Braised tomatoes - can be prepared for the winter! Various food options, recipes for stewed tomatoes with poultry, meat, etc.


Braised tomatoes are a versatile dish.

This is a ready-made side dish, and sauce, and a tasty, and most importantly useful addition to meat, fish, poultry, cereals, pasta.

The extinguishing process is quick and completely uncomplicated, every housewife can master it.

Braised Tomatoes - General Cooking Principles

The most important thing to consider is that when stewing tomatoes, they should languish, not fry. To achieve this, you need to warm the vegetables on the quietest fire.

It is best to choose tomatoes for stewing red and brown varieties. Any type is suitable: fleshy, watery, with thick skin or thin - all this does not matter.

Stew tomatoes in blanched form or whole. Blanching tomatoes is easy and simple, just place them for a couple of minutes in boiling water, and then in cold water, the peel will come off almost by itself, you will only need to pull it slightly. Peel and rinse tomatoes thoroughly before cooking.

When slicing tomatoes, use only a sharp knife to the juice not leaked from the fruit ahead of time.

Spices and spices can be added to stewed tomatoes; they will add special spicy notes to the dish. Tomatoes are combined with almost all spicesbut basil, marjoram, dill, oregano, parsley, thyme, black pepper are especially good.

Meat, poultry, vegetables, cereals and even pasta are cooked with stewed tomatoes. Many may object, believing that just adding sauce or tomato paste and the taste will be almost the same. It is not true. Fresh stewed tomatoes give the dish a particularly delicate aroma and unique taste, which the same type of canned tomatoes cannot boast of.

Recipe 1. Stewed Tomatoes

A basic recipe for stewed tomatoes, which you can change based on your taste preferences. For example, tomato paste can be replaced with sauce, garlic can not be used at all. It is also acceptable to add hot pepper and spices such as marjoram, basil.


• kilogram of tomatoes;

• about 10 feathers of green onions;

• two cloves of garlic;

• 20 grams of butter and vegetable oil;

• 30 grams of tomato paste;

• salt to taste;

• parsley and dill leaves;

• a pinch of dry oregano, black pepper, thyme and thyme.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse tomatoes, cut at the base, pour over boiling water.

2. Remove the peel, cut into 6-8 slices.

3. Wash, peel and chop greens, green onions and garlic.

4. Heat the pan, put the butter, warm.

5. Lightly saute green onions and garlic.

6. Put tomato slices, simmer, covering with a lid, eight minutes.

7. Add tomato paste diluted in 100 ml of water, all spices, salt and chopped dill and parsley leaves.

8. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, simmer another 7-10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Stewed tomatoes for the winter

The original homemade stew of tomato stews is perfect as a sauce for all kinds of dishes. It can also be used as a supplement to various soups, goulash.


• five kilograms of ripe tomatoes;

• 50 grams of salt;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• pepper to taste;

• 10 ml of vinegar essence.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the tomatoes well, especially if they are not garden or greenhouse, but purchased in a store. To dry.

2. Put half of the tomatoes aside, cut the second into small cubes.

3. Put the chopped tomatoes in a deep saucepan, simmer for half an hour, gradually, as the juice comes out, adding fire from minimum to medium.

4. The remaining tomatoes cut into slices.

5. When the first part of the tomatoes is ready, put the tomatoes into slices, add salt and sugar. Stir thoroughly, simmer for fifteen minutes.

6. At the end of cooking, add vinegar essence, add ground pepper to taste. Shuffle and turn off the gas.

7. Arrange the prepared stewed tomatoes in sterile jars, roll up.

8. After the tomato salad dressing has cooled, the cans can be stored in a darkened cool place.

Recipe 3. Pork with Braised Tomatoes and Basil

Basil in this recipe emphasizes the unusual taste of tomatoes and emphasizes the taste of pork.


• a pound of pork (ideally take the neck);

• four large fleshy tomatoes;

• 7-8 basil leaves;

• Bell pepper;

• salt, ground pepper;

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat, pat dry with paper towels, cut into small pieces.

2. Salt, sprinkle with pepper.

3. Pour the butter into the pan, quickly fry the prepared pork from all sides until golden on high heat.

4. Add the pepper, chopped into small cubes, fry both ingredients together for a minute or two. Reduce the heat to a minimum.

5. Add finely chopped tomatoes without skin, simmer for forty minutes under a closed lid.

6. If necessary, from time to time during the cooking process you can add hot broth or ordinary water.

7. 5-6 minutes before cooking, put chopped basil, if you still need to add salt.

Recipe 4. Meatballs with stewed tomatoes and olives

There is no rice in the meatballs in this recipe, and it is understood that a side dish will go to them. For example, the same rice or potatoes. But you can also add rice cereal, then the dish will turn out completely independent. Expect that about a pound of minced meat will need about 150 grams of dry rice.


