How to wash the brilliant green from the skin: in a person or product. The most popular means and methods to wash the green from the skin


Zelenka is one of the most famous antiseptics that even a child knows about.

It is present in every home medicine cabinet, as this medicine can help quickly heal various wounds, cuts, chickenpox and many other sores.

However, this universal antiseptic has one significant drawback - color.

For some reason, until now, no one has bothered that the bottles with brilliant green were convenient to use.

Therefore, today we are faced with a situation where, due to the inconvenience of use, we get our hands, clothes, furniture and so on dirty.

A logical question arises: how to wash the brilliant green from the skin? And to do this quickly and efficiently, because often there are situations when after using greenbacks you need to go out "into people", and you really would not want this with your hands dirty.

This article will be devoted to methods and means by which you can quickly and well wash the green from the skin.

How to wash the green from the skin of a person: the necessary tools and devices

To begin, consider all the known means to eliminate green spots.

1. Traces on the body can be wiped off well cotton swab previously moistened in bleach, after that, the desired area is cleaned of brilliant green under strong water pressure. This method perfectly removes green spots from the skin, but another problem appears - disturbed Ph, which often leads to unpleasant sensations. However, this problem is easily solved, and Ph disturbance in the body can be quickly normalized with the help of ordinary vinegar. All that is needed is to lubricate the right place on the skin with vinegar after the procedure for getting rid of green stuff.

2. Medical alcohol or vodka. Everything is simple here - grease the desired place with alcohol or vodka and rinse after a while with water. To enhance the effect you need to add a couple of drops of lemon juice. If the stain does not go away after one procedure, repeat it again.

3. Hydrogen peroxide. This tool can also solve a problem with stains from brilliant green, but rubbing the peroxide should be strong enough, but you need to do this carefully so that the stain does not increase even more. Peroxide is the most suitable product for treating baby skin, or for sensitive and irritated skin.

4. Also quite effective is lemon slice, but here you have to try, the spots will not go away immediately, you need to rub it hard.

5. Baking soda. Soda is a natural abrasive that will not harm your skin. Take any container, pour some soda into it and fill it with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is most effective to apply such a mass in a circular motion. After that, the skin is rinsed, and if there is a need, you need to repeat the procedure.

6. Any fat cream. For application, a baby cream is also suitable. After the procedure, wash it with soap and water.

7. Face tonic, which is in the makeup bag of every woman, also copes with the elimination of green spots.

8. Another effective tool - scrub. It should be applied to wet skin, then rub the scrub into it and rinse thoroughly. Use a moisturizing, nourishing cream to avoid skin irritation. The hue from the brilliant green will not go away immediately, but gradually it will disappear.

9. You can also use wet wipes for office equipmentthat have alcohol in their composition. This tool is very effective, and helps to quickly and efficiently wash the brilliant green from the skin.

10. Toothpaste. Most women consider this tool the most effective. Take an old brush, apply toothpaste to the skin and wipe the desired area of ​​skin well. If the stain does not disappear immediately, the procedure must be repeated.

11. Vitamin C. Today it is available in powder form. It must be dissolved in warm water, and then rub it with a problem spot on the skin. This tool is one of the most effective.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use chemical household stain removers to get rid of stains - this is fraught with serious skin damage.

If green spots are not visible, they can be removed gradually. To do this, 2 times a day, lubricate the problem area with oil (olive or sunflower), or greasy cream. The green pigment will gradually begin to crumble under the influence of a greasy base, and after a while it will disappear.

How to wash green stuff from leather products: means and methods

Often we are faced with situations when not only our skin, but also clothes, furniture, floors and so on get dirty from a brilliant green solution. If this happens, do not waste time. Separately, it is worth talking about furniture, namely, how to wash the green from leather products.

Attention! The faster you begin to wipe the green from the furniture, the easier it will be to do this, since this antiseptic has the ability to deeply absorb into the skin.

When processing the surface of a leather sofa, in no case should you use aggressive chemicals, as they can harm its surface, leaving spots on it. To get rid of stains on leather products, the most effective means are wet wipes for equipment containing alcohol (we mentioned them above). Their number should not be too large, as there is a possibility of damage to the upholstery.

Alternatively, a color stain remover can be used. However, this must be done carefully. Mix the stain remover with water until a thick, uniform mass is obtained, apply it to a green stain and rub the surface of the furniture slightly. Then you need to carefully remove the mixture from the surface with a damp cloth.

Curious fact. Spots from brilliant green, which are on natural skin, tend to evaporate when exposed to direct sunlight.

How to wash green spots from the face?

Since the face is very soft skin, the means to eliminate green spots from it should be as gentle as possible, so as not to cause burning, irritation or worse allergic reaction.

The best way to remove stains from the face is a cream with high fat content, even for children. It is necessary to apply the cream in place with green spots on the face and rub it for several minutes. Then you need to leave the cream on the face for a certain time, and then gently wipe it with a handkerchief or soft towel. One procedure may not be enough, so if necessary, repeat it.

What is the best way to wash the green from the body?

This issue worries not only people with chickenpox or measles, but also people who are "lucky" to get dirty from other citizens.

Previously, this problem was solved quickly and simply thanks to bleach. However, today, with the advent of many different detergents and cleaning products, bleach has faded into the background, and not every house has it at all, so we suggest considering alternative options.

A very effective remedy for green spots on the body is ordinary household soap. If you remove the “off” stains, you can make yourself a bath, steam out in it and rub the soiled area of ​​the skin with laundry soap. To enhance the effect, use a hard washcloth. Since laundry soap is absolutely harmless to the body, this procedure can be repeated any number of times until the stain is removed. Of course, the smell of laundry soap on the body is not great joy, but it copes brilliantly with its task.

If you are in a hurry, one of the most effective ways to wash the green from the skin on the body is to use alcohol or ordinary vodka. To do this, apply alcohol or vodka to a patch of skin on the body soiled with an antiseptic and leave for 10-15 seconds. Then, using a cotton pad or swab, thoroughly wipe the stain. If the brilliant green remained on the skin, the procedure should be repeated.

How to wash green stains after chickenpox

Chickenpox is not a pleasant disease, but there is nothing terrible in it. As you guessed, now we will describe the most effective way to get rid of the effects of chickenpox - green spots.

This method is very effective and available to almost anyone, however, it requires accuracy and caution. All you need to have at home is bleach. Of course, in modern homes it is not always present, but in any case it should be available, because bleach is a universal product.

Apply a certain amount of bleach to the cotton pad and thoroughly wipe the desired area of ​​the skin. It is recommended to go around all the "green" spots on the skin several times. After the procedure, wash affected skin areas with warm water and soap.

Since bleach can destroy the Ph of your skin, a vinegar solution with water should be applied after the procedure to restore it.

How to wash the green from skin does not spoil it

Perhaps the safest skin cleanser for removing green spots is hydrogen peroxide. Since peroxide cannot be called too aggressive, you will have to wipe off the stains a little longer, but you will be sure of its safety, because even the newborn babies are treated with navels.

This method is best suited for children's skin, as well as for skin prone to increased irritability and allergic reactions.

Green spots are not a very pleasant problem, but now you are convinced that solving it is not so difficult, and for this in every house there are all the necessary tools.


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