February 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on February 1.


Holidays February 1

Day of the Monk Savva Storozhevsky

At a young age, Saint Sava was imbued with love for a pure and chaste life. As a result of this, he decided to reject the vain delights of the world and went to Sergius of Radonezh, it was from him that he received monastic tonsure. Sergius strictly watched as the Monk Savva abides by strict abstinence and preserves mental and physical innocence. Time passed and Sergius, seeing that Savva had achieved great success in spiritual wisdom, made him the rector of the monastery brotherhood. When Dmitry Ioannovich, the Grand Duke defeated the Tatar Khan Mamai, he immediately went to St. Sergius to ask him for a cloister. The monk suggested that the prince settle on the Debenka River and begin construction of the Assumption Bagomosoma church and the hostel monastery there. The head priest of the temple naturally became Savva. The Monk Sergius gave his soul to God in 1392. After his death, for some time the monastery was headed by St. Sergius's pupil Saint Nikon. When the reverend expressed a desire to live in silence, the brethren decided to build the feast of the Reverend Savva. Six years later, Savva wanted to find silence and transferred the authority to manage the monastery to St. Nikon. St. Savva goes to Trinity Lavra. The humble and wise old man succeeded in various spiritual gifts and good worldly deeds. A large number of lay people turned to the reverend for instruction. However, Savva did not want earthly glory, which is why he left the monastery, and settled in a cave in a dense forest there, in silence he prayed a lot. Between prayers, Savva was engaged in needlework, despite his advanced age.

National Freedom Day in the USA

Throughout the United States of America, a wide variety of celebrations are organized annually to celebrate this holiday. In 1865, Abraham Lincoln signed a congressional resolution stating that the Constitution was being amended to abolish slavery. This resolution narrated that in the United States, and in other places under their authority, they will not allow any manifestations of slavery or forced labor. Only cases stipulated by the punishment for the crimes committed and only after the corresponding sentence has been pronounced admissible. The amendment was approved in the month of December. The event was fully celebrated for the first time in 1942, but it was not yet official. Since then, a wreath has been traditionally laid next to the Liberty bell. This bell is a symbol of independence and freedom throughout the United States. In 1948, President G. Truman signed a document that proclaimed the first day of February as the date of the official celebration of the freedom of the United States of America. This significant event is celebrated in all existing states, but it is not a public holiday. On this day, the obligatory ceremony is the laying of wreaths. In addition to this event, a number of others are being held, which include various musical performances. The actors arrange theatrical performances. On this day, the public is shown various documentary and feature films in which the history and development of the United States is popularly outlined. On this holiday, Experienced poets organize evenings of literary readings that are associated with the freedom and unity of the American people. It is generally accepted that this day is of no small importance in the history of not only the United States of America, but also some other states.

Saint Brigita's Day in Ireland

According to legend, Saint Brigita was a midwife at the Virgin Mary herself. Everyone knows that before his holiday, St. Brigita travels around the country, and blesses the people and the houses in which they live. It was customary to put a pie or bread and butter on the windowsill, this was a symbol of the fact that they are waiting for Brigit and are always welcome. Nearby, several spikelets had to be laid so that her beloved white cow could feast on. No matter how wealthy people live, the hostess always tried to set the festive table, on which she put more than one festive dish. Traditional treats were apple pie, pies with poppy seeds, pancakes, tortillas made from wheat or barley, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Necessarily served on the table, specially whipped butter in the morning. In honor of this saint, who became famous for her generosity, and to ensure wealth and prosperity the following year, wealthy hosts on that day treated fresh poor butter and milk to poor neighbors. They used to slaughter a sheep and gladly give meat to their friends or just needy. Traditional apple pie was baked even in very poor families. It is known that once Saint Brigitte appeared to the dying pagan ruler and christened him a cross, which was gossip from reed. Since then, there has been a tradition on the day of St. Brigita, people weave crosses from reeds and reeds in order to protect homes over the next year. The crosses that were woven on this day were fastened above the door instead of last year’s, removed and stored in the house. On this holy holiday, any actions related to the rotation of the wheel were forbidden. Nowadays, in Ireland, children are forbidden to ride bicycles. On the day of St. Brigita, you can see everywhere handkerchiefs that are hung on clothesline. People believed that in this way they could protect all family members from disease. Previously, it was customary to hang strips of fabric or ribbons that were called Brigita mantles. People believed that if Saint Brigita touched them, then the ribbons would acquire healing properties. In the old days, mummers walked home and wore a straw doll called Brideg. The guys who carried this doll sang and danced joyfully, and the owners gave them sweets, pies and money.

