What is skin peeling - choose the best method. Full description of all existing peeling procedures.


Much to our regret, over the years, no woman becomes younger. Many processes in the body slow down, including cellular regeneration of the skin. In simple words, you begin to notice how gradually the skin on the face loses its freshness, elasticity and elasticity, pigment spots, wrinkles and inflammation appear.

It is impossible to stop this process, but any woman can quite make it less noticeable by resorting to salon procedures. For example, any rashes, acne and "black spots" can be removed, as well as to cope with excess greasiness on the skin. A unique procedure called "peeling" will not erase the imprints of time from your face and certainly will not return to youth, but will help to provide high-quality skin care, restoring its former smoothness and freshness.

What is skin peeling and what types of procedures are there?

The surface layer of the epidermis over time loses its original characteristics: it becomes flabby, dotted with fine wrinkles and pimples, the pores become clogged with various cosmetic products and skin fat. Get rid of all this "good" in rare cases, you can simple scrubs and emulsions for washing. But often women and girls have to take more drastic measures - peels. Conventionally, the procedure for deep cleaning of the face can be divided into three categories:

1. Cleaning the face without physical impact removes only a small layer of the epidermis, improves the complexion, eliminates acne and blackheads, polishes the skin surface - this is a superficial peeling.

2. In-depth cleaning with the use of chemicals evens the skin, removes fine facial wrinkles and shallow scars, qualitatively peels off the horny layer - this is the middle peeling.

3. The procedure, which affects the deep layers of the epidermis, perfectly smoothes visible wrinkles and scars on the face, "removes" the top layer of the skin and helps to update it - deep peeling.

Now you understand what type of deep cleaning of the face your skin needs, comparing the procedure with the problems that need to be solved. Let's break down the types of peelings into main groups:

• Chemical peels are classified as superficial, that is, gentle procedures. It can be fruit, almond and enzyme peels, as well as cleaning with calcium chloride.

• Mechanical peeling refers to the median and deep types of procedures. Most often for carrying out a session use the additional equipment. It can be: salicylic, laser peels, ultrasound and gas-liquid.

If you want to know more about these procedures, we will describe them in more detail below.

Chemical peeling: types, benefits, effects

All types of chemical peels, as a rule, do not affect the surface of the face too aggressively. They are suitable for women with minor flaws on the skin, who want to thoroughly clean it and get rid of small defects: wrinkles, pimples, pigmentation, to restore the skin softness, smoothness and freshness. Indeed, after several sessions (and they need to be done from 5 to 10), the majority of patients of cosmetologists note how the skin of the face has changed, has become truly radiant and soft. This is not surprising, because the “old” layer, which has already clearly outlived its surface, has descended from the surface, and now the skin can be renewed and restore the previous color and structure.

Fruit acid peeling

Fruit peeling is the effect on the skin of the face with special emulsions and creams containing fruit acids. In the beauty salon you can hear the abbreviation ANA, which means any type of peeling based on:

• Lactic acid,

• Apple,

• Glycolic,

• Lemon,

• Wine,

• Almond,

• Retinoeva,

• As well as combinations of several types of acids.

After a session of exposure to the skin of fruit acid, women notice redness and some swelling of the covering. This is normal and all side effects should disappear within one, maximum two days. As a rule, peeling with the use of fruit acids does not apply to the deep layers of the dermis, but only affects the upper keratinous layer of the epidermis. "Peeling" with fruit acids can be not only the skin of the face, but also the neck, neck, back and even the areas on the stomach.

An important role in choosing the type of face cleaning is played by the pH level, that is, in simple words, the acid-base balance we know The lower the pH threshold of an individual type of peeling, the deeper the fruit acids penetrate, respectively, the more purifying the procedure is considered. At the same time, a low pH level indicates the possibility of deep cleaning without the use of mechanical action (laser or ultrasound).

For example, glycolic peeling has a low pH level, so it is believed that it can penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. Moreover, the higher the concentration of glycolic acid, the more cardinal problems can be solved: weak solutions will relieve the skin of excess fat, clean the pores and remove acne. And solutions with its high content effectively affect fine wrinkles, expand constricted pores and remove impurities.

Facial cleansing with almond peeling will suit even young ladies with sensitive and thin skin, which is subject to frequent inflammation. It affects the skin extremely gently, gently cleanses the face, tightens and smoothes the skin. In addition, bitter almonds have a bactericidal effect, perfectly peels dead cells with time and fights against diseases such as rosacea.

Contraindications for peeling: visible damage to the skin, inflammation, tumors, allergies to cosmetic preparations.

Enzyme peeling

A special kind of deep cleansing of the face - enzyme peeling. Its meaning lies in the impact on the epidermis with the help of special enzymes. Our skin itself is saturated with enzymes, they are present in large quantities in its composition. However, the aging process, which is irreversible, suspends the action of enzymes in the layers of the epidermis. Enzyme peeling is designed not only to supplement the skin with enzymes, so that it gains the same elasticity and smoothness, but also to correct the contours of the face, restore color and restore the tone to fading skin.

