Cooking yummy beef stew. Hearty and simple variations on the theme of beef stew: with beans, prunes, mushrooms


Stew - a dish from the class "everything that was found in the refrigerator."

Not quite so in practice, but, having looked through the collection of recipes, with almost one hundred percent accuracy, you can be sure that most of the available products will go into one or another recipe.

Vegetable stews, in addition to accessibility and usefulness, are also unusually tasty. By adding meat to them, they achieve a richer, "nourishing" taste and a really higher calorie dish.

It is beef in vegetable stew that creates the necessary taste balance, due to the relatively low fat content and the absence of a specific flavor inherent in, for example, lamb.

Beef stew - general principles of cooking

• To cook a delicious and satisfying beef stew, it is not necessary to have a culinary talent. An inexperienced chef will be able to cope with such a simple dish in cooking.

• To prepare a dish from kitchen utensils, you will need a cauldron or a sufficiently deep pan, in which the meat will be fried, and then the stew itself will be stewed for a long time. Another pan is needed for vegetables, which, after frying with other products, are added to the meat.

• Pans and cauldrons must be thick-walled. It is in such utensils that the products reach readiness evenly, and with prolonged stewing the dish does not burn.

• Beef stew can also be cooked in a multicooker; in this collection there is a recipe for a stew for a Panasonic multicooker equipped with the Baking and Stewing functions.

• Stew is especially tasty when cooked in pots in the oven. The dish is not just stewed, but languished, absorbing all the aromas and tastes of the original products.

• Beef for stews is suitable in any form: frozen, chilled or fresh. Defrost frozen meat in advance.

• In beef stew, in addition to onions, you can add any vegetables, mushrooms, sour cream and even sour milk to the meat.

• Spices are laid according to the recipe or add not too spicy to your liking.

Beef Stew with Beans and Tomatoes


• 600 grams of beef (pulp);

• 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 50 grams of butter;

• large onion head;

• garlic - 3 cloves;

• 200 grams of canned beans;

• 400 grams of ripe tomatoes;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• light raisins - 60 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Cut meat into arbitrary pieces. Medium, but not too small.

2. In a small cauldron, warm the vegetable oil and dip the beef slices into it. Fry quickly on all sides over high heat until a delicate golden crust appears.

3. Add washed dry raisins, salt, pepper. Pour in a little drinking water, a little more than half a glass and simmer under a tightly closed lid for an hour and a half. Make sure that there is always enough water, top up if necessary.

4. Finely chop the garlic with onions and fry them until golden brown on a separate bowl (pan) in vegetable oil with the addition of cream.

5. From the jar with beans, strain the marinade, on the tomatoes make a cross-shaped incision near the stem, remove the peel and chop the pulp.

6. Put the tomatoes and beans in a frying pan, stir well and keep on low heat for five minutes.

7. Dice the peeled potatoes in large cubes and boil for literally seven minutes.

8. When the meat is ready, it should be soft, transfer fried vegetables and potatoes to it. Cook another 25 minutes. over low heat until the potatoes are completely stewed.

Beef Stew with Prunes and Sour Cream Sauce


• 900 grams of veal (tenderloin);

• 250 ml of 15% sour cream;

• onion head;

• prunes - 150 grams;

• wheat flour - 50 grams;

• a small pinch of cinnamon, ground black pepper, paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the veal cut, remove thick films from the meat and cut into small strips of a centimeter thickness. Fight off a bit.

2. In a deep frying pan, heat the refined oil well and fry the pieces of veal in it. The pan must be thick-walled. Fry the meat at maximum heat, quickly turning the pieces on the other side. At this stage of preparation, it is only necessary to achieve the appearance of a golden crust, preserving the entire juice inside.

3. Reduce the heat to medium, report the onions finely chopped with a knife to the meat and continue cooking.

4. In a dry frying pan without adding fat, set the flour to fry. When the flour has a soft brown tint, pour in the sour cream. Stirring intensively with a spoon so that the flour does not collect into lumps, bring the mixture to a boil.