February 1 in the folk calendar

Makaryev day

This day they honor the memory of St. Macarius the Great. He was born in 301, in a shepherd’s family, and from a young age he was herding herds of domestic animals. Such an occupation developed a tendency toward solitude in him. Time passed and Makarii, having chosen a lonely cell, settled there, to live, in his seclusion, the saint prayed from early morning until late at night. Macarius earned his living by weaving baskets. After thirty years, the hermit went into the desert of Egypt. People who came to Macarius for help called him the young man. When there was another persecution of the Christian religion, St. Macarius was expelled to the small island of the Nile. In a new place, he led a righteous existence and converted to the Christian faith absolutely the entire population of this island. The hermit Macarius wrote fifty conversations, seven exhortations, and two epistles. The main theme of his writings was the spiritual existence of people of the Christian faith.
Among people, Macarius received the nickname - a spring indicator. It so happened that on this day our ancestors guessed what spring would be like. On Makaryev’s day there were many signs invented by peasants of that time. If the weather was clear, people thought that early spring would begin soon. When there was a snowstorm on the street that day, they said that there would also be a snowstorm on Shrovetide. In addition, the weather on this day was used to judge the weather of the entire month of February.

Historical Events February 1

February 1, 1671 Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich marries Natalya Naryshkina

After the death of the wife of Tsar Alexei, Maria Miloslavskaya, the sovereign soon wished to get married again. His chosen one was Natalia Naryshkina, a representative of a poor and noble house. However, the king was not embarrassed by her modest origin and the absence of a worthy dowry. By the standards of that time, Natalya Kirillovna was a highly educated and highly educated woman, besides she was very pretty. Natalya fell into the bride’s tsar, thanks to the then-existing tradition of girl’s shows, at which the sovereign personally chose his future wife. On the first of February 1671, Natalia, was married to Tsar Alexei, at that time she was 19 years old. Three children were born from their marriage, but only two survived, Tsarevich Peter and Tsarevna Natalya. During the five years of marriage, the joint life of Alexei and Natalia took place in love and harmony. Everything changed after the sudden death of Tsar Alexei and the accession to the throne of Tsar Fedor. Naryshkin and her children were immediately removed from the royal court, and she lived near Moscow, in the village of Preobrazhensky. Especially her situation was complicated, in the reign of Tsarevna, Sophia Alekseevna. Soon, Natalya Naryshkina married Peter to Evdokia Lopukhina, who was a representative of a noble and strong noble family. The Naryshkins and Lopukhins staged a coup d'etat in 1689 and removed Sofya from Tsarevna’s reign. Upon the accession to the throne of Pyotr Alekseevich, the importance of the Queen Mother increased sharply, Natalya Kirillovna had a huge influence on Peter's son and solved many important state issues that the young tsar could not yet overcome.

February 1, 1865 US President Abraham Lincoln abolishes slavery in the country

In the USA, the day of February 1 is celebrated as the day of freedom from slavery, because at that time, the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, approved a resolution to abolish the slave system in the United States. It all started with the election of Lincoln as president of the United States - a staunch opponent of slavery. The Lincoln’s “Infiltration” of the “White House” frightened the slave owners of the South USA. Southerners delivered an ultimatum to Congress and the President, they demanded the repeal of the adopted law and the restoration of slavery throughout the country. Otherwise, the slave-owning South, considered it necessary, to secede from the United States. The US government rejected the daring ultimatum "southerners", in response to this, "southerners" announced the withdrawal from the state federation and the creation of their own state. Eleven southern state territories formed a confederation union, adopted their own Constitution, and even elected their president, D. Jefferson. The city of Richmond became the capital of a separate state. Naturally, the administration of President Lincoln could not calmly watch the United States fall apart, and in 1861, the troops of the "northerners" entered the lands of the "southern confederation" in order to restore the integrity of the state by force of arms. As a result of a fierce struggle, the government troops of the "northerners" won a complete victory and liquidated the separatist state, and with its liquidation, slavery was forever destroyed in the United States. As a result of fierce hostilities, the South of the USA was ruined and desolate for a long time, and only after years the peaceful and free life began to return to these lands.

