Carrot salad with walnut is a bright and healthy treat. Top 10 best recipes for salads with carrots and walnuts


Carrots - a unique product that can give any dish juiciness, brightness and, of course, benefit.

This root vegetable rich in carotene, vitamins and microelements, universal - combined with almost all food products: vegetables, meat products, seafood, nuts, fruits, cheeses.

In addition, carrots contain only 28 kcal per 100 grams, which means that this vegetable is perfect for all dietary dishes.

A salad with carrots and nutritious walnuts is not only amazingly tasty, but also very useful.

Salad "Carrots with walnuts" - the general principles of cooking

Get only bright and juicy carrots - it is tastier and healthier. Thoroughly rinse the root vegetable before cooking. Further action depends on the type of salad. Carrots are added to the dish either boiled or fresh.

If boiled carrots are needed for a salad, the product is boiled in water or baked in the oven right in the skin. Then cooled, cleaned, then cut. Fresh carrot cleaned and chopped, according to the recipe.

Walnuts can be purchased in the shell, but it is still more profitable in purified form. First, it’s not necessary to mess with cracking nuts, and secondly, in the end, when counting, the kernels are cheaper. Before buying carefully inspect the nuts, so as not to purchase last year's product, which can give bitterness. The kernels must be strong, not faded, must have a smooth golden brown color.

Salad with carrots and walnuts can be filled with mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil. Or in the case when the salad is sweet - honey, sugar syrup, powdered sugar, yogurt.

Recipe 1. Salad: carrots with walnuts and garlic


• three carrots;

• 100 g peeled nuts;

• salt and garlic to taste;

• mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the carrot and clean it. Shred carrots on the smallest grater.

2. Peel and chop the garlic using a special garlic press.

3. Spread the walnuts in a dry frying pan and lightly dry and fry. Next, grind in a coffee grinder, but it is best to grind the nuts in a mortar so that they can save their oil, which will improve the taste of the salad.

4. Mix carrots with garlic and nuts, if desired, add grated cheese to the salad.

5. Decorate whole fried cores and greens.

Recipe 2. Salad: "Carrots with walnuts and honey"


• two carrots;

• 50 g of liquid honey;

• a few parsley leaves;

• 15 g of chopped nuts.

Cooking method:

1. We clean the carrots and cut them into small, thin straws.

2. Mix carrots with honey, let it brew for twenty minutes.

3. Add chopped walnuts, mix again.

4. We spread in a salad bowl, decorate with washed parsley leaves.

Recipe 3. Salad: carrots with walnuts, mushrooms and prunes


• two large carrots;

• walnuts;

• salt;

• half a kilo of champignons;

• onion;

• butter;

• mayonnaise;

• 8-10 pcs. prunes.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the champignons thoroughly, put them in a colander, let the excess liquid drain, then cut into small cubes and fry, slightly salted, in butter together with chopped onion.

2. Add carrots grated in the middle segment of grater, fry vegetables until cooked.

3. At the end of roasting, we lay out finely chopped prunes and pre-fried, and after chopped in a mortar, walnuts.

4. Cool the fragrant carrot mass with mushrooms, mix with mayonnaise.

Recipe 4. Puff carrot salad with walnuts


• one hundred grams of walnuts;

• three carrots;

• four potatoes;

• onion;

• one small pomegranate;

• 280 g of mayonnaise;

• salt;

• 400 g boiled chicken breast;

• three eggs;

• 315 g of hard cheese;

Cooking method:

1. Boil carrots and potatoes in uniform, cool under running cold water, peel.

2. Cook eggs hard-boiled, cool, clean.

3. Chop the boiled breast into small cubes.

4. Grate carrots and potatoes.

5. Shred eggs, chop walnuts in a blender or mortar.

6. Clean the onion, scald with boiling water, cut into small cubes.

7. Coarsely rub hard cheese.

8. Pomegranate wash, wipe with a towel, cut and remove the seeds.

9. We put all prepared products in layers on a wide flat dish: onion, potato, part of mayonnaise, chicken, nuts, eggs, carrots, cheese.

10. Liberally lubricate the last layer with mayonnaise, sprinkle the salad with pomegranate seeds.

11. We remove for an hour and a half in the refrigerator.

Recipe 5. Salad with carrots, walnuts and Adyghe cheese


• one carrot;

• 100 g fresh spinach;

• one beet;

• 50 g walnuts;

• grape oil;

• 200 g of Adygei cheese;

• balsamic vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the beets, dry them, wrap them in foil and bake them in the oven until ready (you can simply boil the vegetables on the stove in water).

2. Cool the cooked beets, rub on a coarse grater.

3. Also grate large raw carrots.

4. Adygei cheese cut into small cubes.

5. Fry the nuts and break into large pieces.

6. Spinach wash, tear apart.

7. We mix carrots, beets, Adyghe cheese, spinach, walnuts in a deep plate.

8. Dress the salad with a mixture of balsamic vinegar and grape oil, if necessary, add some salt.

Recipe 6. Carrot Salad with Walnuts, Apple and Raisins


• three carrots;

• one sweet and sour apple;

• 150 g raisins;

• 10 g of sugar;

• 80 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Raise the raisins thoroughly and pour boiling water for fifteen minutes. After the water is drained, he pour out the raisins for drying, either on a towel or in a colander.

