Wen on the body. For what reasons do wenders appear on the body and is it possible to get rid of them at home?


Some patients believe that it is possible to get rid of the wen on the body at home, while others rely only on doctors, while others even start talking tumors in their attendants.

But before you make your choice and join one of the parties, you need to learn more about Wen, the reasons for their appearance and methods of treatment.

What do we know about wen on the body

Wen are benign tumors. They occur in the subcutaneous connective tissue, while able to penetrate deep into, located between the vascular bundles, muscles. This fatty tumor is called a lipoma. Zhiroviki except for the head usually oblyovyvayut shoulders, back, hips.

At first glance, a wen does not pose any danger, since it is not a malignant neoplasm and is not inclined to degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Also, palpation of lipomas usually does not cause pain. So why get rid of them?

First, the Wen grow. And if today you notice a tiny lipoma, then in a short period of time it can grow so that it starts to deform certain parts of the body. For example, one of the limbs may increase to gigantic sizes. This often happens in the event of a spilled lipoma. Therefore, the first reason for removing a wen is to correct a pronounced cosmetic defect.

The second reason pushing people to remove the wen is the emergence of a serious threat to health. After all, some overgrown lipomas begin to pinch the vessels (which is usually expressed by edema) pinch the nerves, interfere with the work of the organs. In addition, the lipoma sometimes develops into liposarcoma. But this tumor is a malignant neoplasm. Therefore, if you notice that you have a wen, do not delay the treatment.

Causes of wen on the body

No one will provide you with a comprehensive list of reasons for the appearance of wen. Moreover, experts still find it difficult to answer the question of why lipomas begin to appear on the human body. But one of the main reasons, experts still called. It lies in the metabolic changes that are most likely due to the lack of regulatory enzyme proteins. Also, the cause of the appearance of lipomas is often a genetic predisposition.

Patients have their own opinion on this. The majority of people believe that wen appear due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. Some girls are confident that they have lipomas from malnutrition. In order to prevent the occurrence of fat wenders or to remove the appeared lipomas, ladies begin to carefully monitor skin hygiene, eat only healthy food. As a rule, such actions do not lead to the reduction or disappearance of tumors, but they, of course, must be observed. It is worth noting that there were several cases when women assured that they had got rid of lindens after they switched to vegetables and fruits, forgetting about fatty foods.

People try to fight lipoma and using green tea. They drink it to get rid of toxins, toxins, believing that they are the cause of the wen on the body. In fact, no link between the slagging of the body and the appearance of lipomas was found from a scientific point of view.

Getting rid of Wen on the body at home

Nobody likes walking with Wen. But not everyone is running to the doctor. People prefer to treat this kind of sores at home. As a result of this unshakable love of traditional medicine, interesting recipes for getting rid of Wen on the body came into being.

The most popular tools that are used to remove the wen at home are compresses and masks. For example, they try to clean the lipoma with a decoction of celandine, or a compress made from infusion of nettle or golden whisker. Wenders are also smeared with Kalanchoe juice or vegetable oil combined with crushed chive of garlic. Women with Wen often prepare a cream-salt or chestnut mask, medical products from red clay.

Another unusual way to get rid of Wen is to cover them with a film made from chicken eggs. It is said that sometimes even experts advise getting rid of limes in this way, of course, it is hard to believe in it. But this method is not the limit of the fantasies of people who are engaged in self-treatment. Since our girls are very resourceful and optimistic, they come up with more incredible ways to remove the wen and firmly believe in their effectiveness. For example, the fair sex trying to remove the wen on the body with cinnamon. She needs to eat.

Various alcoholic compresses are also used, the role of which is to warm the skin. Also use special heating plasters. Such a love for warming, warming up blood procedures arose because, according to some experts, Wen are afraid of exposure to elevated temperatures. Even some doctors advise their patients, who have small wen on their bodies, to visit the steam room more often.