• a pound of minced meat (preferably mixed minced meat: pork with beef);

• 20 green olives;

• onion;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 60 grams of bread;

• 110 ml of milk;

• 50-70 grams of cheese;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• salt, black pepper;

• five branches of basil.

Cooking method:

1. Stuff the minced meat with bread soaked in milk and chopped onions. Add pepper and salt to taste.

2. Form small meatballs from the prepared meat by placing a small piece of cheese in the center of each ball.

3. First, fry the meatballs on both sides to a blush on one tablespoon of olive oil.

4. Pour the remaining olive oil into another pan, put the garlic, cut into slices.

5. Add finely chopped tomatoes, salt, stew, cover, twenty minutes.

6. Put the stewed tomatoes on top of the prepared meatballs, put the olives cut into two on top.

7. Simmer all together for 10-12 minutes.

8. Serve sprinkled with chopped basil.

Recipe 5. Eggplant with stewed tomatoes, Provencal herbs and garlic

Also, according to this recipe, you can bake zucchini or zucchini. You can increase or decrease the number of layers. You can also add minced meat if you want the dish to be more satisfying.


• half a kilo of tomatoes;

• kilogram of eggplant;

• four cloves of garlic;

• 200 grams of grated semi-hard cheese;

• 200 grams of mozzarella cheese;

• olive oil;

• a spoon of provence herbs;

• salt pepper;

• dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the eggplant into circles one centimeter wide.

2. Pour them with boiled water for five minutes, throw them in a colander.

3. Rinse tomatoes, blanch and twist in a meat grinder, or chop in a blender.

4. Mix the tomato puree with chopped garlic, Provencal herbs, two tablespoons of olive oil and dried basil. Put in a thick-walled pan for ten minutes.

5. On a greased baking sheet, put in a neat layer part of the prepared eggplants, pour all the aromatic tomato puree, sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Put the second layer of eggplant, pour the second half of the tomatoes, lay the remaining eggplant on top, cover all the ingredients with mozzarella cheese, cut into layers.

7. Eggplant in stewed tomatoes should be baked for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 160 degrees.

8. This dish is delicious and hot, and warm, and cold.

Recipe 6. Veal in the oven with stewed tomatoes and beans

Instead of veal meat, you can use young beef.


• 700 grams of calf brisket;

• 600 grams of green beans;

• 400 grams of tomatoes;

• 110 ml of wine;

• two cloves of garlic;

• two onions;

• salt pepper;

• parsley;

• 120 ml of vegetable oil;

• 20 grams of flour.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the brisket into four portions, beat, pepper and salt. Fry quickly on both sides in butter. Temporarily set aside.

2. Chop the garlic into cubes, chop the onion into small squares.

3. Brown both ingredients in meat juice by adding flour. Pour a little warm water, simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Add chopped tomatoes, beans, simmer all together for 12-15 minutes.

5. Put pieces of meat on a baking sheet, pour all the stewed tomatoes.

6. Cook in the oven over medium heat for 20 minutes, then pour the wine, sprinkle with chopped parsley, cook the same amount.

Recipe 7. Chicken Breasts in Stewed Tomatoes

Instead of regular tomatoes, you can take cherry tomatoes. The taste will be more subtle and refined. The dish does not require a side dish. Stewed tomatoes are served, laid out around the meat and sprinkled with plenty of basil.


• four chicken fillets;

• salt, ground pepper;

• olive oil;

• 500 grams of tomatoes;

• garlic;

• two onions;

• two tablespoons of freshly chopped basil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry all vegetables and breast.

2. Cut the tomatoes into two or four parts, depending on size.

3. Onion and garlic cut into thin rings.

4. Pepper and salt the chicken, fry on both sides until golden in olive oil, taking 3-5 minutes on each side.

5. Put tomatoes to the chicken, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid.

6. As soon as the tomatoes let the juice, put onions and garlic, salt and pepper, simmer all together for fifteen minutes.

7. Sprinkle the prepared breasts in stewed tomatoes with basil.

Braised Tomatoes - Tips, Tips

• Slicing for stewing tomatoes does not matter; cut as you like - with cubes, bars, slices. It should only be remembered that the finer the slicing, the faster the vegetables will stew.

• If you suddenly forgot to peel the tomatoes, and the recipe suggests a delicate texture of stewed tomatoes - do not worry. You can extinguish the vegetable, cool, and then grind through a sieve.

• Greens can be used both fresh and dried. It will be equally fragrant and delicious.

• Tomatoes go well with garlic. To give the dish a more astringent taste of garlic, it must first be fried, then the tomatoes themselves are laid out. If you need an unsurpassed aroma and pungency, it is better to put garlic at the very end of cooking.

• Do not use yellow varieties of tomatoes for stewing; their taste is not as versatile as that of red and brown.


Watch the video: Harissa Chicken Tray-bake. Jamie Oliver. #QuickandEasyFood (June 2024).