How to quickly get rid of fumes at home: tricks and tricks. What will more effectively relieve fumes: lavrushka or valerian


Eh, how would you return to the past, when any coachman could take “bitter” on the eve of a working day, and not a single policeman would require him to “breathe into the device” in the morning?

Not like the current tribe: yesterday's feast can cost a jovial driver license.

And even yesterday's drunken drunkard will not be welcome either at work, or in public transport, or even at home.

It would be logical to sympathize with the morning companions of a passenger smelling of fumes.

Not only that, not everyone enjoys the smell of alcohol in itself. But the complex composition of the hot smell is no longer alcohol, vodka or beer, it is a whole chemical composition that includes decay products, including toxic enough for the carrier.

Our body protects itself from our vandalism by all possible means. He gives us a hangover in retaliation for drinking too much the day before. The liver tries to cleanse itself, making its owner feel almost dead. And the smell is not the worst punishment for yesterday's fun.

The decay products of ethanol in one way or another will be eliminated from the body after 3 or more hours. The process of complete cleansing from the consequences of a feast can last up to 36 hours if the poisoned person does not traditionally treat himself with folk remedies such as neighboring moonshine or “checkered” for such cases.

What is a fume and can it be defeated at home?

No matter what we think, the smell of drunk and fumes are different flavors. A fume appears an hour and a half after taking the first glass, and the source of such a nuisance is nothing more than acetic acid, excreted through the lungs, urine and skin.

We are seriously mistaken in believing that activated carbon can save us from torment. The stomach is only a witness to the process and its observer. We must agree with the liver, which you were very angry yesterday, and which is now trying to strike back.

So, the most conscientious and law-abiding, those who are afraid to embarrass a traffic cop and fellow traveler, a neighbor in the office and a teacher in a kindergarten, do not even expect a panacea for you. There are no ways to quickly get rid of fumes at home. Fume, as a result of cleansing the body, finally disappears only when the last drop of poison leaves the hangover.

But our people, never afraid of difficulties, came up with many ways to deceive, if not the liver, then at least the nose of their neighbor.

How to quickly get rid of fumes: what to eat and drink?

A real solitary partisan is not required to completely defeat the enemy. Sometimes it’s enough for him to simply pretend to be a tree when an enemy patrol passes by.

So with hungover drivers traveling past traffic police posts or individual traffic police representatives. At the disposal of "cryptographers" who want to quickly get rid of the fumes, there is the following arsenal of hygiene products:

1. Chewing gum. A gun without a long sight. It is valid for about fifteen minutes, so it makes sense to take such a "blende" five minutes before the regular traffic police post. The only contraindication is the so-called “thermonuclear” menthol flavors may not drown out the masked aroma, but add a new mysterious note to the “bouquet of smells”.

2. Toothbrushes and refreshing sprays. It is also a temporary camouflage measure lasting a quarter of an hour, but it is from it that it is worth starting a global fight against the smell of fumes.

How to quickly get rid of fumes: folk recipes

Other "flavors", which are likely to be found in the morning in every kitchen cabinet, are also able to kill the smell for a while.

• The most affordable at home are parsley, mint, cloves, cinnamon, lemon balm, nutmeg, cinnamon, coffee beans or simple fried seeds. 2-3 minutes of chewing the mentioned folk remedies can ensure the absence of a smell of fumes for 30-40 minutes. True, the secret folk "weapon" itself has a smell "for everybody," but for the fact that the driver smells like seeds, the traffic police inspector does not take away the right.

• The list of folk tricks to disguise the after-alcohol “ambre” traditionally includes a bay leaf that hides an undesirable smell for a while, if you chew a leaf right before talking with the boss or traffic cop.

• Some experienced "experts" advise taking 1 tablespoon of any vegetable oil, say, olive or sunflower. But this method is not suitable for people with a weak gastrointestinal system - drunk oil can have a pronounced laxative effect.

• If you notice a conifer on the way to work, then you can safely take advantage of the gifts of nature: needles also mask the smell quite well.

