Beef soup - recipe with photos and step by step description


Beef soup is attractive because it is low-calorie and, at the same time, very tasty and healthy. For those who do not want to get better, this soup will give a good boost of energy with a small amount of calories consumed, especially if it is not with bread, but with bread.

If you do not give the broth to seethe, the soup will turn out transparent and appetizing.

Cooking a light but nutritious beef soup will help the recipe with photos and step by step comments. Following the instructions set forth, to cook the beef and beef soup yourself will work absolutely for everyone.

In the photo: ingredients for making beef soup:

  • Filtered or boiled water - 2.5 liters.
  • Lean beef - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potato tubers - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Spice
  • Salt

Recipe for cooking beef soup (with photo):

The process of cooking soup begins with the preparation of meat. In order for the beef was not tough, it is important to cut it properly. Divide the meat into portions across the grain. Longitudinal cuts will spoil it. It will be tougher. To cut the meat along the fibers become soft, it will have to cook much longer. Therefore, we make cuts so that in the process of dividing it into portions of the fiber cut with a knife.

Prepared pieces of beef are sent to the pan and pour them so that the water slightly covers the meat. We bring the water with the meat in it to a boil, and then pour it out and wash the meat. This must be done because the first broth contains harmful substances that have accumulated in the muscle tissue of the animal. The second time, pour the pieces of beef with filtered or boiled water. As soon as the water begins to boil, gray foam will form on its surface. It must be carefully removed with a spoon, and the fire reduced to such an extent that the liquid barely gurgled. This will allow the broth to remain clear and fragrant. Dimmed broth does not look appetizing at all.

On the readiness of meat we learn, pricked him with a fork. If a piece is pierced with difficulty, then the beef is not ready yet. If the fork enters easily, the beef is ready and you can lay the potatoes.

Cut the potatoes into small pieces as soon as the beef pieces are sent to the pan and leave it in the water until the meat is cooked. In no case can not leave the potatoes without water. Interacting with the air, it will acquire a shade of rust. Potato sticks fall asleep in a saucepan and leave to boil, not afraid to digest. It is the boiled potatoes in the soup that are most delicious.

When the potatoes are ready, it is time to fill the wheat cereal. We wash it and send it to the pan. Boil over low heat so that the soup doesn't get muddied.

It remains to cook fry. To do this, put on a preheated pan a piece of butter.

Fry onions in oil to transparency and aroma.

Scrape the carrot with a knife.

Grind it on a coarse grater.

Fry with onions. The carrot should soften and its color become less bright. As soon as cooked fried, send to the soup.

Salt the broth and flavor it with spices.

We grind the greens, but do not put it in the pan, but serve to the soup in a separate vessel.

It can be done differently. Salt, spices, garlic and herbs rub in a mortar with a piece of bacon and fill the soup with this before removing it from the heat. This dish will be whiter aromatic.


Watch the video: Vegetable Beef Soup (June 2024).