Everything we need to know about abortion


Abortion is a dangerous procedure that can only be performed in a hospital with a qualified specialist. At the first stage, it is necessary to undergo an examination confirming the presence and duration of pregnancy, as well as to pass tests to ensure that there are no inflammatory and infectious diseases. After an abortion, control of a specialist and the appointment of rehabilitative therapy are mandatory. Only strict adherence to these conditions helps to minimize the risks, but a threat to women's health and negative consequences for the reproductive system cannot be ruled out.

In Russia, there are three types of abortion - surgical, vacuum aspiration and drug. It determines which type of abortion is suitable for the patient, only a specialist - the chosen method will depend on the duration of the pregnancy, but some additional facts may influence the choice.

Surgical (classical or instrumental) abortion

For medical reasons, carried out over long periods - up to 16 weeks of pregnancy. At the request of the patient, the allowable period is lower - the permitted termination of pregnancy is defined by law to 12 weeks. Late terms and the formed fetus, as well as its firm fixation in the uterus, make this procedure the most traumatic. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for observation for a few more hours. The fetus is removed from the uterus by scraping with a special curette. Since such an operation is performed blindly, the possibility of injury to the walls and cervix is ​​high. There is a risk of infection, since the uterus after surgery is a wound surface.

Vacuum aspiration (another name is mini abortion)

Mini-abortion is performed in the early stages of pregnancy, from the moment when the ovum is fixed in the uterus (4-5 week) to 7 weeks of pregnancy. Before conducting it is necessary to pass a blood test for the level of hCG and undergo transvaginal ultrasound, which allows to establish the exact duration of pregnancy. During the operation, a special apparatus is used by which the fertilized egg is sucked out of the uterus. A short period is a prerequisite for a vacuum abortion, due to the fact that the egg must be loosely fixed in the uterus. Despite the fact that this type of abortion is less traumatic, vacuum aspiration is fraught with incomplete removal of the ovum and its membranes. After the control ultrasound, in case of detection of incomplete release of the ovum, an additional surgical cleaning is appointed - in fact, the same instrumental abortion.

Medical abortion (short term pregnancy is terminated with drugs)

Not common in all countries. In Russia, such an interruption is valid up to 6 weeks gestation. Such an abortion can be carried out in polyclinic conditions, but under mandatory medical supervision. The procedure takes place in several stages:

1. Ultrasound, confirming the presence of pregnancy and proper fixation of the ovum in the uterus.

2. Taking the first pill (Mifepristone or Mifegin). The active ingredient of the drug should reduce the effect of the hormone, which is important for the preservation of pregnancy - progesterone. After taking the first pill, the woman remains in the clinic for some time - a specialist must make sure that she has not begun to feel worse or vomit, which will make the drug ineffective. After that, the woman goes home.

3. Acceptance of the maintenance drug Misoprostol or Mirolyut (as a rule, it is already at home). One tablet is usually used, but you may need an additional second. Drug support provides a reduction of the uterus, allowing you to reject the fertilized egg.

4. Control and appointment of rehabilitation therapy. Rejection of the ovum may take 1-3 days. After 24-72 hours, the doctor prescribes a control ultrasound to make sure that the egg has completely left the uterus, not leaving its shells in its cavity. After that, the patient is put on a dropper, which prevents the inflammatory process and supports the therapy.

Although anesthesia is not required for medical abortion, and surgical instruments that can injure the uterus are not used, it also has serious drawbacks:

• Incomplete removal of the ovum.

• Painful sensations.

• Psychological injury that may require work with a psychologist. Since such an abortion is extended in time, and the patient is an active participant in the ongoing process, some women experience severe stress.


Any abortion is fraught with a sharp hormonal disturbance and the risk of inflammatory processes. Therefore, a course of antibiotics and hormonal drugs are prescribed as therapy. The period of sexual abstinence takes at least 40 days after the procedure.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: What The Average Abortion Looks Like (July 2024).