How to cook jelly from starch should know every hostess! Cook a real jelly from starch and berries, jam, hibiscus, milk


For some, jelly is a drink.

For others, dessert, while still others try to satisfy their hunger.

What difference does it make!

The main thing is that jelly is very tasty and healthy.

But only if cooked properly.

How to cook starch jelly and from which it can be done?

How to cook starch jelly - general principles

Often the base for jelly is made from fruits or berries. They are boiled in water, then filtered. Sometimes they prepare a drink with berries. If there is no fresh fruit, then the jelly is cooked from ready-made stewed fruit, jam, various drinks and even milk. In fact, there are a lot of options and in every house there is something from which you can make a drink.

What is the difference between jelly and compote? Of course, thick! To achieve it, add starch. Most often they use potato, as it is more familiar and affordable. But similarly, you can cook jelly from corn starch. The product is diluted with a small amount of cold liquid, and then poured into the bulk and boiled until tender.

How to cook starch and berry jelly

Berry jelly is a wonderful summer drink. He will help out in the heat when there is no appetite, and you want something light. How to cook jelly with starch and summer berries?


• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1.2 liters of water;

• 250 grams of any berries.


1. Fresh berries should be freed from leaves and twigs. Bones can be left, since the broth will still be filtered.

2. Pour the berries with water and boil for ten minutes.

3. Filter, add sugar. If the broth is not acidic enough, you can add a little lemon juice or dry acid.

4. Put it on the stove again and let the resulting compote boil.

5. We dilute starch in 100 ml of water. It must be cold so that no lumps form.

6. Pour the solution into boiling compote, stir constantly and boil for a minute. Done! Such jelly can be drunk warm, but tastier cold.

How to cook starch and jam jelly

Jam is a wonderful ingredient for jelly. Its main advantage is accessibility. The drink can be prepared at any time of the year and absolutely from any jam. But how to cook jelly with starch and jam?


• a glass of jam;

• 5 glasses of water;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• ½ tsp lemons.


1. Combine the jam with water and put on the stove. You can immediately pour boiling water to reduce the time. Boil after boiling for five minutes.

2. Filter through a fine sieve, add a lemon and taste it. Since the jam is sweet, sugar is not needed. Sent to the stove again.

3. Combine the starch with half a glass of water. If you want a thicker jelly, you can increase the amount of starch by 1-2 tablespoons.

4. Pour into a boiling broth from jam, cook until thickened.

5. Cool, pour into glasses and you're done!

How to cook starch jelly and frozen berries

Spring is in the yard, soon a new crop of berries, but last year’s left in the freezer? No problem! They can be put in jelly and make room. We use any berries. If they were washed before freezing, then they can even not be thawed. If not, then thaw and rinse in advance.


• 400 grams of berries;

• 2.4 liters of water;

• 3 tablespoons of starch;

• 70 grams of sugar.


1. Combine the prepared berries and water, cook an ordinary compote.

2. Filter, squeeze the remaining juice from the berries.

3. Add sugar, set to boil again.

4. Bred starch in a small amount of water, pour into a saucepan.

5. Boil a minute and turn it off. As you can see, the technique of cooking jelly from frozen and fresh berries is similar.

How to cook starch jelly and cinnamon compote

For the preparation of such jelly we use absolutely any compote. It can be cooked from fresh berries, fruits. But you can use stewed cans prepared for the winter. We use ground cinnamon. If there is no such spice, then chop the stick yourself.


• 1.5 tablespoons of starch;

• 0.3 tsp cinnamon

• 1.2 liters of compote.


1. We filter the compote, pour half a glass, and put the rest on the stove.

2. Bred in the remaining compote starch so that there are no lumps.

3. Pour the starch into a boiling compote, let it boil well, evaluate the density and turn it off.

4. Add cinnamon to the hot jelly, stir and cool. Done!

How to cook starch and milk jelly

Milk jelly can be a wonderful drink or a delicious jelly. One has only to change the proportions of starch. If such a jelly is well cooled, then it will be very similar to ice cream.


• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 liter of milk;

• 2-3 tablespoons of starch;

• vanilla.


1. Pour a little milk to breed starch, send the rest to a saucepan and to the stove.

2. Immediately pour sugar. If you do not like too sweet, then you can slightly reduce the amount.

3. Dissolve starch in the cast milk and watch the pan. You can’t let the milk run away.

4. As soon as the milk begins to boil, pour the starch mixture into a thin stream.

5. Add vanillin, stir and let it boil again. Turn off and you're done!

How to cook starch and hibiscus jelly

No berries or fruits? No problem! A wonderful kissel can also be made from hibiscus (it is also a Sudanese rose). The drink will be very bright, tasty and with a pleasant acidity. And for the flavor we add a little zest. But if it is not, you can replace any essence, mint or lemon balm. Let's get started?


• 1.5 tablespoons of hibiscus;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of starch;

• zest with 1 lemon (orange, grapefruit);

• 1 liter of water.


1. Boil water in a saucepan.

2. Rinse the zest, do not need to grind much.

3. Add Sudanese rose to the zest. Pour it all with boiling water, cover and let stand for 2 hours.

4. If you need faster, then you can boil the contents of the saucepan for 2 minutes, like compote.

5. Filter, add sugar. We put on the stove, bring to a boil.

6. In 100 grams of water we breed starch.

7. Pour the starch solution in hibiscus, boil for another minute and the drink is ready! Pour into glasses, cool, you can decorate with a slice of citrus.

How to Cook Chocolate Starch Jelly

Chocolate jelly is an inexpensive and easy to prepare drink. He will help out if you want something tasty and unusual. Children will especially enjoy this dessert. The number of products is designed for 2 servings.


• 400 ml of milk;

• 1.5 tsp starch;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of water;

• 2 tsp cocoa powder.


1. Sugar with cocoa, gradually introduce milk and put on the stove.

2. We breed starch in water.

3. Once the chocolate milk begins to boil, add the starch solution.

4. Boil the drink for half a minute and turn it off. Cool down.

5. You can decorate such a jelly with chocolate chips, nuts or just put candy in a glass, which will be a pleasant surprise.

How to cook starch and carrot jelly

It turns out that tasty and bright jelly can be prepared not only from fruits. Carrot is a popular root crop that makes an excellent drink. But it is only important to choose juicy and sweet carrots.


• 2 carrots;

• 1 liter of water;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 3 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1.5 tablespoons of starch.


1. Peel the carrots and rub with small chips.

2. Fill with water and boil for ten minutes after boiling. We filter.

3. Add sugar, squeeze the juice from the lemon and send it to the stove again.

4. We dilute starch with water (about 70 ml) and pour into a carrot compote.

5. Warm up to transparency and remove from heat. Orange jelly is ready!

How to cook starch jelly - useful tips and tricks

• If the jelly is cooked thick, then it is better to pour it not into glasses, but in a bowl. Then you can decorate with berries, cream, just sprinkle with powder and serve as a dessert, eat from a spoon.

• To make the jelly more fragrant, any berry essence, vanilla, cinnamon can be added to it. If the drink is intended for adults, then you can twist a little liquor or cognac.

• Do you need a beautiful kissel? Decorate the glasses! Just soak the edge in water and dip in granulated sugar. Let the glasses dry a little, and then gently pour the drink, being careful not to touch the edges.

• How much starch to add to jelly? For a drink of medium density, 1.5-2 tablespoons per liter of base are used.


Watch the video: Make Your Own Candy Gummies From Scratch Kit, Glee Gum (June 2024).