February 1, 1929 the world premiere of the musical "Broadway Melody" took place in the USA

On February 1, 1929, in Los Angeles, in the “Chinese” cinema (built in the form of a pagoda) of Grauman, the world performance of the movie musical “Broadway Melody” took place. He shot the famous production, an outstanding director, Harry Beaumont, the producer of the project was Harry Ruff. The main theme of the musical was the desire of two sisters to achieve fame and fortune speaking on Broadway with their pop numbers. The picture was shot in a mode of large-scale live shooting, filled with colorful dances and beautiful scenery. The sisters were played by quite famous actresses: Bessie Love and Anita Page. The owner of the ballet troupe was played by the famous Broadway actor Charles King. The musical film was shot on color film and was released on screens with full soundtrack. Broadway Melody brought the film company great fame and huge profits. In 1930, the film received the most significant award in cinema - the Oscar. However, a number of critics did not accept the film, and its success was described as a disorientation of the viewer during the transition from the era of silent cinema to the era of color and sound. And yet, at that time, the picture made a splash on the audience, because people had not seen anything like it before, they were delighted with the possibilities of cinema.

February 1, 1973 The London Stock Exchange allowed women brokers to trade in the stock market

The London Stock Exchange is considered the oldest and most conservative in Europe, but at the same time, democracy and the principle of internationalism dominate there. On the London Stock Exchange, almost half of the transactions are carried out by foreign brokers. Nowadays, the London Stock Exchange is the third largest trading exchange, after the New York and Tokyo. On February 1, 1973, the London Stock Exchange, guided by the principles of equality and democracy, for the first time allowed stock brokers to women. Two months after such an innovation, more than ten women actively traded on the London Stock Exchange. And 25 years later, a female broker for the first time in the history of the exchange business, took the post of head of the London Stock Exchange. London businessmen came to the conclusion that only one person is able to bring the exchange to prosperity and bring it to a new level of exchange relations - Clara Förs, a fragile little woman, mother of three children and owner of a huge fortune. However, behind a sweet and fragile appearance, there was a solid character and a "dead" business acumen. The former director of the exchange, which brought the financial department to collapse, resigned in disgrace. As one London businessman said: "The chaos generated by men can only be overcome by a woman." The exchange conservatives were shocked by the fact that a woman entered the purely male business industry with such ease, and not only entered, but became the head of this industry. Clara still heads the London Stock Exchange. She is very educated and speaks five foreign languages. In addition, an outstanding woman manages to pay the greatest possible attention to her family.

February 1, 2003 shuttle astronauts killed Columbia

On January 16, 2003, NASA's Columbia spacecraft entered low Earth orbit to conduct a series of complex scientific experiments. The shuttle Columbia spent 16 days in orbit, the crew of the ship all this time was engaged in experiments. On board the ship was the first Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon, which gave the flight international status. The descent from Earth’s orbit was planned on February 1, 2003, to ensure a safe return to Earth, NASA took the most unprecedented security measures. Modern fighter jets were lifted into the sky, they were called upon to control the airspace in a large radius around the cosmodrome. US Navy ships guarded a vast coastal and marine area. But despite such serious measures to ensure the landing of the space shuttle, the tragedy was not without. 02/01/1003, unexpectedly for everyone, the shuttle Columbia collapsed in the upper atmosphere. According to experts, the cause of the tragedy was a defect in the protective coating of the ship. Damage was received at the start. Then a detached piece of thermal insulation foam damaged the skin of the ship. However, the defect received did not prevent the ship from sustaining the launch, but a 16-day stay in outer space conditions could aggravate the damage and, when leaving the orbit, it provoked a shuttle crash.In addition, when leaving the orbit, in the upper atmosphere, the ship experiences powerful high-temperature overloads, which could finally aggravate the situation, which led to the destruction of the shuttle. All crew members died in the crash; nationwide mourning was declared in the United States. President George W. Bush expressed his deep condolences to the families of the fallen astronauts. Families received financial compensation from the state and moral support from society.

