April 12th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays April 12th.


Holidays April 12

International Aviation and Space Day

Every year on April 12, at the initiative of the International Aviation Federation, World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is celebrated. The event is timed to the first manned flight into outer space. On April 12, 1961, a Soviet citizen, Yuri Gagarin, who held the rank of senior lieutenant, first made the orbital flyby of the Earth, which happened on board the Vostok spacecraft and lasted a little over a hundred minutes. The first flight into outer space brought mankind to a new stage of development in the field of astronautics and the study of the universe.

"East" returned to Earth, landing in the region of Engels on one of the collective farm plots. By order of the Minister of Defense for the successful implementation of the government plan, Yuri Gagarin was awarded the extraordinary rank of major, as well as the title of hero of the Soviet Union. Before the first astronaut, five test launches were made, showing how subtly every action of aircraft designers, pilots and, of course, astronauts should be thought out. The first spaceship very quickly ceased to exist. The second launch was more successful, and the third apparatus of the "East" type burned down upon returning to Earth. Everyone was well aware that Gagarin was at a mortal risk, but an irresistible craving for the unknown and true love for his work overpowered his fear.

World Bunting Festival

The Oatmeal Festival is held annually in the United States every second Friday of April. Its duration is usually three days. For the first time, an unusual oatmeal festival was held in a small town in South Carolina in 1985. And this happened due to the fact that one of the organizers noticed how the residents of the town were buying oatmeal in large quantities. So the idea of ​​creating a fun, "tasty", and most importantly, useful celebration was born. The first festival was pleasant to all its participants. Gradually, the holiday formed its own traditions, and today everyone can enjoy the dishes exhibited at the festival. By the way, they include not only oatmeal, but also other goodies consisting of oatmeal (cookies, sweet cakes, etc.). And cheerful, dance music and various competitions only whet the appetite of the participants.

April 12 on the folk calendar

Ivan Climacus

On April 12, people commemorate the memory of St. John Climacus, an Orthodox philosopher and theologian, hegumen of the Sinai Monastery. The saint lived at the turn of the 6th and 7th centuries. Bearing the word of God, he wrote many spiritual writings.

On this day, peasant families in Russia baked sunny cakes and ceremonial cookies called ladders. According to tradition, each hostess baked just as many cookies as a person made up a family. It was believed that such a treat brings strength and health to the household. Many before sprinkling it with holy water in the church. People believed that a brownie would run into Ivan Climacus, not recognizing the housekeepers and plotting them, so today they tried a lot around the yard so as not to catch his eye. In the evening, the peasants locked the barns, the gates, shuttered the windows and sat quietly in the hut, telling terrible stories to each other.

Historical events of April 12

April 12, 1633 - The trial began over Galileo in Rome

In 1633, Galileo Galilei was accused of “false teaching”, which consisted in his assertion that the Earth is not the center of the universe, it is only one of many planets and revolves around a huge and hot star called the Sun. As a result, the scientist was locked in the Palace of the Holy Inquisition, where he enjoyed many privileges. For example, Galileo had three large rooms at his disposal, a personal servant. He was also allowed to communicate with friends and family through correspondence. On June 22, the scientist, under the threat of torture, had to renounce his own beliefs, which were "heresy inspired by the devil," according to the church. However, in his heart, he always deeply believed that the truth was on his side, and sooner or later humanity would prove this fact.

April 12, 1796 - Bonaparte won the first serious victory in the battle of Montenotte

On this day, the army of Napoleon won the first serious victory in the battle of Montenotte. Then he was only twenty-seven years old. During this period, during the implementation of the First Italian Campaign, Bonaparte fought a fierce battle with the forces of the first coalition of European states united against France. The French command developed a strategy for delivering a major strike against Austria, with Northern Italy in the background. However, the decisive battle took place precisely in Italy, where the French army went on the offensive. The forces were not equal, and soon Napoleon managed to defeat the Austrian formations in parts.

April 12, 1861 - In the United States began a civil war between South and North

The reasons for the outbreak of the North-South conflict are very commonplace: the industrially developed North required free working hands, and at that time the South owned a large number of black workers. Many northerners condemned the southerners for the exploitation of slaves and sincerely wished for their release. The situation in the country was especially tense after the election of President Abraham Lincoln, who was an avid supporter of the abolition of slavery. Several southern states, having left the union, formed the Confederation, and also formed their own power, electing interim ruler Jefferson Davis. Confederation law has not abolished slavery. Thus began the civil war, which ended four years later with the victory of the North.

Born on April 12

- Alexander Ostrovsky (1823-1886) - Russian playwright, writer. The author of forty-seven plays, among the most famous are “Forest”, “Thunderstorm”, “Talents and Fans”, “Dowry” and some others.

- Nikolay Przhevalsky (1839-1888) - a great traveler, naturalist and naturalist. He was engaged in collecting ornithological, zoological, botanical and mineralogical collections. His first collection was collected during the study of the Ussuri region. Later, he visited Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Tibet and many other countries. For his services, Przhevalsky was awarded the highest award in the field of geographical research.

- Alexander Ulyanov (1866 -1887 gg.) - Brother of V. Lenin, Russian revolutionary-Narodovolets. As a student at the prestigious St. Petersburg University, Ulyanov organized illegal meetings and demonstrations, conducted propaganda campaigns in the workers' circle. In 1886, Mr .. became a member of the party "people's will." Together with his comrades, he was preparing an assassination attempt against Alexander the Third, for which all the organizers, including Ulyanov, were arrested and sentenced to death.

- Efim Kopelyan(1912-1975 gg.) - Soviet actor of theater, cinema. People's Artist of the USSR. The actor starred in many films, as well as on television. Among his most successful works were roles in such films as Five Evenings, Crime and Punishment, The Old Fortress, Straw Hat, The Collapse of Engineer Garin, Eternal Call and others.

April 12th

Name day April 12 will be celebrated by representatives of the names: Sofron, Ivan, Julian, Victor, Caesar, Zosima, Zakhar.


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