2. Clean the carrots. From an apple we cut off a peel, we remove sunflower seeds.

3. And carrot and apple rub on a medium grater.

4. Mix raisins with carrots and apples, sprinkle everything with sugar, season with sour cream.

5. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients so that all the sugar grains are dissolved.

6. We shift the salad in a salad bowl, served to the table.

Recipe 7. Salad "Carrots in Korean with walnuts and chicken"


• 0.5 kg chicken fillet;

• spices for cooking meat (laurel, peppercorns, dill twigs);

• 100 g Peking cabbage;

• red and yellow fleshy sweet pepper;

• 30 g of crushed walnut;

• salt;

• 120 g Korean carrots;

• 150 g of mayonnaise.

• 285 g of processed cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fillets, put them in a saucepan with water. After boiling add pepper peas, dill branches, salt, laurel. Cook for fifteen minutes, remove from the pan, cool, cut into strips.

2. Cheese stand for about twenty minutes in the freezer, then rub.

3. Peel yellow and red peppers and cut into thin strips.

4. Shred Peking cabbage, lightly crush it with your hands.

5. Salad can be put in layers in any desired sequence, smearing each layer with mayonnaise, or you can simply mix in a deep bowl and fill with the same mayonnaise.

6. Before serving, let the salad cool for thirty minutes in the refrigerator.

Recipe 8. Carrot Salad with Walnuts, Cherry Tomatoes and Bacon


• two carrots;

• half a cup of nuts;

• 160 g of bacon;

• onions;

• one cucumber;

• 15 cherry tomatoes;

• salt pepper;

• yellow sweet pepper;

• Ranch sauce (a mixture of classic yogurt with light mayonnaise, sour cream, chopped green onions and garlic).

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bacon into wide thin slices and fry in a pan until pleasantly crunchy. We shift on a napkin, cool.

2. Lettuce cut into small pieces.

3. Cherry wash and cut into two parts, cucumber and pepper cut into cubes.

4. Shred carrots with thin straws.

5. Mix carrots with roasted and chopped nuts, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, pepper.

6. Salad dressing ranch dressing, add salt, pepper. Stir.

Recipe 9. Vitamin salad with carrots, walnuts and dried fruits


• one carrot;

• one mandarin;

• ten walnut nuts;

• five dates;

• five dried apricots;

• a teaspoon of lemon juice;

• a tablespoon of powdered sugar;

• 50 g raisins;

• Spoon olive oil;

• crushed zest half mandarin.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the carrots and cut them into long, thin straws, sprinkle with lemon juice, mix with powdered sugar.

2. Mandarin peeled, divided into slices, remove the white film, add to the carrot.

3. Cut dates and dried apricots in small cubes, wash and dry the raisins.

4. Split the nuts, take out the kernels, which are first fried, then coarsely chopped.

5. Mix olive oil with tangerine peel and lemon juice.

6. Mix carrots with tangerines with dried fruits and nuts, pour dressing. Stir.

Recipe 10. Carrot Salad with Walnut and Beef Liver


• a pound of beef liver;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• two carrots;

• large onion;

• half a cup of chopped nuts;

• mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

1. Beef liver, obsushivaem, remove the film, remove the veinlets, cut into longitudinal small pieces.

2. Fry the prepared butter with a quarter onion rings until cooked.

3. Grate carrots and cheese grated (its middle segment).

4. Mix with chilled liver with onions, cheese and carrots, add the nuts, season the salad.

Carrot Salad with Walnuts - tips

Indisputable Walnuts are very useful, but there are some disadvantages that you should read:

• Carrot salads with walnuts should be used with extreme caution by people prone to allergic reactions and with individual intolerance to nuts. Nuts are also contraindicated for people with impaired liver function.

• Roasted nuts are better absorbed by the body.

• A person needs about 20-30 grams of nuts per day. 50-60 grams of nuts is a complete meal. More than a hundred grams of nuts eaten at one time, almost not absorbed by the body - in this case, it is necessary to abandon the use of protein foods, at least for two or three days.

And in addition, a few tricks that will help you make the salad more tasty, healthier and more satisfying:

• Fry the nuts in a non-ground form in a dry pan without adding any oils for five to six minutes.

• Crushing walnuts is best not with an electric appliance, such as a blender or a coffee grinder, but in a mortar. Thus, you save healthy peanut butter.

• Some salads use boiled carrots. But the fact is that in the process of long cooking, carrots lose their brightness. A pinch of soda, thrown into the water, will help to maintain the bright juicy color of carrots.

• Use only strong carrots for cooking, a flabby vegetable suggests that it was stored either in a warm room or in direct sunlight - which means that there is almost no valuable carotene left in it.


Watch the video: 3 Easy Healthy Salad Recipes (June 2024).