Throat treatment with folk remedies: unexpected options. How not to harm in the treatment of throat folk remedies


Any pain in our body is a bell announcing an existing problem.

Establishing the cause and origins of the disease is the prerogative of the doctors, and we will not take the bread from the healers, our task is to treat the throat at home with pain by means of the house.

We treat the throat at home with salt

Salt is everywhere and always, in a city apartment, in the country, on a hike, in summer and in winter. Using this mineral everywhere, which of us thought that salt is a unique antiseptic. In times of war, wipes moistened with saline were placed on open wounds, which provided protection against infection.

The strength of salt lies in its absorbing properties, its ability to draw out liquid from the problem zone.

Rinsing with saline solution will soothe the throat with warm water and disinfect with salt, removing the mucus.

This remedy perfectly soothes the throat cough, which practically does not stop.

For the preparation of therapeutic solution Dissolve 15 g of salt in 200 ml of lukewarm water, let it settle, and rinse the throat for half a minute. The main thing is to stand up to half an hour, not drinking anything down. Repeat rinsing should be often, as necessary, you can every hour.

Another unique method of treatment with salt is the imposition of salt dressings at night. To do this, 4 layers of linen or cotton material, fit an old towel or a piece of bed linen, moisten with a ten percent almost hot salt solution (30g per 250 ml of warm water), put on your throat and wrap with a handkerchief until the morning, if necessary, repeat the next night.

Soda - a great way to treat throat folk remedies

Soda is the strongest antifungal agent, capable in some cases to defeat oncology. Infectious inflammation of the throat can be stopped by drinking soda, which is available in every home, which is one of the priority tools in treating the throat with folk remedies.

Rinsing with baking soda, which has antiseptic properties, relieves pain, sore throat, clears the surface of the pharynx of plaque and mucus. Recipe simple - dissolve soda in the amount of ½ tablespoon in a cup of slightly hot water and rinse as often as possible.

And you can mix soda, salt and iodine for rinsing, video preparation of this rinse can be viewed on the website

Well cope with unpleasant sensations in the throat, including sore throat, salt inhalation. We remove boiling water from fire, while all people around should be very careful, we put on a reliable support, we throw soda into it, at the rate of 1 tbsp. l On 1 l of water, and we breathe these evaporations 5 - 10 minutes.

Carnation is not only a pleasantly smelling seasoning, but also an excellent throat doctor at home

Antibacterial properties of clove oil have been known for a long time. Under the emperor of China, there was a strict rule - to enter before the sovereign of Celestial only with a clove in the mouth, so that the breath was decontaminated and pleasant to others.

In case of sore throat, it is useful to chew a small rosette of cloves, which, when chewed, produces clove oil, which has a whole arsenal of healing properties, while it:

• good antiseptic;

• strong antiviral;

• relieves pain;

• has an antimicrobial effect;

• relieves inflammation.

When purulent sore throat clove disinfects the oral cavity and will contribute to a more rapid disappearance of ulcers.

If you can not chew the clove grain for a long time, then make a rich infusion and gargle it with a throat, 3 - 4 buboes per cup of boiling water are enough.

By the way, the flu virus is afraid of the smell of clove oil.

An unexpected aspect of the use of turmeric for the treatment of throat folk remedies

Using the seasoning which has become so fashionable in recent times - turmeric, I couldn’t even think that, first of all, orange powder is a strong natural antibiotic that, unlike synthetic, does not kill the intestinal microflora and does not affect the liver .

The use of turmeric in the form of tea strengthens the immune system, contributes to the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract and, of course, helps cleanse the throat from the accumulation of infectious inflammation.

When treating the throat with folk remedies, turmeric is an order of magnitude higher than other methods, like a natural antiseptic that can not only heal, but also has analgesic properties. Turmeric quickly removes mucus and ulcers from the throat.

Inflammation in the throat is quickly removed by frequent rinsing, a solution that is prepared from 1 tsp. turmeric and a glass of boiling water. To use this tool should be in the form of heat.

