Pork with potatoes and mushrooms: fried, baked, stewed. Interesting variations of cooking potatoes with pork and mushrooms


Dishes from pork with potatoes are rightly loved both at holiday parties and in the daily menu.

The proposed recipes will delight you with their diversity.

Beginners and experienced in the complex art of cooking dishes of the hostess will find here interesting tips and useful information.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms - the general principles of cooking

The main ingredients are potatoes and pork pulp, preferably lean and without veins. Meat is cut either in thin layers and beaten off, or in small pieces (for quenching). Mushrooms finely chopped and passer them with onions, in some recipes also with carrots. Potatoes are usually sliced.

When baking in the oven - potatoes, meat and mushrooms lay out layers. Sprinkled with spices, smeared with mayonnaise, sour cream or poured over a specially prepared sauce. In the oven baked on an open pan, in foil or pots. Abundantly sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs. Enjoy your meal!

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms


• One kilogram of pork pulp;

• A pound of fresh champignons;

• One onion;

• Oil (olive or sunflower);

• Six potatoes;

• One hundred grams of semi-hard cheese;

• Salt, seasonings.

Cooking method:

Pork pulp is washed, allowed to drain and cut into flat pieces. Lay out on a flat surface and beat off with a hammer, rubbed with salt and pepper.

Potatoes are peeled and cut into circles. Add seasoning and drizzle with oil.

The baking dish is greased with grease and spread meat on it. Sliced ​​potatoes are laid out on top. Bake in the oven for thirty-five minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the onions and mushrooms, fry in a pan.

Cheese rubbed on a grater. Add these ingredients to potatoes with meat and cook for another half hour.

Pork baked with potatoes and mushrooms "Emerald"


• A half a kilo pork pulp;

• Seven potatoes;

• Two hundred grams of mushrooms;

• Two onions;

• Pepper ground;

• A glass of milk;

• Two table eggs;

• Semi hard cheese;

• Salt;

• Two tables. spoons of flour;

• Butter.

Cooking method:

Pork is cut into portions, laid out on the table and beat. Then each piece of meat is slightly rubbed with salt and pepper.

Fry meat on both sides in a skillet with butter.

Peel the potatoes cleaned and cut rings. Fry in another pan until golden.

Mushrooms finely chopped and lightly fried.

The onion is peeled, cut into semi-pins.

Cheese is grated.

Blend eggs with warm milk, add flour and cheese.

Pieces of meat are laid out in the center of the pan, potatoes are laid out around it, mushrooms are placed on top. All poured milky egg sauce. Sprinkle with onions.

Bake in the oven for about forty minutes.

Pork baked with potatoes and mushrooms in a creamy mushroom sauce


• Nine hundred grams of pork;

• Two onions;

• Six potatoes;

• Three tables. spoons of olive oil;

• Nine hundred grams of fresh champignons;

• One glass of cream;

• Two tables. spoons of flour;

• Three glasses of water;

• Two hundred grams of semi-hard cheese;

• Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

Olive oil is poured into the pan, chopped mushrooms are put in and left to simmer until the water boils. Then a little stir fry, salt and pepper. After that add flour and mix. Pour the cream and some water.

Put the pork on a wooden cutting board and cut it into portions with a sharp knife. Beat off with a hammer. Onion chopped rings.

First put onion rings on a baking dish and meat on it. Salt, pepper, on top again fall asleep onions. Then spread the sliced ​​and salted potatoes. All pour creamy mushroom mixture.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, clamp around the edges and bake for about an hour. Then remove the foil, thickly sprinkled with cheese and still left in the oven.

Roast pork with mushrooms and potatoes


• One kilogram of pork pulp;

• Seven hundred grams of mushrooms;

• One kilogram of potatoes;

• Two carrots;

• Two onions;

• Salt, seasoning;

• Butter and vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Pork pulp is cut into small slices, onion - half-hen, carrot - in small rings.

Potatoes are cut into large slices.

Meat is fried on both sides to ruddy.

Mushrooms are fried in butter, onions and carrots are added to them. Combine with meat, potatoes and mix. Put in a saucepan for quenching or cauldron. Add water and sour cream, leave to stew for about thirty minutes.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms, baked in foil


• Three hundred grams of champignons;

• A half a kilo pork pulp;

• Two onions;

• Pound potatoes;

• Salt, seasoning.

Cooking method:

Mushrooms clean and chop. Pork pulp is cut into layers and beat off.

Potatoes are peeled and cut into slices.

The onion is cut with semi-shellfish.

Foil smeared with oil. Spread meat, salt, sprinkle with mushrooms, onions and lay out potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. So do with every piece of meat.

Spread on a baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake about sixty minutes.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms "French"


• Six hundred grams of pork;

• Eight hundred grams of potatoes;

• Five bulbs;

• Pound of champignons;

• Three hundred grams of cheese;

• Mayonnaise;

• Salt, seasoning.

Cooking method:

Pork is washed, dried and cut into portions. Lay out on a flat surface, beat off with a kitchen mallet and lightly sprinkle with dry red wine. Add salt and seasonings, leave to marinate.

Mushrooms are finely chopped, the onions are cut into half-whelk and fried in a griddle.

Potatoes are peeled and cut into circles, sprinkled with salt and spices.

