Curious facts about pregnancy


Pregnancy is a wonderful time, which presents women with many different surprises. So, a pregnant woman has new habits, smells are perceived more acutely, intuition becomes more acute. But this is not all. There are future moms who, with surprising ease, go all the way to pregnancy, and only in the last months have a little discomfort. Be that as it may, nine months of pregnancy is a wonderful period that brings a lot of unforgettable emotions and wonders.

Increased mood of pregnant women

There are many anecdotes and fun life stories related to the vagaries of pregnant women. And indeed, some addictions of future mothers are amazing. For example, there may be an irresistible craving to eat chalk, herring with ice cream, soap, or even clay. Interesting things happen with the smell, when some smells begin to like, and others - very annoying.

These phenomena are easily explained by increased production of progesterone - the female hormone. That it has an impact on the taste and olfactory receptors of pregnant women. This hormone helps a pregnant woman with a choice of the most useful food. The body seems to suggest that it needs the most. In this case, you should not indulge your own whims - it is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe a complex of vitamins or recommend changes in the diet.

Unexpected Birth

Many interesting stories happen to pregnant women, including in medical practice. There are women who learn about their pregnancy shortly before giving birth. There was an interesting case when an American in Minnesota began giving birth immediately after a workout. It turns out that she did not even suspect about her pregnancy, and she accepted all the negative manifestations as back problems. And there are many such cases.

Aggravation of intuition

It is no secret that intuition is significantly exacerbated by future mothers, a so-called sixth sense appears. Such a gift often saves mothers and babies from various troubles. Once there was an interesting case. The young woman began to bleed heavily, which doctors could hardly stop. Further examinations showed that the baby is dead in the womb. Doctors prescribed special drugs for abortion, but Mom flatly refused them - she had a special faith in herself and her baby. The following ultrasound showed that the child was alive, and subsequently the little girl was born full, with only minor health problems.

Pregnancy can heal

In the history there are cases when a child saved his mother from incurable diseases. In one pregnant woman, doctors discovered uterine cancer in a serious stage. At first, this education was quite large, so the doctors demanded an urgent operation. Female hormones that are actively released during pregnancy came to the rescue. They were the ones who made the deadly disease retreat. Within a few weeks, the biopsy confirmed that the cancer was in its initial stage and there was no threat to life. Subsequently, the child was born completely healthy, without any complications. Proved that pregnancy has a positive effect on the health of women. This is an excellent prevention of breast cancer and a number of other dangerous diseases.


Watch the video: 20 FUNNY FACTS About PREGNANCY (July 2024).