The smell of onions from the mouth: how to get rid of quickly and effectively. If the smell of onion from the mouth interferes with mixing or working, we will get rid of it!


Onion is a widespread vegetable crop that is a source of vitamins, organic acids and glycosides.

Most people who like to eat it are worried about the smell of onions from their mouths.

How to get rid of him.

The leaves and bulbs contain essential oil, which gives the onion a specific smell and pungent taste.

At the same time, the vegetable itself has a large number of useful properties, it stimulates digestion and kills pathogenic bacteria.

The smell of onions from the mouth - how to get rid of: pharmacy

The healing properties of onions are known from ancient times. It is a universal remedy for the treatment and prevention of any ailments. In the process of chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released that react with bacteria in the mouth. This is the cause of the appearance of an unpleasant odor after eating it.

A negative factor affecting the bad breath is tooth decay. Pieces of onion remain in the carious cavities, and under the influence of bacteria they quickly begin to rot, thereby enhancing the already not too pleasant smell. Therefore, onion lovers need to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity and consult a dentist in time to eliminate diseases.

Pharmacy products will help get rid of the smell of onions from the mouth:

Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution. It includes an extract of eucalyptus leaves. The drug effectively fights bacteria in the oral cavity, therefore it neutralizes the specific smell that remains after eating onions. Before using 5 ml of the solution, you must add it to a glass of water at room temperature and thoroughly rinse your mouth with this tool.

Hydrogen peroxide. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps get rid of bacteria, viruses and fungi. In order to prepare a rinse, 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide must be dissolved in a tablespoon of water and rinse your mouth. Swallowing it is not recommended.

Dental floss. Dentists recommend using it in order to remove food debris that remains between the teeth and causes an unpleasant odor. In combination with toothpaste, floss helps to cope with onion "aroma".

Mouthwash. It is worth paying attention to antibacterial agents, which include cetylpyridinium chloride or chlorhexidine. They help get rid of sulfur compounds. It is not recommended to use alcohol-based rinses, since after using them, the smell of onions may increase.

Parsley capsules. This is a universal tool that helps get rid of any bad breath. They include: parsley seeds, sunflower oil and vitamin E. The use of 1 or 2 capsules will help to quickly solve the problem.

Anti-candy lollipops or spray. The composition of the drug is a complex of essential oils. The components of the agent increase the uptake of molecules that are odor carriers. As a result of this, it is not just masked, but completely eliminated. For a positive effect, it is worth dissolving the candies without washing them with water or making one spray spray.

Activated carbon. This is a sorbent that allows you to remove toxins of bacterial origin. In order to get rid of the smell of onions, you need to hold a tablet in your mouth. In this case, the teeth and tongue will turn black. To fix this problem, simply rinse your mouth.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate. An antiseptic that effectively fights bacteria and helps eliminate bad breath. The product is not too pleasant to taste but, nevertheless, helps to quickly get rid of onion amber.

The smell of onions from the mouth - how to get rid: folk remedies

Onion lovers, get rid of the problem will help not only pharmacy drugs, but products prepared at home. Some of them and, you can stock up in advance and use as necessary.

The smell of onions from the mouth - how to get rid of it with the help of traditional medicine:

Anise oil. For its preparation, a tablespoon of raw materials must be carefully crushed and pour 50 ml of refined olive oil. Let it brew for three days in a dark place. In order to get rid of the smell of onions 5 drops of oil, add to water and rinse your mouth.

Walnuts, pine nuts or almonds. They contain a lot of oil, so they quickly help get rid of onion amber. In this case, it is recommended to lightly brown the nuts.

Bay leaf. To prepare the infusion, add two medium-sized sheets to a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Rinse your mouth for 5 minutes. For the best effect, you can add other spices to the infusion.

Clove with cinnamon. In the water you need to throw a stick of cinnamon (can be replaced with powder) and several seeds of cloves, and put on a small fire. After the product boils, it must be removed from the heat and strain. Rinse mouth with warm broth.

Oak bark. This broth has an astringent and bactericidal effect. It will help not only to freshen breath, but also to eliminate inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. To prepare, a tablespoon of oak bark must be filled with half a liter of water and boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. After the broth cools down, it must be filtered and used to rinse the oral cavity.

Sorrel. The juice of this plant helps to cope with bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor. The leaves of the sorrel are thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel. Then they need to be kneaded with a mortar. Do not use metal objects, since oxidation occurs very quickly. Using gauze, squeeze the juice from the pulp, dilute it in half with water and rinse your mouth.

Herbal harvest. To prepare the product, you need to mix in equal amounts of eucalyptus leaves, mint and chamomile color. Pour a teaspoon of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water and strain after 40 minutes. This infusion needs to rinse the oral cavity. This tool will help to quickly get rid of plaque and unpleasant odor.

The smell of onions from the mouth - how to get rid of quickly

After eating onions, you may need to urgently go on a visit or for an important meeting. And then it turns out that there is a smell of onion from the mouth - how to get rid of it in a short time? In this case, you can use the following tools:

Fresh greens. Plants containing essential oils with a specific aroma will come to the rescue: dill, parsley, cilantro. It is necessary to carefully chew several branches. In order for the smell to be completely eliminated, it is additionally worth brushing your teeth.

Milk products. They help neutralize onion aroma. In order to get rid of it, you need to drink a glass of kefir in small sips or eat yogurt. Fresh milk or sour cream may also help.

Coffee beans. They have a sharp specific smell, which helps mask the smell of onions. You can just have a cup of strong natural coffee.

Fruits. Pears, apples or peaches will come to the rescue. They contain an oxidizing element, which, after ingestion, triggers a chain of reactions there that help neutralize sulfur compounds.

Bay leaf. Chew it thoroughly for several minutes. It tastes not too pleasant, but helps to quickly get rid of the problem.

Citrus fruit. A slice of lemon or mandarin will help to mask an unpleasant odor, it must be slowly absorbed.

Green tea. The polyphenols that make up this drink help cope with sulfur compounds. The drink must be strong. Drink it in small sips, holding it in your mouth.

Chewing gum. It stimulates the production of saliva, which helps to quickly cope with an unpleasant odor. Gum with natural essential oils, peppermint or cinnamon should be preferred.

• If you need to quickly eliminate the smell of onions from the mouth - to get rid of it, in the absence of the above funds, will help sunflower or olive oilwho need to rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Onion lovers can be advised in advance, scald it with boiling water. In this case, all useful properties are preserved, but the consequences in the form of bad breath will be absent.


Watch the video: 10 Ways to Stop Bad Breath and Get Rid of Mouth Bacteria (July 2024).