But disguise is a temporary measure. It makes no sense to talk about the dangers of drinking, you need to save the body from its consequences. This means that there are a number of folk remedies that will help get rid of the cause of the fumes - the hangover syndrome and the decay products of drunk drinks. First of all, you need to choose a method by which it is more convenient and easier to remove toxins from the body. This is not a matter of one, but six to eight hours, but by the end of the day all the consequences of the alcohol catastrophe will be eliminated.

• An ideal folk remedy - a rosehip broth. If you do not have an ulcer or gastritis, then it will be useful not only as a diuretic and toxin eliminating agent, but at the same time it will nourish the weakened body with vitamin C, and it will also help the cardiovascular system.

• Have to "lie down" on the liquid. Coffee and tea will help the kidneys remove alcohol residues and ethanol breakdown products. But in case of problems with heart and pressure, one must be careful, at least with the use of coffee - just one cup every 5 hours is enough.

• An unlimited number of cold drinks: mineral water, decoctions of oats, dandelion, chamomile, fruit juices will help the body recover.

• Along with decoctions, folk cunning use infusion of bitter wormwood, white alder leaves or pickle (including cabbage).

• Lemon with vinegar as a rinse has a chance to mask the "amber". First squeezed with half a lemon, then two drops of vinegar are added.

• Even if you are used to ignoring the first dishes at lunch, today you will have to change your rule: eat a bowl of soup or borsch. A scrambled egg rich in protein and amino acids will help your suffering liver process alcohol residues.

• Do not forget about fruits, especially those that have a diuretic effect: watermelon and strawberries.

• If it is possible to walk for half an hour in the fresh air and do exercises, consider this also a big step towards recovery. But the open window is also suitable as an imitation of a walk in the fresh air.

• Breathing exercises will ventilate your lungs, and they are known to be one of the main vehicles for the treacherous smell. It will be enough for ten minutes to take deep breaths and exhalations.

• One of the most enjoyable parts of hangover therapy is water treatments. A warm bath and a contrast shower will not replace an ideal bath, but they will help to remove toxins, perfectly cleansing the pores of the skin.

How to quickly get rid of a fume: medications

In what other country is the pharmaceutical industry so sympathetic to citizens that it produces such a range of products in case of a hangover? However, it should be warned that these funds also give only a temporary effect.

1. Effervescent water-soluble capsules Zorex and Alkolin - help in one fell swoop get rid of fumes and hangover. Manufacturers claim that their highlight is precisely the destruction of the fumes, and not disguise. But each case is individual, and for individual citizens such pills do not help to become the promised "cucumber," although the pains, if not conscience, of the body noticeably facilitate. Particularly conscious drinkers who manage to take one pill in the evening and the second in the morning are guaranteed a more reliable effect than unconscious.

2. Illustrious "Anti-policeman" at least once in my life, probably every motorist enjoyed it. This is not the most powerful tool, but can quickly quickly get rid of the smell of fumes.

3. Valerian and Motherwort they don’t cure a hangover, but they can also kill the “smell”.

"R-IKS 1", "Limontar", "Enterosgel", "Filtrum-STI", "White Coal", "Regidron", "Hydrovit Forte", "Citraglucosolan" and a whole series of medications of different actions and purposes are designed to help the body in the complex business of detoxing the body after a party.

How to quickly get rid of a fume in a hospital: narcologists are “trickier” than everyone

The most effective way to bring the body to life and quickly get rid of fumes, of course, is inpatient treatment. Experienced narcologists know how to put a patient on the eve of having gone through alcoholic beverages. And experienced drinkers know what doors to knock on, so that a correctly placed dropper or injection will help them leave unpleasant consequences of yesterday's fun in the past.

Stationary procedures are a leader in the fight against a hangover and all its manifestations. The body is cleaned by doctors who know for sure which organ can be propitiated in one way or another. And then the grateful patient really feels “like a cucumber”, getting rid of all the interfering symptoms: smells of fumes and poor health.

From this we can conclude: the best way to quickly get rid of the fumes is to drink in a neighboring house from a good narcological clinic, so that help is nearby. Or even - arrange a feast with your doctor.


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