June 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 1st.


Holidays June 1

International Children's Day

This holiday has been celebrated in the world every year since 1950. Its purpose is to attract people's attention to the situation of children in the family and society. This is a reminder to the adult population about the need to respect the rights of the child - to life, education, rest, freedom of opinion, religion. Adults should not forget that absolutely every child, regardless of place of birth and skin color, should have a carefree childhood. In which there is no place for threats, aggression, violence and exploitation of child labor.

On June 1, numerous entertainment events are organized for millions of children around the world - free rides on the rides, crayon drawing on asphalt, watching children's films in movie theaters, free distribution of balloons, ice cream and other sweets. From squares, parks, cafes comes a sonorous joyful laughter of children. For many schoolchildren, it is on this day that their favorite summer vacation begins.

World Milk Day

The International Food and Agriculture Organization, operating under the auspices of the United Nations, once took the initiative to celebrate June 1 as World Milk Day every year. This day was not chosen by chance. In some Western countries, milk day has already been celebrated as a national holiday. And it fell just on June 1, or on days close to this date. Therefore, we settled on this day. The first international celebration took place in 2001. After 7 years, about 40 countries celebrated the milk festival, including Russia - the main festivities took place in the Rostov region. Where on sports and theatrical venues of the Central Park held sports, exciting games. Here, free distribution of dairy products was made, and fairy-tale characters arranged all kinds of performances on dairy topics. The organization of the celebration was undertaken by two companies - Tetra Pak and ALL. The purpose of the celebration of World Milk Day is to promote a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, to clarify the benefits of dairy products and to educate people about activities related to milk production.

June 1 in the folk calendar

June 1, according to the folk calendar, is marked as Ivan the Long. Long - because the day is longer than the night, and while it passes, many things can be redone, and there will still be time to rest. There are many signs associated with June in Ivan. For example, to find out what month will be - rainy or not, you need to pay attention to the weather. If it rains on Ivan, and the day following him, by the dry hot summer. After Ivan, the real summer came, they hid warm clothes for the winter as unnecessary. Cucumbers were planted on Ivan for a long time, and fields were spoken of from crop failures, bad weather, evil eye, pests.

Historical events of June 1

June 1, 1933 Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant launched

His first brainchild was caterpillar tractors with a capacity of 60 hp, which worked on ligroin fuel. Only in 1937 more economical diesel tractors began to roll off the assembly line. During the Second World War, the Kharkov and Kirov Motor Plants were evacuated to Chelyabinsk. And by common efforts, on the basis of the tractor plant, the production of tanks, including the famous T-34s, was started. Modern ChTZ has changed not only its name (now it is URALTRAK), but also expanded its products, which enter the external and internal market. These are bulldozers, pipe layers, mini tractors and frontal loaders, as well as spare parts for them and other engineering high-tech products.

June 1, 1935 in England have entered exams to obtain a driver’s license

From that moment on, in order to become a full-fledged driver of a car, it was necessary to obtain registration car numbers and pass exams, proving that the driver is ready to drive a car. Only then he was given a driver's license.

June 1, 1936 open direct flight Moscow-Vladivostok

Now it’s hard to imagine, but before 1936, to get from Moscow to Vladivostok by plane, it was necessary to spend 4 days on the road and make several transfers. What caused passengers great inconvenience. And only the opening of a transcontinental airline at one time solved their problems. By the way, this route is still considered one of the longest in the world.

June 1, 1938 Superman's birthday

The world saw the first issue of the comic book magazine, on the pages of which appeared the defender of the offended and oppressed - the invincible Superman. In a well-known now all over the world tight-fitting blue suit. The author of his adventures was Jerry Seagal, and embodied the idea in drawings, including the creation of the famous costume - the artist Joe Schuster. The magazine was called "Action Comics".

June 1, 2009 the biggest plane crash in the history of Air France

June 1, 2009 Airbus A 330 with 228 passengers departed from Rio de Janeiro, heading for Paris. 4 hours after departure, the airbus fell into the turbulence zone, then disappeared from the radar. When the plane did not arrive in Paris at the scheduled time, and according to experts' estimates, it should have run out of fuel, the search for the missing ship began. The next day, the wreckage of the French A 330 was discovered by search aircraft. All passengers and crew died.

Born on June 1

Marilyn Monroe (June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962), American actress

The first summer day of 1926 in Los Angeles, Norma Jean Mortinson (Baker) was born - a sex symbol of the twentieth century, known around the world under the name Marilyn Monroe. She starred in several films - "Love Nest", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "Choristers", "Only Girls in Jazz," etc. Only a few can appreciate what kind of actress she was. But what a woman was, millions cannot forget. Unfortunately, beauty and charm did not bring Marilyn happiness. Throughout her life, she was fondled by the attention of men, but she remained lonely and not understood by them. Disappointed in life and men, she voluntarily left this world at the age of 36 years. The pathologist found death from an overdose of sleeping pills.

Evgenia Simonova (born June 1, 1955), Soviet, Russian actress

The future star of Soviet cinema - Evgenia Simonova was born in an intelligent Leningrad family. Simonova's mother taught a foreign language, and her father was a famous scientist. And of course, the parents did not prophesy the career of the actress of their daughter. Little Zhenya was engaged in choreography, studied music (she graduated from the Gnesins music school). And after graduating from high school, she entered the theater school. Success in the cinema came to Evgenia Simonova immediately in the first year. When she starred in the legendary tape of Leonid Bykov - "Only the old people go into battle", represented in the image of a young pilot Masha Popova. After there were Katya Snegireva in “Athos” and Tasya Smelkova in “The Missing Expedition” and many more roles in the theater and cinema, which brought Simonova further popularity. But nevertheless, the hearts of many millions of viewers were forever conquered by a sweet, modest, charming, with a beautiful smile, young Masha Popova.

Name day June 1

Alexander, Dmitry, Anton, Valentine, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Nikolay, Ivan, Sergey, Anastasia


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (July 2024).