Supermarkets: do not let yourself be fooled!


Supermarkets can, without exaggeration, be called symbols of our time. Most of the population prefers to buy products there, because everything in these stores is arranged so that it is convenient for the buyer: each product can be picked up and inspected from all sides, the choice time is not limited, and in order not to carry weight, you can take a cart. But, having left the supermarket, many find out that, having come for buns and yogurt, for unknown reasons, they left almost all the money in their cash register in the checkout.

There is nothing surprising in this, because marketers around the world are constantly coming up with new traps, forcing supermarket buyers to impulsively buy as many different goods as possible, without which they could well do. To do this, they carefully study the contingent of customers of each particular supermarket, because for representatives of different segments of the population when determining the purchase are different factors. The same applies to the gender of customers, their material wealth and many other differences.

Fruits in front and candy at the checkout

Upon entering each supermarket, the buyer first enters the zone where the fruit stalls are located. This is not a coincidence at all; fresh fruits symbolize the freshness of other goods; in addition, they attract the attention of the buyer, who, choosing for himself several mandarins, calms down, and then moves around the store much slower, looking at the presented goods with interest.

The same trap is located at the box office, where, as a rule, the queue moves slowly. The buyer from boredom begins to consider magazines, candies, chewing gums, razors laid out on racks and in most cases puts something into his basket about which he would not even have thought before. It is especially hard to keep young mothers from buying, as children immediately begin to ask for some "Chupa Chups."

At arm's length

In supermarkets, a certain principle of placing similar goods applies, according to which those products that need to be sold in the first place are placed in the middle of the shelving. For a person of average height, the right product immediately catches the eye, and in order to take it, you just need to reach out. As a rule, in this zone are placed expensive products of promoted brands with a not very long shelf life. Above is placed that which is somewhat cheaper, and the cheapest goods usually stand at the very bottom.


Psychologists say that the smell of smoked sausage, fresh bread or coffee has a very positive effect on supermarket buyers. These smells, without exception, cause appetite, which leads to the purchase of many far from the most necessary goods. In some supermarkets, these smells arise in a natural way, while in others they are specially sprayed from flavored sprays.

How to avoid traps in supermarkets

Modern psychologists have developed a few simple rules, the observance of which will help to keep from unnecessary purchases:

1. Do not go to the supermarket hungry.

2. If you need to buy a large number of products, it is recommended to make a list of them and try not to deviate from it.

3. You should take with you only the amount you plan to spend.

4. You should not purchase products immediately upon entering the supermarket; in the farthest zone you can often find the same goods at a cheaper price.

5. You must carefully look at the lower shelves.

6. If you plan to buy two or three products, you should not take a large cart.


Anna 11/27/2016
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