Beef in a pot with potatoes in the oven is a hearty and delicious dish. The 7 best recipes for beef in a pot with potatoes in the oven


Beef in a pot of potatoes is not only healthy, nutritious, but also very tasty. Any dishes cooked in pots in the oven are especially loved and popular around the world. And this is not surprising. They are prepared quite simply, but they are delicious: beautiful, fragrant and incredibly tasty. Therefore, food in pots can be served not only for a family or friendly dinner, but also for a solemn feast. In addition, such a dish does not contain a large amount of oils and fats, and therefore it can be safely, at least occasionally, be introduced into the diet of a person who practices proper and healthy nutrition.

Oven beef in a pot with potatoes - general principles of cooking

There are two ways to cook beef with potatoes in a pot. The first is to preliminarily heat-treat all the ingredients and thereby reduce the time of languishing in the oven. The second is putting all the products in raw pots.

In both the first and second cases, meat with vegetables is incredibly tender and tasty. Pre-frying foods is preferable for those who are especially interested in the aroma of the dish, because incredibly delicious smells come from pre-fried meat and potatoes when languishing in a pot. The raw ingredients tab is preferable for people who are watching their figure and restricting themselves in the use of fats.

Recipe 1. Beef in a pot with potatoes in the oven


• kilogram of beef tenderloin;

• small garlic;

• five onions;

• kilogram of potatoes;

• cooking oil;

• 100 g of grated cheese;

• to taste salt, curry and ground pepper;

• 80 g of mayonnaise or thick sour cream of high fat content;

• a cube of chicken stock.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed meat into small cubes (1.5-2 cm). We spread the beef in a saucepan, salt, pour pepper and curry, squeeze the garlic. Mix thoroughly and leave for 30-40 minutes to soak in spices.

2. Peeled and finely chopped onion in a moderate amount of vegetable or sweet cream butter until soft.

3. Peel and chop potatoes with medium cubes.

4. We take out the pots and spread the prepared products in layers: onions directly with the butter in which it was fried. Then pickled pieces of beef, a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream, put the potatoes on top. We stack the products so that at least two centimeters remain to the edges of the pot.

5. Dilute the broth cube in 400 ml of boiling water.

6. Now pour in each pot a spoonful of grated cheese and fill all the ingredients with the prepared broth.

7. Close the pots with lids, put them in the oven, cook at 200 degrees for one hour.

Recipe 2. Beef in a pot with potatoes and mushrooms in the oven


• 8-10 potato tubers;

• half a kilo of meat;

• a pound of champignons;

• salt, ground pepper;

• three onions;

• 120 g sour cream;

• leaves of dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onions with the thinnest half rings, mushrooms with slices.

2. Put half the onion and mushroom in the hot oil, fry for 10-15 minutes, salt and pepper, until golden brown.

3. Cut the beef into thin strips and fry with the remaining onions until a slight blush in another pan for the same 10 minutes. We take out the meat in a plate.

4. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes, fry them a little (to the crust) in the same pan in which the meat was fried with onions.

5. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, and while it is heating, fill the prepared pots with the prepared ingredients.

6. Spread the first layer of potatoes, add some salt to it, spread the meat, then the mushrooms. Add sour cream and pour 50 ml of boiled water into each pot.

7. Cook for forty minutes, serve, plentifully sprinkled with fresh chopped green leaves.

Recipe 3. Beef in a pot with potatoes and sweet pepper in the oven


• half a kilo of young beef;

• eight potatoes (medium tubers);

• two to three sweet peppers;

• two tomatoes;

• two onions;

• two cloves of garlic;

• sour cream (on a spoon for each pot);

• broth (meat or chicken);

• laurel, peppercorns, salt;

• to taste and desire cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the washed meat into cubes, onion quarter rings.

2. Peel the potatoes thoroughly and cut them into small cubes or the same cubes as beef.

3. Peel the garlic and cut it into two parts.

4. Heat a little oil in a deep frying pan, spread the onion, as soon as the onion becomes golden, add the beef. From time to time, stirring the meat with a spoon or spatula, bring it to a half-ready.

5. Put potatoes in another pan, add a spoonful of oil, salt, pepper, three tablespoons of broth, simmer under a closed lid until half cooked.

6. Put the potatoes in the first layer, then the tomatoes, sliced ​​in slices or cubes, part of the fried meat, straws of pepper, the remaining meat.

7. Pour the contents of the pots with broth, lower them in half a garlic clove and on a bay leaf. Add chopped herbs, if necessary salt, pepper and one or two tablespoons of sour cream.

8. Cook at 160-170 degrees forty-five minutes.

9. If it was decided to add a little cheese to the dish, then 10-15 minutes before the pots are ready, remove the pots from the oven, carefully remove the lid and put two tablespoons of grated cheese in each pot. Continue to bake the meat, but no longer covering the pot with a lid.