5. Add paprika and table salt, sprinkle with cinnamon and, stirring, warm. Do not let it boil and let stand for three minutes on heating.

6. Pour cooked sour cream sauce prepared with onion meat. Add cold boiled water so that it covers the meat, mix everything well and cook under the lid for about 30 minutes.

7. Add the stew soaked in water and then dried prunes to the stew, mix everything again and bring the dish for half an hour until cooked.

Vegetable beef stew with eggplant and zucchini


• kilogram of calf pulp;

• three small young squash;

• two large eggplants;

• two sweet peppers (different colors);

• tomatoes - 0.5 kg;

• two carrots;

• a small head of garlic (4 cloves);

• to taste - fine salt, spices and spices.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant together with the peel into large strips, put in a colander, lightly sprinkle with salt and let it stand for forty minutes so that all the bitterness comes out of them. Under a colander, put a deep plate of a slightly smaller diameter than himself. On top of the eggplant, you can put a small small plate and lightly crush it with a load, then bitterness will come off better.

2. Grate the tomatoes with a coarse grater, do not rub the peel, you only need juice.

3. In a thick-walled deep dish, put the meat, cut into square pieces of medium size. Pour 200 ml of drinking cold water and put on a medium heat to stew.

4. When all the liquid has evaporated, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and brown the meat on all sides, increasing the heat for this.

5. Reduce heat again, sprinkle pieces of meat with spices, add onion chopped medium-sized half rings and fry everything together for 2 minutes.

6. Add the chopped carrots, mix and continue to fry for another 3 minutes.

7. Turn off the stove and lay out the eggplant, half rings of zucchini and chopped bell peppers, chopped garlic, layer by layer on top of the frying.

8. Pour everything with mashed tomatoes, salt, add 100 ml of water or dry wine. Lay out small pieces of hard butter on the surface and, having covered the container with a lid, set it to boil over medium heat.

9. When the stew boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for about two hours. It is not recommended to remove the lid during extinguishing, and mix too. If the temperature is set correctly, the stew will not burn.

10. Remove the prepared stew from the stove, stir well. If necessary, add salt and let the dish brew for at least 30 minutes.

Beef stew with mushrooms and potatoes in pots


• 500 grams of beef (brisket);

• 400 grams of fresh champignons;

• onion - 2 large heads;

• one medium carrot;

• 400 grams of potatoes;

• 100 grams of hard "Russian" or "Kostroma" cheese;

• black pepper peas - 5 pcs.;

• Lavrushka - 1 leaf;

• half a teaspoon of hops-suneli;

• 50 ml of light soy sauce;

• natural butter - 40 grams;

• 30 grams of 45% mayonnaise;

• a large clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the breast with the bones into pieces 3-4 cm wide, rinse well and pat dry with a disposable towel.

2. Sprinkle pieces of meat with spices, pour in soy sauce, add mayonnaise and, after mixing, leave for 30 minutes.

3. Put the pickled beef in a dry frying pan and sauté until golden brown.

4. Cut the champignons along thin plates and set on a small fire to fry. When almost all the juice from the mushrooms evaporates, put onions cut into small cubes to them, and after three minutes report the grated carrots. Cook, stirring systematically, for five minutes.

5. Rub the bottom and inner walls of the clay pot with garlic. Transfer to it the fried slices of beef, small cubes of raw potatoes and a fry of mushrooms with onions and carrots.

6. Add salt to your taste, preferably finely ground. Pour 400 ml of boiled warm water, lower the bay leaf, peppercorns and cover the pot with a lid. If not, cover the pot with foil and wrap it tightly.

7. Put the filled pot in the oven and cook the stew for one hour at 180 degrees. The stew pot should only be placed in a cold oven.

8. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, remove the stew from the oven, sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese on top and put it back. Bring to readiness.