Born on February 1

Lev Leshchenko (1942 ...), People's Artist of Russia

Lev Leshchenko was born on 02/01/1942, in Moscow, in a military family. In a one-year-old, Leva's mother died, his grandmother and grandfather took him up, after the war, Lev was taken by his father, who married a second time. At school, Leo showed interest in music and began to sing in the school choir, in addition, he played in the orchestra at the house of pioneers. At school events, Leshchenko performed Utesov's songs. After school, Leo worked in the theater as an ordinary stage worker. He entered GITIS several times, but never did. In the early 60s he served in the army, in the GDR, and he took part in the performances of the army ensemble. In 1964, he finally enters GITIS and simultaneously works in the Moskontsert. In 1970, Leshchenko participated in a vocal competition held by the State Radio and Television, and unexpectedly for himself, he won this competition. In 1972, Leo became the winner of the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. In 1975, in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of Victory Day, Leshchenko was trusted to perform the song, Victory Day. In 1977, Leshchenko released his first record. In the 80s, Lev Leshchenko works at the Rosconcert and toured the country a lot. In 1983 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. During this period, Leshchenko released a number of records with his songs. Currently, the artist continues to perform, and also takes part in various television shows.

Yuri Loza (1954 ...), a popular singer, poet and composer

Yuri Loza was born on February 1, 1954 in Sverdlovsk. At the age of three, his family moved to live in Kazakhstan, where the musician’s childhood and youth passed. After school, he entered the university in Alma-Ata, the faculty of geography, but did not graduate. Having abandoned his studies, he went to serve in the army. After the army, he studies at a music school, but also throws him. In 1983, Yuri leaves to seek happiness in Moscow, he is unexpectedly lucky, he ends up in the pop group Zodchie, where he meets Valery Syutkin. Since 1987, Loza has officially performed with her recitals. The singer publishes a number of his own song albums. Soon he leaves the group "Architects" and sets off for a solitary pop "swimming". In 1988, Yuri creates his music group Plus-Minus. The most popular and favorite songs among the people are: "Raft", "Sing, my guitar, sing", "Midnight Blues". In their style and genre, the music of the Vines can be attributed to the bardic trend in musical art. Vine successfully performs romances, rock and roll, lyrics and satire. Performs in our time.

Clark Gable (1901-1960), an outstanding American actor

"The King of Hollywood", Clark Gable, was born on 02/01/1901 in Cadiz (USA), in a working-class family. With his parents, Clark was the only and beloved child. At the age of one, his mother dies, the father marries again and his stepmother, a strict and pedantic woman, is engaged in raising the boy. Unclear at school, Clark goes to work at a tire factory, then works at a garment factory and olive plantation. Soon, he accidentally gets a job in a mobile amateur theater. In 1924, Clark marries a woman who was much older than him, this lady was the owner of a mobile theater. In the movie, for the first time, Gable starred in the crowd, in the films Forbidden Paradise and Merry Widow. After the debut, Clark mainly plays the roles of gangsters, villains and scammers. A little later, he began to act in films on love themes, where he played the heroes of lovers. In the early 1930s, Clark got married a second time. The first fame came to the actor with the film "It happened one night", for this picture he received an Oscar. The best, or rather the triumphant role of Gable, was the role in the film "Gone with the Wind" (1939). During this period, Clark Gable marries for the third time, it seems that Clark was really happy in this marriage, but his family life was too short. In 1942, his third wife died in a plane crash. After that, Clark graduated from flight school and went to the front. After the war, he still acted in films, but the former glory never returned to him.

Brandon lee (1965-1993), American actor, son of Bruce Lee

Brandon Lee was born on 02/01/1965 in California. Brandon Lee, was the son of the legendary kung fu master and actor Bruce Lee. Outwardly, father and son were very similar. My father began to teach Brandon kung fu from the age of three, and at the age of five, Brandon already knew how to walk in his arms and could jump with his foot to his father's chin. Brandon successfully graduated from college and studied at the Strasborg Academy. From school he performed on the stages of small amateur theaters. After graduating from the Academy, Brandon began acting in small, so to speak, test roles. In these works, the directors noticed Brandon as a gifted actor. Like all young actors, Brandon dreamed of playing the famous role of Hamlet. In cinema, he achieved a lot and was recognized by both viewers and critics as an actor of the highest skill. In fact, Brandon dreamed of becoming a dramatic actor, and he was constantly offered roles in action films. Vedb he was beautiful and beautifully built, in addition, he was beautiful, but at the same time professionally performed combat tricks. In 1993, on the set of the movie Raven, Brandon Lee was mortally wounded, another actor, of course, not intentionally but by accident. His death shocked both the entire viewer world and the world cinema community. Rumors spread about the curse of the Li family and the revenge of the Chinese mafia, which supposedly did not forgive the Li family, emigration to the United States and a successful career.

Name Day 1 February

Anton, Arseny, Fedor, Efim


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