Beet slimming: helps or not? How to use beets for weight loss: tips, recipes, dietitian recommendations


The habitual red beet is a unique product due to the combination of a huge amount of useful substances in it.

Doctors recommend Be sure to include it in the diet in different forms.

Especially useful beet for weight loss.

It has a small caloric content, and because of its sweetish taste, it can serve as an alternative to sweets and other simple carbohydrates.

In addition, the beets are included in the composition of various dishes, ranging from savory salads and ending with healthy desserts.

With proper nutrition, the diet with its help becomes not only tasty, but also diverse.

Beet for weight loss: indications and contraindications

On the basis of beet specialists offer a variety of diets. Use them with caution, as any sudden change in diet - it is stressful for the body. If you feel unwell, you should abandon this option for weight loss.

The most common way to use beets for weight loss is mono-diet. In accordance with it, you only need to eat this product for two days. 2 kg of beets are divided into 5-6 meals, in the intervals between which a large amount of clean drinking water, green tea and vegetable juices should be consumed. There is a need every 3-4 hours. For such a diet, beets can be cooked in different ways: bake in foil in the oven or microwave, simmer, boil. A small amount of vegetable or olive oil can be added to a chopped or grated vegetable. Salt from the diet at the time of mono-diet should be excluded. With this method of losing weight, you can not only lose weight, but also clean the body of toxins. It should only be remembered that the method is suitable for those who have no health problems.

In another version of the diet with beet slimming, there is also a carrot. Salad is prepared from these vegetables, which you can optionally fill with olive or vegetable oil. Salt it can not be to avoid fluid retention in the body. As in the case of mono-diets, no more than 2 kg of beets and carrots should be consumed per day. Vegetables can be eaten not only in the form of a salad, but also separately. For example, grate carrot on a grater and fill with low-fat sour cream. In addition to tea and fresh vegetable juices, drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Such diets with beet slimming fit extremely healthy people. Their use is dangerous if a person has low blood pressure or increased acidity of the environment in the stomach. Urolithiasis is also a contraindication for the use of beets for weight loss. There is an erroneous opinion that beet juice is effective for treating kidney stones. However, this way you can only harm your body. The substances contained in beets slow down the absorption of calcium. For this reason, its use will not benefit the patients suffering from osteoporosis. Beets are high-sugar vegetables, so people with diabetes can eat it in limited quantities. Contraindications for weight loss are chronic diarrhea.

General principles of eating beet slimming

The presence of beets in the diet has a positive effect on health and immunity. It prevents the development of various diseases and helps in the treatment of some of them. The benefits of beet for weight loss associated with the content of beatina. Thanks to this biologically active substance, protein is better absorbed in the body. Therefore, before eating foods rich in them, it is worth eating beets. Then protein food sufficient for saturation will be required much less. Thus it is possible to satisfy hunger even with a small portion of meat.

Beets also improve the body's metabolism and have a positive effect on the work of the liver, helping to remove slags more quickly. But toxic substances - this is one of the factors that often prevent weight loss. The laxative effect of beets helps to normalize stools. This is very important, because the retention of substances in the body leads to the formation of toxins, which in turn cause extra pounds and lead to the formation of cellulite.

Beet for weight loss can be in the absence of contraindications included in the daily diet in different forms. One of the most important properties of this vegetable, distinguishing it from all the others, is the ability to retain most of the nutrients after heat treatment. Juice is very useful, but it needs to be cooked properly. In its pure form, it irritates the mucous membrane. Therefore, beet juice is usually diluted with apple, carrot, pumpkin, grapefruit or any other at will. Before use, it must be allowed to infuse for several hours. After that it can be mixed with other vegetable or fruit juice.

Recipes beet dishes for weight loss

Beet salad

This dish is easy to make, and at the same time it is very tasty. There are many options for its preparation, so you can include beetroot for slimming every day as part of the salad. Vegetable must first boil, bake in the oven or microwave. The second method of heat treatment allows you to better reveal the sweetish taste. Finished beets should be cut into cubes, and then add lemon juice and cumin to it. This spice will give the dish a savory nutty flavor.

It goes well with beetroot salad corn. Instead, you can also use the frieze, lettuce, arugula. Korn put on a large dish, on it - chopped boiled beets, and add pine nuts on top. Salad is seasoned with a special sauce of grainy mustard, honey and olive oil. All ingredients are mixed, to which salt and pepper are added to taste. Season the dish with sauce just before serving.

Sufficiently high-calorie, but healthy and tasty salad is obtained from beets, prunes and walnuts. During losing weight, it is recommended to eat occasionally a little bit only in the morning. Beets and prunes have a laxative effect on the body, and nuts contain healthy fats. It is because of this salad is useful and with weight loss. To make it, mix grated beets, chopped nuts and finely chopped prunes, then season with olive oil, lemon juice and salt to taste. Salad will be even tastier if you let it brew for several hours.

Beet Dessert

Traditionally, vegetables are used to make salads and first courses, but desserts can be made from them. Beetroot for weight loss can be the main ingredient in them, as it is sweet enough, while containing few calories. It should be finely grated with carrots and simmer for about half an hour over low heat, adding a little water. When the vegetables are ready, add frozen berries to them and leave to infuse, tightly covered with a lid. When the dessert has cooled, you need to fill it with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. To make it sweeter, add a sweetener to it.

Beet Mousse

Another version of the correct dessert of beets for weight loss - mousse. It turns out very gentle and resembles the classic version of the preparation of this fruit dish. Beets (3 pieces) should be baked in the oven, then rinsed with cold water and cleaned. When it cools, chop it finely and beat it in a blender, adding natural yogurt (150 g) and ground cinnamon. Dilute gelatin in water (0.5 tsp.) And heat over low heat, pouring in lemon juice (2 tbsp. L.). The main thing is not to bring the mixture to a boil. Protein (1 pc.) Beat with a mixer, and then add to beets and gelatin. Stir the mousse carefully, then pour the sweetener to taste. The finished dish should be infused in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Top it can be decorated with slices of fresh fruit, mint or berries.

Sample menu for the day

Before breakfast, you should slowly drink a glass of clean water at room temperature. You can add sliced ​​lemon or cucumber to taste. During the day should also drink plenty of clean water.

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit on the water, boiled egg, freshly squeezed juice from beets and grapefruit.

Lunch: beet mousse, tea or coffee without sugar.

Dinner: beet salad, brown rice, chicken cutlets.

Tea time: beetroot dessert, fruit.

Dinner: baked beets and chicken breast, tea or coffee without sugar.

Tricks and secrets of using beet for weight loss

So that during the diet beets do not bother, you need to cook it in different ways. The easiest way to boil it, dropping it in boiling water. This option takes a lot of time: 2-3 hours depending on the size of the vegetable. In the oven, the beets will be ready a little faster - in a half to two hours. Beforehand it needs to be wrapped in foil. Beets baked in this way retain much more nutrients and vitamins, and the taste is usually sweeter. The quickest way to cook a vegetable is in the microwave: it only takes 10-15 minutes to do this.

Ready beets stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil, no more than two days. Gradually, it loses its taste and useful properties. Every day, beets can be included as an ingredient in a variety of dishes: soups, salads and even desserts. Because of its sweetish taste, along with fruit, it will be an excellent substitute for sweet in the diet, it will help to cleanse the body of toxins, increase metabolism, thereby contributing to the weight loss process.


Watch the video: Keto Cooking: The Best Low Carb Vegetables (July 2024).