The perfect result gives a sweetie of a teaspoon of honey and half of the same spoon of turmeric, which should be sucked until completely dissolved in the mouth.

Hydrogen peroxide as a folk remedy for the treatment of throat

It turns out that hydrogen peroxide can not only bleach hair, but also be treated.

Disinfectant qualities of hydrogen peroxide, the ability to disinfect wounds are reflected in the treatment of the throat.

If a hydrogen mixture is poured into the bleeding wound, white foam is instantly formed, under which there is no blood.

Inflammation, sore throat, and tonsils are cleared of mucus and wounds when hydrogen peroxide solution gets on them during gargling. The therapeutic mixture is prepared from 1 tablespoon of peroxide and 100 ml of water.

Hydrogen disinfection of the throat should definitely be completed with an additional softening rinse of the tincture:

• chamomile;

• calendula;

• sage;

• soda;

• sea salt.

Lemon - the enemy of angina in the treatment of throat folk remedies

The antiseptic qualities of lemon are based on the action of an acid capable of disinfecting wounds.

Tested on my own experience: a unique recovery from a sore throat within 24 hours.

Purulent throat disease begins long before the appearance of ulcers. My son's temperature rose to 39 degrees in the evening, he began to rave, Ambulance noted the appearance of acetone.

In the morning we passed the tests, got our two pluses and went to the therapist, she said that he had a purulent tonsillitis, which the ambulance did not see in the evening. Insidious sore throat just hid and started poisoning the body before the pain in the throat.

Antibiotics were prescribed, which my son just drank before this because of otitis. Thanks to the journal of healthy lifestyles, which was such a recipe.

Squeeze lemon juice and drink in small sips, without drinking anything for half an hour. Repeat after 8 hours.

I had a choice, experiment with lemon or antibiotics, I chose the first and did not regret it. After the second lemon, the abscesses were localized and were easily removed with Lugol's solution. The son has grown, but lemon is still the only salvation from any sore throat.

Of course, children under 10 years old will not give to drink pure lemon juice, then you can dilute it a little or make a rinse, for the preparation of which the juice of half a lemon is diluted in 100 ml of water.

Ginger and its unique properties in the treatment of throat folk remedies.

Currently, especially much is said about ginger, as a means of promoting weight loss, and after all the doctors of the East first of all used a miracle for a long time - the root, as an antidote and first aid if necessary to stop the infection. Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger allow you to use it for the treatment of throat folk remedies.

If you have a sore throat, you should drink a few sips of warm ginger tea, for the preparation of which you should rub or chop a large spoonful of ginger into a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the same time, the swelling will decrease, and then the swelling will completely disappear, and throat irritation will disappear.

Ginger is not recommended for children under 12 years old!

I wonder if it is useful to treat throat with honey.

Medicinal properties of honey have long been described in the literature, however, in case of acute sore throat, this bee product is not recommended, because it can provoke irritation and aggravate inflammation.

But warm tea from ½ st. l honey with the addition of red ground pepper, diluted in a glass of warm water, will bring quick help to relieve sore throat, but this recipe is suitable only for adults.

Rubbing coconut and mint to treat throat folk remedies

If you suffer from frequent colds, in which there is a throat cough, then steamed a rub, which includes:

• 1 tbsp. l beeswax;

• 1/2 cup coconut oil;

• 10 drops of mint oil.

All mix and stir until a homogeneous mass. After cooling with this ointment for the night, rub the chest with the neck and wrap a scarf. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.

Attention! Be careful!

Sore throat can be a signal of the onset of a serious illness, if during the first hours it is not relieved, there is a hoarse voice, which may indicate the appearance of edema, immediately call an ambulance.

When using any of the examples described for treating the throat with traditional methods, first of all make sure that the patient is not allergic to this or that product.


Watch the video: Natural Solutions for Acid Reflux (July 2024).