Mushroom Beef Stew with Pasta


• beef pulp - 300 grams;

• fresh mushrooms - 250 grams;

• voluminous pasta "Spiral", or a similar form - 200 grams;

• a glass (250 ml) of vegetable broth;

• 150 grams of sour cream, 15% fat;

• head of white onion;

• two medium carrots;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a small bunch of parsley, without stems.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the flesh, cut off excess thick films. Wipe dry with a napkin and cut into arbitrary small pieces.

2. In a well-heated skillet with refined oil, fry the pieces of meat. Fry the meat very quickly, it should only take a light brown crust, and not stew.

3. Chop the onion and send it to the meat, add randomly chopped fresh mushrooms, small carrot sticks. Here, push garlic through a press and simmer on low heat until the meat is ready.

4. When the pieces of beef become soft, salt, add the sour cream diluted with a vegetable broth and bring the stew to a boil over high heat.

5. Transfer the prepared mushroom stew to the dishes with pre-cooked "Spirals", mix gently and put on a very low fire. Stew until thickened.

Beef honey stew with bell pepper in the oven


• 700 grams of young veal;

• one onion;

• two pods of sweet fleshy pepper;

• a third glass of honey (90 gr.);

• 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon, sugar, chopped dry ginger and black pepper;

• 1/2 teaspoon of small table salt;

• half a liter of sour milk;

• 40 g butter "Peasant" butter.

Cooking method:

1. Diced beef pulp, cut into cubes (3 cm), place without frying, fry on a small plate heat with onions chopped with thick half rings.

2. After eight minutes, add half-sliced ​​pulp of sweet pepper and continue to fry for five minutes. Do not forget to occasionally mix the fry.

3. Melt the honey in the microwave or in a water bath and pour it into the fry. Stir thoroughly, add ginger, pepper, cinnamon. Stir again and simmer another five minutes.

4. Then transfer the roasting to heat-resistant dishes or any suitable baking dish. Pour milk, it should completely cover the meat and put in the oven.

5. Stew the stew in the oven at 180 degrees until all the milk has evaporated.

Vegetable beef stew with potatoes - a recipe for a multi-cooker "Panasonic"


• beef - 600 grams;

• a small onion;

• three medium carrots;

• 300 grams of potatoes;

• 400 grams of white cabbage;

• two medium fleshy tomatoes;

• two peppers of bell pepper;

• three cloves of garlic;

• Extra salt, spices to your taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beef in a large piece under the tap, if there are dense white films and tendons, remove them by cutting off with a knife.

2. Cut processed and thoroughly towel-dried meat into not too large and at the same time not into small pieces.

3. In a dry bowl of the multicooker, without fat, put pieces of beef and fry it in the “Baking” mode for twenty minutes.

4. In centimeter cubes, chop the carrots with onions, pepper - with short narrow cubes, and chop the garlic very finely. Transfer the vegetables to the cooking meat and fry, without changing the regime for ten minutes.

5. Now put the potatoes, cut into two-centimeter cubes, chopped cabbage into the bowl for vegetables.

6. After the cabbage, immediately add the coarsely chopped tomatoes, spices, salt. Pour a glass (200 ml) of cold filtered water and change the "Baking" mode to "Stew" for an hour and a half.

Beef Stew - Tricks and Tips

• Do not ignore the roasting of meat. Due to the fact that the pieces of beef are covered with a golden brown crust during frying, the beef in the stew is not cooked and not dry.

• Do not rush to lay vegetables for unprepared meat. It will not reach the preparedness before the due date, and vegetables during long stewing will be too digested, and it will turn out not stew, but vegetable porridge.

• Laurel added to the aroma stew, remove immediately when the dish is ready. If this is not done, then the stew can be bitter.

• Add tomatoes as a last resort, as the acid released from them prevents other vegetables from reaching readiness.

• The ideal cookware for stews is a thick-walled cast-iron, or steel pot, covered with a thick layer of enamel, or ceramic. If you don’t inherit such dishes, now you can buy them at flea markets.


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