March TOP-10 of the most beautiful women in the world according to the portal "Women's opinion"


With this rating, the Women's Opinion portal opens the monthly updated TOP of the most beautiful women, paying tribute to the unique beauty and style of beauties from all countries and corners of the world.

The selection of candidates is carried out by a special jury consisting of true connoisseurs of female beauty.

So, we present the first spring TOP 10 most beautiful women in the world according to our portal.

10th place: Amanda Seyfried

The girl has distinctive facial features that distinguish her from the rest. Amanda is insanely cute and pretty. She is often offered to play the role of teenage girls or romantic heroines. All the films in which she happened to be shot got success, popularity and world love, however, like Amanda herself. The actress from childhood enjoys sports and fitness. It is because of this, she has a gorgeous body.

9th place: Tina Desae

Tina bears the title of not only the sexiest woman in the East, but also one of the most beautiful women in the world. The girl had dreamed of becoming an actress all her life, but she had to learn to be a manager and a financier, because her parents wanted that. Once Tine had the opportunity to take part in a reality show, and she took advantage of it. Then the girl was noticed and invited to play in her first film, which was a good start for Desaia’s film career. A few years later, Bollywood fell to the feet of an aspiring actress. In her filmography there are only a few films, but all famous directors have already noticed Tina. The girl says that career is not the most important thing. It is important to remain open, positive and never stop working hard.

8th place: Elena Korikova

Our Russian actress and model fell in love with everyone from the TV series "Poor Nastya", in which she played the main role. Prior to this series, she has already starred in several historical films. Elena says that she likes to play in films of this genre, because it is better to play in a good historical film than in a modern, but bad one. The girl was repeatedly accused of copying various celebrities, and there is absolutely no individuality in her image. Korikova just turned a blind eye to such statements. She knew that her attractive face, expressive eyes and stunning figure have always been and will be the subject of envy.

7th place: Taina Muller

The girl from Brazil, whom the fate smiled, making her a world-famous model and actress. Actually, destiny here, of course, has nothing to do with it. Taina worked hard and hard to achieve such success. Belle Müller has participated in many projects, since 19 she has worked as a TV presenter, her photos have been featured in the most popular Brazilian magazines. She was noticed and began to be invited to act in films. The woman says she does not consider herself a big star and is no different from other people. Simply, she was lucky in life a little more. The name of Taina became known to the world through telenovela Jaime Monzhardin called "In the Family Circle" ("In the Family").

6th place: Adriana Lima

She was called so many times the most beautiful woman on the planet, which is impossible to count. Brazilian supermodel fully deserves such a title. The whole secret of her wonderful appearance is simple: a lot of blood and nationalities mixed up in a girl. From each of them she got the best. Adriana's modeling career began when she was only 18 years old. She left her native city and went to New York - the city where the most secret desires are fulfilled. Lima dreams come true too. She starred for the most fashionable magazines and conquered all the catwalks that she had to climb.

5th place: Zhang Ziyi

Zhang conquered everyone with her natural beauty. This woman does not need to put tons of concealer, kilos of eye shadows on her face and do her hair for 4 hours to look gorgeous. Such instances are very rare. Zhang is one of the most famous actresses in China. She gained fame after the movie "The Road Home", which starred at the age of 19 years.

4th place: Agnia Ditkovskite

Famous singer and actress. Agnes made her debut as an actress in 2006, when a movie called “Heat” appeared on the screen, in which she performed one of the main roles. Agniya does not have an acting education, but if a person has a unique talent for something, then does he need to study in order to become a professional in his field? Ditkovskite says that the lack of special education even helped her, because she was never “broken” and not forced to be the one she is not. Agniya is now open to a variety of roles and is happy to play characters that differ from each other.

3rd place: Olivia Wilde

What would it be the TOP of the most beautiful women in the world, if it hadn't been a word about Olivia Wilde? With such an appearance, which was awarded this woman, you can just stand silently in the frame and nice smile. Each director wants to intrigue the actress with his film and draw her into the main caste.

It turns out that few. Olivia does not want to star in films, the plot of which could not “catch” her, even if they promise her a huge fee. Olivia has everything to be considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. She has memorable facial features: sharp cheekbones, large green eyes and plump lips.

2 place: Freida Pinto

It is very difficult not to notice such a smart girl, but, nevertheless, she gained popularity not so long ago. For a long time, Frida did not get the main roles in the films because the directors believed that there was nothing special about her. Now they, unequivocally, bite their elbows and regret that they have made the biggest mistake in their lives.

Freida Pinto began to learn after she got a role in the movie "Slumdog Millionaire." This movie went all over the world, and with it Frida became famous. Now Pinto is invited not only to various films, but also to be shot for popular Indian magazines. It is impossible not to pay attention to the gorgeous body of a woman. Not every star can boast of such a figure.

1st place: Margot Robbie

Our favorite! The beauty of Hollywood, which is famous for its acting talent and unique ability to transform into a variety of characters. For the first time she appeared in all her glory to the world when she was only 17 years old. Then two films by well-known director Aasha Aaron appeared on the screens, starring Margot.

They gained popularity precisely because of the young beauty, about which no one knew anything yet. Robbie draws attention to himself because he has perfect and memorable facial features, good posture and elegant figure.

Margot in the movie Wolf of Wall Street:

The lines of her body can not fail to fascinate. About the film "Focus", in which Robbie played a major role, began to speak even before the picture was released.
