Negative sides of simultaneous orgasm


Many couples consider simultaneous orgasm to be the highest manifestation of love and tenderness. This is partly the case. The peak of pleasure achieved by a man and a woman at the same time brings them very emotionally together, which is very useful for strengthening relationships.

However, simultaneous orgasm has certain disadvantages. The fact is that people make love not only for an emotional rapprochement, but also for getting bright sexual sensations. And with this, this phenomenon is not all smooth. Of course, to say that the simultaneous orgasm must be avoided is not worth it: after all, this is quite a pleasant thing. But to strive to achieve this phenomenon every time is also not necessary. Let's take a look at some of the shortcomings of simultaneous orgasm in order to get the most complete picture of it.

The important thing is not to win but to take part. A man and a woman should be able to appreciate not only the orgasm, but also the very process of intercourse. If partners by all means are trying to simultaneously reach the peak of pleasure, then the sex itself seems to be sidelined. But during sexual intercourse you can get even more exciting emotions and vivid sensations. That is why it is not worthwhile to strive for simultaneous orgasm: if it happens, then fine, but if this does not happen, then there is nothing terrible about it.

Restrictions for men. Any self-respecting man makes every effort to ensure that his partner has reached orgasm. At the same time, after the goal of satisfying the woman is reached, the majority of the representatives of the stronger sex begin to realize their desires. For example, some prefer to end sexual intercourse with fellatio. Others are experimenting with various postures. Still others love long sex, so after orgasm partner start to act slowly and with taste. If a man sets a goal to end at the same time with his woman, then all the above-mentioned pleasures become impossible.

Disappointment. As mentioned above, simultaneous orgasm is not such a frequent occurrence. Therefore, to achieve this result is obtained not every time. Moreover, if a man and a woman consider the simultaneous achievement of the peak of pleasure to be their main goal, then failure will be perceived as a complete fiasco of the night of love. But what kind of fiasco can we talk about if people were able to start sexual contact, got detente, if not simultaneously? Here it is necessary to take into account the psychology of the person: if the desired goal is not taken, then all other achievements seem small and insignificant.


Watch the video: Women best orgasm. intense orgasm full body shacking (July 2024).