Can I wash the blanket in the washing machine? How to wash different types of blankets: practical washing tips


If you use a duvet cover and make regular linen changes, you often don’t have to wash the blanket at all.

However, if the blanket remains without washing for a long time, it will start to smell bad, so it will need to be freshened.

Depending on what type of filler you use for your blanket, each type has its own distinctive features.

Despite this, there are 2 simple rulesto be observed when washing in all cases:

  • Before loading the blanket into the washing machine, wrap it in a straw. This is necessary in order to facilitate the task of getting an already clean blanket out of the drum;

  • When washing any type of blanket, you need to set gentle mode and double rinse. This mode allows you to completely wash the detergent from the blanket, and the filler will not be damaged during the washing process.

Is it possible to wash a wool blanket in a washing machine

Woolen blankets to this day continue to be popular, but when it is time to wash it, inexperienced housewives often think about how to do it right. If the automatic machine allows you to load 5 kg of laundry, then there will be no problems. To wash such a product, you need to set the easy wash mode and the minimum spin speed. The best option - do not wring the woolen product at all. Just let the water drain, and lay it on a flat surface.

For wool products, it is best to use a liquid detergent. It is recommended to dry it in a place where direct sunlight does not fall. If we are talking about a large double product, then washing such a voluminous and weighty thing just does not work, you have to do it manually or use the laundry service. Use a concentrated fabric softener to remove unpleasant odors from your woolen product. However, too zealous is also not necessary, because it will be difficult to fall asleep due to a too pungent smell.

Can I wash the padding blanket in the washing machine

Sintepon products differ from all others in their practicality. Before you start washing such a product (as, indeed, any other), examine its surface for major contaminants. After you soak them, you can proceed to washing in the machine. In the process of washing, the synthetic winterizer has the property of straying in one coal blanket, so in order to avoid this, you can put several tennis balls or special stones in the machine.

If there are no stitches in such a blanket, you need to fasten it yourself - large stitches and material will not pile up. Drying sintepon things does not require any special requirements, this can be done both outdoors and on the dryer.

If you don’t have a washing machine at home, you can also wash such a blanket manually. Since when washing it will get water and become heavy enough, it is better that men's hands do it. Washing can be done in a bathroom with a temperature of no more than 40 ° C. We dilute the detergent in water and you can start washing.

How to wash a blanket from bamboo filler

This type of blanket can be washed without problems both in manual mode and in automatic mode. Bamboo fibers are quite resistant to wear and can withstand up to 500 washings! The only condition is not to use bleaches and other aggressive agents in their composition. Also make sure that the water temperature is not higher than 30 ° C. You shouldn’t be too zealous for pressing bamboo products, since moistened bamboo fibers are very brittle. Therefore, when scrolling the product in the drum, set the soft spin mode (up to 600 revolutions). For complete drying, it will be quite simple to spread it on a smooth surface.

Is it possible to wash a silk blanket in a washing machine

It is not safe to wash this type of filler! The fiber can very easily lose its structure and stray into lumps. It is better to remove contaminated areas with careful surface treatment. Most silk products have zippers on the side seam. With it, you can turn the blanket inside out and take out the fibers. Thus, it will be much easier to wash the surface of a silk blanket.

How to wash a cotton blanket

A blanket made of cotton is a thing familiar to us since childhood, and many people today use them in everyday life, since they are very warm and you will not freeze under them in winter. But to wash such products in the machine is not an easy task.

Vata has a very serious drawback - it absorbs all third-party odors, and after a while you can invariably encounter charms and staleness in the blanket. Like other types, a cotton blanket can be washed no more than once every 3-4 months. Cotton products are very problematic when washing. The fact is that if you completely wet it, then it will dry for a very long time, and often an unpleasant smell appears in it. It is better to use dry wash, and wash contaminated areas in places. The best option for a huge double option is the laundry room.

A few practical tips for washing blankets

1) before rinsing (if you wash it by hand) add a couple of drops of wine vinegar to the water;

2) if the thing has somewhat lost its former brightness, add a lemon slice to the water, this will make it possible to slightly improve the color;

3) for washing especially contaminated areas, it is necessary to dry them thoroughly and rub them with a “rough” brush;

4) squeeze the blankets very carefully: set the machine to the lowest possible speed, in manual mode - leave it to drain and dry naturally. Do not use a clothesline; it can severely deform the product;

5) the blanket can be stored in a bag with oxygen access or a special vacuum bag.

Remember that not all blankets can be machine washed, follow the instructions for each individual type of product, because each of them has its own characteristics.


Watch the video: Helpful Laundry Tips & Tricks! Simple & Fresh Laundry Ideas That Save Time & Money Clean My Space (July 2024).