the occurrence of pain. The doctor will probably prescribe medications for you, they can be combined with folk remedies. But remember that one traditional medicine will not be so effective, so be sure to combine it with traditional treatment.


Take 4 parts of lard, but unsalted, one part of dried field horsetail, all combine and mix. It is recommended to rub the learned ointment into a sore spot with myositis.

Compress with cabbage

In order to get rid of pain in the muscles of the thigh, use the following remedy: Lather two sheets of cabbage with laundry soap, sprinkle with baking soda on top, and gently attach to the thigh. Secure everything with a woolen scarf.

Bay oil

If you often have muscle soreness in your thigh, prepare the following remedy. Buy laurel oil at the pharmacy, add 10 drops of oil in one liter of warm water. In the resulting solution, moisten a towel, attach to the thigh. After 20-30 minutes, the pain should subside.

Chamomile oil

For pain in the thigh muscle, oil prepared on the basis of chamomile will help. Take a small amount of butter, warm it to room temperature. Mash the camomile well to a powder. In a ratio of 1: 4, mix the powder with oil. Before rubbing the product into a sore spot, warm it a little.

Big burdock

Burdock has good anti-inflammatory properties. Tear off a few leaves of the plant and scald them with boiling water. Fold them in one pile, and then cover the sore spot, fix on top with a woolen scarf.


The most effective and common remedy to combat pain in the thigh muscles is honey. A sore spot can simply be greased with it, and covered with a film on top. The procedure is repeated several times a day, for 20-30 minutes each time. Honey gives a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Carefully monitor your health and, in which case, be sure to visit a medical institution!


Watch the video: These Are The Symptoms and Signs You May Have a Blood Clot in Your Leg (July 2024).