7 things you should never apologize for


Everyone makes mistakes. We are people, we are allowed. Usually, when we make a mistake in our judgment, we simply apologize and move on. But the truth is that we should not blame ourselves for certain actions, because our emotional and physical health depends on it. Below you will find seven actions that are not only not worth the apology, but which you can even celebrate a little! (Sorry that we do not feel guilty).

Go to bed early

This may be a great temptation - to go somewhere in the evening or watch another episode of "Game of Thrones." But if you are tired, you are tired, there is nothing wrong with that. Sleep is vital to our health and happiness. Studies have shown that lack of sleep can increase stress and lead to serious health problems, such as obesity and heart disease. So you can, with a clear conscience, lie down on a pillow early; and the series is not going anywhere.

Say no

Do you charge yourself too much at work? Are there too many notes on your calendar? Sometimes you should say no - and that's fine. If you do not stop loading yourself, this can lead to burnout. To end the chaos in our daily life, it’s enough just to focus on only one thing at a time. Fury is ineffective, focus brings more satisfaction.

Take a vacation

Such is the sad reality: a significant number of people are exposed to too much stress, and many in general are once again afraid to take a weekend. But there is always the opportunity to take a break and take a break from your schedule from 9 to 6, and you don’t need to feel guilty about it. Planning a vacation can make you happier and distract your mind, reduce stress.

Get rid of the poisonous friendship

Breaking with a friend is hard (maybe even harder than ending a romantic relationship). But sometimes it needs to be done for your own health, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes the exclusion of a person or from your life can become a manifestation of self-empathy. Research also shows that stress is contagious; the more stress someone experiences, the greater the likelihood that he will pass on to you. If you save yourself from this situation, you have nothing to blame yourself for.

Do not reply to email immediately

Ubiquitous technologies exert psychological pressure on us, prompting us to immediately respond to messages. But here's the thing: your mailbox drives you into stress, and it's normal to take a break from it. Curiously, many successful entrepreneurs do not even check their mail in the morning. For example, take the founder of the Tumblr social network founder David Karp. “I try not to check the messages until I get to the office, where I usually come between 9.30 and 10 am,” said Karp. “Reading messages at home is neither comfortable nor efficient.”

To be alone for a while

While most of us can't stand the thought of being alone with our thoughts (one study found that some people would even prefer to get an electric shock instead), for some reason we feel compelled to apologize when we want to spend a little time. alone (We look at you, introverts). But in fact, being alone with yourself provides a lot of benefits: it can help you reboot, teach self-control, etc.

Put yourself first

Anyway, good health is necessary to live a normal life, and therefore you have to put your needs first (apologies are not necessary). In fact, this is a sound approach. It means filling oneself mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and this is not at all egoism.

Source huffingtonpost.com

Translation Feminine opinion


Watch the video: 7 Things You Should Never Apologize For! (June 2024).