Treatment of wen on the body with onions: external and internal

We present you a thunderstorm wen - bulb onions. Here is this friend, in the opinion of lovers of folk recipes, really copes with wenders on the body. And use it in any form. For example, you can just chop a small onion and adjust it to the lipoma several times a day. They say that after such actions all the contents of the wen will come out, and the wound will heal quickly.

Samolekari who love to bake and mix something, prepare a more complex onion compress. First they bake onions. While he is preparing, experimenters should make soap chips. Use should soap. When the onion reaches the condition, it should be kneaded, mixed with soap and, put on the bandage, put to the wen for an hour. Such a compress is usually done three times a day.

Are you surprised at how well your bow is? This is still nothing. Here men prove that, regularly eating onions, you can also remove the wen on the body. At the same time no compresses are needed. Just eat a bulb a day, and all lipomas disappear. Yes, here is another important rule of onion therapy: when biting off pieces of onion, be sure to jam them with black bread, without this magic will not work. Where the logic of all these actions and why onions and bread, taken orally, should scare lipoma, it is not clear.

Bite you mosquito

In the summer, you can remove the wen on the body by mosquitoes. At least that's what they say. The patient needs to catch a large and agile mosquito and make him bite the suffering simply in lipoma. Soon after the bite, the wen should disappear, and why he would do that is a mystery of nature, which only a mosquito probably could have guessed. If you look for some logic here, then you can decide that the Wen disappears, because the secret contained in the capsule jumps out through the hole made by the mosquito. But this is impossible. In general, you can try. The main thing is to make the mosquito bite your lipoma.

That's who will be more accommodating, so are the bees. It is easier to force them to bite an unaesthetic wen. In addition, these workaholic can be found not only in summer. With regard to the treatment of wen on the body with bee stings, then therapy develops in several scenarios. Most daredevils claim that one bite is enough for a lipoma to disappear. The rest insist that the wen on the body disappear after the third. As for the second method, only one bee should bite you first, and a few days later - two at once.

Sheep and ram against wen on the body?

To remove the wen on the body you do not need a whole sheep, but only a shred of its wool. At the same time they say that it is not necessary to cut it off from a frisky sheep. Wool can also be taken from clothes, for example, from a sheepskin coat. So, wool is found. Now you need to wash it, and even pour over boiling water. After it dries, the wool should be soaped and attached with a plaster to the wen. Periodically, the whole thing needs to be updated. The procedure is carried out before the disappearance of the wen. It is possible not to look for new wool every time, but to process (boil) the already used one. It makes sense, because if you cut the wool again and again, then you won't be able to get enough of any short fur coats.

How to remove Wen from the body with the help of a ram? There is no need for wool. You will need mutton fat. Take a spoonful of fat, heat it up and rub it hot in a wen. Do the procedure twice a day. After that, we rest for several days and again take on the fat.

How to remove the wen on the body

Experts claim that no lotions, compresses, fats, juices and wool are not able to remove the grease on the body. Such issues need to be addressed only in the clinic, forgetting about traditional medicine. If the wen is so tiny that not everyone can see it, then it is not necessary to perform surgery. It is enough just to be observed by a specialist. But if it is large, it interferes, besides signs of degeneration of a wen began to appear, the patient needs surgical treatment.

So, the doctors said that the wenders on the body should be removed, and not smeared with something. And it seems that all people should hurry to the medical center. So no, many did not go to a specialist, but simply discovered a talented surgeon. In the course went the needles, which pierce the wen to squeeze its contents. Only in this way you can not remove the capsule with adipose tissue. Even if something appears, the remaining part of the lipoma will lead to a relapse. That is, at best, the wen will return, but there may be serious complications.

People also practice cauterization of the skin with different formulations. After a crust forms on the skin, they tear it off and try to reach the lipoma with tweezers. To get rid of wen on the body, the abnormal even cut the body at home.

In general, if you do not want to be injured, leave scars on the skin, provoke the proliferation of the Wen, get a blood infection, do not remove the Wen on the body yourself. In addition, some lipomas that surround the nerves or grow through the muscles are difficult to remove, even in clinics. Refusing to go to doctors, you also cannot be sure that you are treating a wen, and not a malignant tumor.


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