The composition of different types of peeling on the basis of enzymes can include enzymes:

• Vegetable origin - papaya, fig, pineapple, kiwi, lingonberry, blueberry and other fruits and berries.

• Animal origin - enzymes of the mucous membranes of the stomach and pancreas of calves, pigs, sheep, as well as protein compounds of chicken eggs.

• Bacterial enzymes.

• Rennet and milk proteins.

Unlike fruit peeling, which cannot be performed on girls with dark complexion, enzymatic cleaning can be done even in the presence of an uneven surface of the skin, post-acne, rosacea, and signs of photoaging.

Contraindications: purulent inflammation, diabetes, hepatitis, allergic reactions, as well as viral herpes. Surface peeling should be done with sessions, and the intervals between each can be from 7 to 21 days.

Facial Peeling with Calcium Chloride

As for calcium chloride peeling, this procedure can even be carried out independently at home, however, you should be very careful in the process: be careful not to apply the peeling mixture on the area around the eyes and lips, do not use this peeling too often and do not leave the mixture on face for a long time.

This type of facial cleansing is rather superficial, it does not affect the skin too aggressively, but it helps to eliminate pigmentation, reduces greasiness of the skin and tightens pores.

Middle and deep facial peels

Since these procedures are quite painful and often leave behind one or two days (sometimes more) of swelling, redness and inflammation of the skin, these types of peelings are allowed to be performed no more than twice a month. The most successful time to visit the office of a beautician is a weekend. That is how much time it will take the skin to recover and gain a radiant look.

Women over the age of 35 can afford a mechanical peeling session, it perfectly restores the skin, smoothes the crow's feet near the eyes, tightens the facial contours and reduces the oiliness of the skin, cleansing the pores. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the autumn-spring period, and in the summer to refrain from sessions.

Laser peeling

The most famous salon facial cleaning ceremony is laser peeling. It is widely popular due to the fact that it is considered a low-impact procedure, and the effect of it surpasses even the most skeptical expectations.

By the way, laser peeling can be done to young ladies who have numerous cicatricial formations after healing acne, as well as scars and stretch marks. Usually, two types of laser are used for deep cleaning: CO2 or erbium. The first type is a classic inexpensive laser, which on particularly sensitive skin can leave rather unpleasant burns and even aggravate the situation with scar tissue.

Erbium laser is considered a more modern device, 100% safe, while the cosmetologist has the ability to control the depth of penetration of the rays. A significant disadvantage of this type of face cleaning is the need for a rehabilitation period, which is usually 7-10 days. During this period, the skin surface is fully restored.

Ultrasonic peeling

Another way to rejuvenate and "polish" the skin is an ultrasonic type of peeling. It acts on the cover carefully enough, special ultrasonic waves cleanse and remove the layer of dead cells, restore the natural reliefs of the face and wonderfully eliminate the fat content. The main advantage of ultrasonic cleaning is the absence of a rehabilitation period. Usually all redness disappears in one day.

What is gas-liquid peeling

Deep cleansing of the face can be done with the help of gas-liquid peeling. It combines several types of effects on the skin: treatment of the cover with a special gas mixture and simultaneous spraying of the medicinal composition (sodium chloride solution). Thanks to this combination, the pores open up and you can wash out any dirt from them, and subsequently moisten and saturate it with oxygen. Gas-liquid peeling does not require rehabilitation after a session, and the procedure itself lasts about 10-20 minutes.

Salicylic Peeling

Median face cleaning with salicylic acid gives a truly unique effect: the structure of the cover becomes even, comedones and eels almost completely disappear. Salicylic peeling is the procedure of choice in the fight against acne, as it has antiseptic properties and reduces inflammation. In addition, salicylic purification can be combined with fruit acid peels. Different concentrations of acid in the composition can gently clean the skin from minor defects or act deeper, removing greasy plugs from clogged pores and polishing scars.

Unique skin cleaning ceremony - fish peeling

Such a fun procedure, which most women initially fear, can leave a truly lasting impression. Yes, such that you want to visit her again and again. Mild cleaning of the epidermis without the use of aggressive chemicals, oddly enough, gives a positive result: the skin is renewed, looks incredibly fresh and silky.

The peeling is carried out with special fish with the amazing name Garra Rufa and it should be attributed to the SPA procedures rather, it is so delicate. Immersion in a bath with fish will take place after dressing equipment: caps for hair, clothespins on the nose and a special breathing tube. After that, you lower the face and body into a large container, where the small fish will eat the dead layer of the epidermis, without affecting the healthy skin.

Do not worry, it does not hurt at all. Rather, you will feel light touch and tickling. By the way, the saliva of small aquatic inhabitants contains enzymes that are used to produce skin care products (creams, emulsions and masks). They say that having gone through several peeling courses with fish, you can even cure psoriasis.

Now you know all about the salon types of peelings and can perfectly clean the skin on the face, choosing the right procedure for your skin type. Do not forget that your skin is like a mantle, presented to you by nature. And how you take care of her will depend on her aesthetic appearance. With proper care, it will remain soft, fresh and perfectly clean for many years.

Also on our portal you can find out how to make an effective facial peeling at home.


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