The scariest personal secret that hides every zodiac sign from its partner


We are all human, and we all have our skeletons in the closet and cockroaches in our heads. Someone prefers to hide them, someone does not hesitate to drop them at all, and someone wears a fake mask, pretending to be a completely different person. In any case, there are always some points that you don’t want to voice even to the most dear and beloved person for a number of personal reasons. What do you think, what different zodiac signs will never tell your partner?


You do not want your partner to know how much you are afraid that he will leave you. You are madly in love with him and strive to do everything possible so that he feels it every minute. The only thing that darkens your relationship is your secret fear that you will eventually part on his initiative.


At heart, you know that you still suffer from memories of past relationships, and you really would not want your other half to be aware that you still could not cope with your old feelings. You are aware that this will only lead to unnecessary and undesirable quarrels and conflicts. And you definitely don't want to go that route. That is why you prefer to keep it a secret.


You would never want to admit this fact, but you simply do not like the hobbies and hobbies of your partner. However, you carefully hide it and pretend that you share all his interests with him. Of course, you know that there is nothing bad or fatal in the difference of preferences, but you would prefer to keep silent about it, because you are afraid to offend your loved one.


You always keep your expenses secret from your partner. You’re even afraid to think that he will find out how careless you are about money and don’t know how to count it. You are not the most practical sign of the zodiac and do not like to think over the budget, however you are embarrassed by this and do not want to admit such a lack to your chosen one.

A lion

People consider you a real star and a charismatic personality, and you only support them in this opinion. However, you yourself will never admit to your partner that you do not think of yourself as flattering as others think of you. You always try to portray a feeling of maximum self-confidence. However, you know that you have a lot of weaknesses that must be carefully hidden.


You prefer to keep quiet about it and act stealthily, but in reality you are trying in every possible way to change your partner: to correct his character traits, to eradicate some habits or change his style. You know that you need to accept a person as he really is, but you can’t do anything about yourself.


You are the one who always wants to do everything possible to be useful to loved ones and loved ones. You constantly want to pamper and delight them. However, this quality is not inherent to everyone. And it constantly seems to you that your partner is not putting as much effort as you. But you will never tell him this and will silently carry this discontent within you.


You are a very passionate and emotional person, but you definitely do not want your partner to know how much you are obsessed with them in the literal sense of the word. And when you fall in love with a person, you simply dissolve in him and do not feel the boundaries. And you know that such behavior can look intrusive and even frightening, and therefore restrain yourself with all your might.


You will never tell your partner that sometimes you fantasize about how great it would be to be alone again. You are a fickle and windy person, and you systematically want adventures. And this means that you can not stand when you are bound by relationships and obligations. However, you do not want to offend the one you love, and therefore you will become silent.


You are very afraid that relations may come to the fore in your life, which means that the system of your priorities will change. At heart you know that you would prefer your personal dreams and ambitions, rather than arranging a family nest and a petty bourgeois life, but you would not want your partner to know about this fact about you.


You are not the most sociable person, and you are very selective in terms of your social circle. And that is why you tend to dislike the friends of your partner, but you would not want this to look like a manifestation of your snobbery and bias. That is why you will never allow yourself to voice this information to him.


You are constantly worried about trying too little for your partner and not doing enough for him. You know that this is a manifestation of your weakness and insecurity, but you will be silent about how you feel. This is your weak point and a sore spot, which you would prefer to leave as your personal secret.


Watch the video: What The Zodiac Says About Your Love Life (June 2024).