Recipe 4. Beef in a pot with potatoes and cheese in the oven


• 300 g of beef or veal;

• five potato tubers;

• onion;

• vegetable oil;

• carrot;

• 185 g of cheese;

• to taste mayonnaise and greens;

• salt, spices.

Cooking method:

1. Beef is cut into thin longitudinal strips, put in a bowl, salt, rub with spices and quickly fry until blush in hot oil.

2. Peel the vegetables, cut them into small pieces.

3. Put all the ingredients in pots in layers in the following sequence: potatoes, carrots, onions, fried meat. We do not bring to the edges of the container about five centimeters, so that there is a place to pour cheese chips.

4. Each layer is slightly salted and covered with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

5. Pour hot boiled water so that the liquid completely covers all the ingredients in the pot.

6. Bake for fifty minutes, some time before cooking (10-12 minutes), sprinkle with plenty of grated cheese in pots. We continue to cook without covering the pots with a lid.

7. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Recipe 5. Beef in a pot with potatoes and other vegetables in the oven


• 850 g of beef;

• half a pack of margarine;

• shallots - 8-10 pieces;

• 145 g of green beans;

• eggplant;

• two carrots;

• two potatoes;

• salt, ground pepper;

• two large tomatoes;

• three sweet peppers;

• dill leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the beef into medium-sized cubes and spread on the bottom of the pot.

2. We put prepared vegetables in any order on top: mugs of tomatoes, green beans, eggplant cubes, slices of sweet pepper, chopped shallots and potato cubes. You can divide all layers into two or three parts and lay out a series with each other. It is important that the meat remains at the very bottom, since it was not fried beforehand and the juice of vegetables during baking will soak it and allow it to reach readiness in the time allotted for cooking.

3. Salt to taste, sprinkle with spices, put a piece of margarine in each pot (you can replace it with sweet cream butter), sprinkle with chopped dill leaves and fill it with boiled water.

4. Cook for an hour and a half, setting 160 degrees.

Recipe 6. Ground beef in a pot with potatoes in the oven


• a pound of minced meat;

• two potatoes;

• three glasses of broth;

• two large tomatoes;

• a pound of tomato puree;

• 300 grams of corn grains (frozen);

• salt;

• sunflower oil;

• onion.

Cooking method:

1. Fry the minced meat in hot oil until a slight blush.

2. Separately, fry the onion rings.

3. Tomatoes cut into cubes and mix with tomato puree.

4. Cut the potatoes into thin strips.

5. First put the potatoes in the pots, then the minced meat and the fried onion on top. We fill all the grains of corn, pour tomato puree and beef broth. Salt the dish.

6. Cook, warming the oven to 190 degrees, thirty minutes.

Recipe 7. Beef in a pot with potatoes and prunes in the oven


• 700-800 g of beef;

• three potatoes;

• two onions;

• two carrots;

• zucchini;

• clove of garlic;

• one and a half liters of broth;

• 10-13 pieces prunes;

• 0.5 liters of dry red wine.

• salt, pepper, olive oil, laurel.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the beef into fairly large slices, spread on hot oil, quickly fry. Add half a glass of boiled water and salt, cover with a lid, simmer for 5-10 minutes.

2. At this time, put the onion rings and garlic plates in another pan, fry until tender, then add the carrots and zucchini sliced ​​into strips. Mix, salt, fry for five minutes.

3. Put the potatoes, diced into the bottom of the pot, which is pre-lubricated with a small amount of oil.

4. On top we distribute the passivated vegetables, the crushed prunes.

5. The top layer spread the stew. Pour the ingredients with a mixture of wine and broth, pepper, throw a laurel.

6. Cook for two hours in an oven preheated to 170 degrees.

Oven beef in a pot with potatoes - tricks, tips

• For cooking, choose either young beef or veal. The meat of old cattle can turn out to be harsh and dry.

• Beef broth is often used in cooking, it is permissible to replace it with water, and for juiciness you can put a piece of butter.

• Pre-fried ingredients are cooked no more than one hour, if raw products are laid out in pots, then the time increases to about one and a half hours.

• If all the liquid suddenly boils during cooking, add strictly boiling water or broth, but in no case cold, otherwise you will ruin the whole taste of the dish.

• Shredded chili peppers or hot ground red peppers will add spice to the dish.

• If you have pots without lids - it does not matter, cover them with foil.

• By experimenting with the sequence of layers, you can get dishes of different tastes: laying the potatoes down and the meat upstairs - you will get juicy potatoes soaked in the juice of cooked beef: leaving the potatoes upstairs you can enjoy the delicate, melting structure of the meat and crumbly potatoes. Choose, try, create your universal recipe.


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