American scientists: alcohol takes a person 18 years of life


In America, a global study was conducted to determine the causes and effects of cancer. As a result, scientists have found that in many cases, the death of the patient causes the regular use of alcoholic beverages.

The researchers found out the following fact: every patient with cancer lost due to alcohol 18 years of life. Along the way, evidence was obtained that it is alcohol that is a priority cause of premature death from other circumstances. “Alcohol does not provoke oncology, but its action as a catalyst for cancer death is greatly underestimated,” says study co-author Timothy Naimi. alcohol. "

During the experiment, doctors studied seven types of cancer: cancer of the breast, pharynx and oral cavity, liver, esophagus, rectum and colon. Additionally, scientists used data from surveys on the use of alcoholic beverages.

It turned out that 4% of all deaths from cancer were directly related to alcohol consumption. 15% of clinical cases of breast cancer ended in death due to alcohol abuse. Scientists believe that alcohol can damage the DNA of cells, so people who use three glasses of any alcohol daily are at risk.

Researchers warn - if we talk about oncology, there is simply no safe dose of alcohol. On the other hand, doctors say that a complete rejection of alcohol does not guarantee 100% prevention of cancer.


Watch the video: The History of Alcohol (July 2024).