Member of the "Ural dumplings" saved a young wife


The participant of the show "Ural dumplings" Dmitry Sokolov is married to a second marriage. The showman broke up with his first wife when his career did not take off. Inspired by the "Ural dumplings", he abandoned his family, which did not suit his wife Natalya, who ultimately confronted him with a choice: family or career. Sokolov chose the latter. Natalia was very hard going through a divorce, however, she showed wisdom and enabled her ex-husband to communicate with children.

In 2006, at one of the KVN games, Sokolov met a member of one of the teams, Xenia. A feeling arose between them. Unfortunately, Ksenia suffered from a serious disease - progressive deformity of the legs. The girl was difficult to move around. Dmitry always stayed close to his beloved, at night, to ease her pain, he massaged her legs. As a result, Xenia underwent an operation, which, together with rehabilitation, cost a lot of money.

In 2011, 49-year-old Dmitry made a proposal to a 23-year-old lover. They got married, their daughter Masha was born.


Watch the video: WELCOMING A NEW MEMBER OF THE FAMILY!!! (July 2024).