Everything you need to know about alkaline diet


How many diets currently exist? Surely, no one can answer this question. In addition, every day there are all new species that promise a stunning effect. But at the same time there is a growing number of people who dream of losing weight. This is explained by the individual characteristics of each person. Indeed, in the world there are no two identical personalities, therefore, the approach to each must be purely individual. The alkaline diet is now very popular, which not only allows you to lose weight, but also significantly improve your health.

An interesting fact is that such a diet is shown not only to overweight people. It is especially effective in case of weakened immunity, regular migraines, benign tumors, and increased body fatigue. Moreover, physicians, nutritionists and physiologists unanimously recognize the positive result of this diet and recommend it to their patients.

How does an alkaline diet work?

Food consumed by man directly affects the state of the body. Getting into the digestive tract, it is broken down and absorbed by the body, having a direct impact on the composition of the blood. So, dairy products form an acidic environment, but vegetables and fruits - alkaline. It has long been proven that acidity adversely affects the overall health of a person. That is why, in order to neutralize acidity, to prevent oxidative processes, it is necessary to eat as much as possible alkaline foods. Due to this, the body is cleaned, restored and rehabilitated.

Maximum effect can be achieved in 4 weeks. In the first days, a deep cleansing of the body takes place, so the general state of health can deteriorate. In this case, experts advise not to worry, because after 3-5 days there is a feeling of lightness, cheerfulness and freshness.

Alkaline diet rules

- The transition to a diet should be smooth. It is necessary to begin to prepare the body in advance.

- The main menu should consist of vegetables and fruits. Their daily rate should be about 80% of the total diet, and the rest - protein products. Better if it is nuts, lean meats. But the use of bakery products should be reduced to a minimum, as experts do not advise to abuse tea, coffee and sugar.

- Food needs to be chewed thoroughly.

- It is recommended to consume drinks in intervals between meals, but not during food. It is better if it will be fresh juices and herbal teas.

- For cooking, you should use vegetable oils - olive, sunflower and other.

- The main rule of the alkaline diet is not to eat food containing various chemical additives.

Gradually, your body will get rid of harmful substances, you will feel an influx of strength and energy, will experience vigor and lightness, and those extra pounds will start to leave you unnoticed. For some people, an alkaline diet is a panacea, for others it is absolutely inactive.

There are practically no contraindications for this diet. However, people with kidney and heart diseases, as well as children and the elderly should start a diet only after prior consultation with a specialist.


Watch the video: Alkaline Food Diets: Does it Work? UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (July 2024).