Put potatoes on a baking dish, greased, and put meat on it, sprinkle with seasoning.

From above distribute an even layer of roasting with onions and mushrooms. Top greased with mayonnaise and sprinkle with a thick layer of semi-hard cheese.

Bake in the oven for thirty to forty minutes.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms in a slow cooker


• Three hundred grams of pork pulp (without fat);

• Two hundred grams of mushrooms;

• Sour cream medium consistency;

• Five potatoes;

• One onion;

• Salt, seasoning;

• Three tables. spoons of butter;

• Fresh greens.

Cooking method:

Pork meat is cut into small pieces (each two by two centimeters).

A bowl of multicookers smeared with vegetable oil and set the function "Frying". Fry the meat on both sides for about ten minutes.

After that add the crushed mushrooms and continue to fry.

Potatoes are peeled, cut into strips, finely chopped onions and put in a slow cooker.

Salt, pepper, add spices, lavrushka. After that, they open the lid. Prepare to turn off the multicooker.

Serve the dish in a la carte plates, pre-watered with sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.

Vegetable stew with pork, potatoes and mushrooms


• One hundred grams of mushrooms;

• One small zucchini or zucchini;

• Eggplant;

• Five cherry tomatoes;

• One Bulgarian pepper;

• Three potatoes;

• Fresh thyme and rosemary;

• Celery;

• Seven hundred grams of pork;

• Tomato and soy sauces;

• Chili and ground, salt.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into pieces, the vegetables are chopped into cubes and the mushrooms are finely chopped.

The bottom of the multicooker sprinkled with sea salt and spices.

Spread the meat in the bowl, add rosemary, eggplant cubes and tomatoes cut in half.

Add sliced ​​potatoes, mushrooms, thyme, bell pepper and celery.

Top watered with soy and tomato sauces.

Close the slow cooker and put on the function "Quenching".

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms in pots


• One kilogram of pork;

• Four onions;

• One hundred grams of low-fat sour cream;

• Pepper ground;

• Two leaves of lavrushka;

• Half a kilo of mushrooms (fresh or frozen);

• One clove of garlic;

• Single tables. spoon flour.

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into slices, the mushrooms are finely chopped, the potatoes are cut into strips. At the bottom of the pot put chopped onions, pieces of flesh, potatoes. Sprinkle on top with a small amount of black pepper, add a leaf of Lavrushka. Do not salt. Put the pot in the oven, close the lid.

Sour cream is poured into the fried flour, add one chopped garlic clove. It is all tormented over low heat, salt, pepper, add seasoning to taste. Fill the sauce with meat and torment in the oven for another twenty minutes.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms "royally"


• One kilogram of pork;

• A pound of potatoes;

• 250 grams of fat;

• One hundred grams of onions;

• Three hundred grams of mushrooms;

• Mayonnaise;

• Three hundred grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

Pork cut long straws. Meat is fried in cooking oil (this is very important!) And spread on a baking sheet. Spread on the meat potatoes, sliced. After that, sprinkle with finely chopped mushrooms and onions. Pepper, salt, sprinkle with dried herbs. All this is poured with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with chopped semi-hard cheese on top. Cook in the oven.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms "Volcano"


• Pork pulp (half a kilo);

• Three hundred grams of mashed potatoes;

• Two hundred grams of mushrooms;

• Three hundred grams of raw minced meat;

• Ketchup and mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The meat is boiled and laid out in the shape of a pyramid on a refractory dish. Separately, cook steep mashed potatoes, mix it with fried mushrooms and carefully stick around the pyramid. Top smeared with minced meat. In the center they make a crater - they insert an empty egg shell from, bake in the oven for about forty minutes. Then the shell is removed, some alcohol is poured into the crater. Alcohol is set on fire. The volcano is decorated on all sides with "lava" - ketchup and mayonnaise. When the light is off, the takeaway of this dish produces a sensation Eating a dish is hot right away.

Pork with potatoes, mushrooms and ham


• Pound pounds;

• Sixty grams of ham;

• Four hundred grams of potatoes;

• One hundred grams of champignons;

• Two onions;

• One tea. a spoonful of flour;

• Sixty grams of sour cream;

• Two hundred grams of broth;

• Thirty grams of butter;

• Twenty grams of cheese;

• Greens, salt.

Cooking method:

Meat is boiled and cut into pieces. Diced onions and champignons, passer in oil. Then add sour cream, shredded ham, meat, broth and flour to the roast. Stew ten minutes.

Boiled potatoes are cut into large cubes, put on the bottom of a pan, greased, and pour over the stewed mixture. Sprinkle with cheese, pieces of butter on top and bake in the oven with average heat.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms - tricks and tips

• Before frying the chop, remove all the veins from the meat, otherwise they will curl up when frying and make the meat shapeless.

• If the meat is fat, it should be put fat down on the heated bottom of the griddle or cauldron. So the fat is melted and the meat will keep juiciness.

• Peeled and sliced ​​potatoes should be immediately placed in the cooking utensils, otherwise they may darken.

• If the potatoes are soft, then the dish is ready, the oven can be turned off.


Watch the video: One Pan Pork Chops in Mushroom and Garlic Gravy - in 30 Minutes (June 2024).