Prediction on the Runes on Tuesday May 21 for all signs of the zodiac


The runes give clues, they help to understand whether you are on the right path, what to expect from the day ahead. Sometimes they indicate only the direction of movement, but you choose the goal yourself. Let's find out that they promise the runes to the different signs of the zodiac on May 21.

The rune of the day for all - at the end of the article

Aries - Today, the rune Dagaz protects you. This is the rune of intuition, foreboding. If in the morning you got up with an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, then this is no accident. Listen to your inner feelings. What are you really afraid of? On this day, you can understand what your true goals and motives are. You will be effective in your work if you rely on your own experience. And do not let anyone tell you the best, listen to the opinions of others and do as you please.

Taurus “Vunyo protects you today.” This is a rune of fun, joy and fertility. All that you would not undertake will give a wonderful result. Allow yourself to be strong, active, purposeful. You can sit back in the shadow of events another time. Today you can actively achieve what you want. Meetings, communication, contracts - all will be successful on this day.

Twins - Inguz protects you today. This is the rune of enlightenment, inner knowledge. Today you feel holistic and calm. You will not begin to prove your case, because you will understand that you already know everything yourself, while others do not always need to know it. Listen to your soulmate, give your loved one a sense of support and care. In working matters, be guided by a cold mind and common sense.

Crayfish - Today you are patronized by the rune of Soul. This is the rune of the soul, your higher goals. What are you silent about? What are you trying to hide from yourself? Today, all your secrets will come out and make you change your attitude towards everything that surrounds you. Allow yourself to create, listen to pleasant music, communicate. Be in the flow of events and enjoy this day.

Lions - Today you get the rune Isa. Rune of heavy thoughts and difficult decisions. It may seem to you that in your life there is a certain protracted negative strip, an obstacle course, when all decisions are made much more complicated than before. But it only seems to you. Have patience and faith in the end result. Provide support to loved ones, if you can not solve your problems, switch to helping others. Take care of what you put off for later.

Virgin - Today, the rune Hagallaz protects you. This is the rune of fuss, change. Perhaps you will have to do everything much faster today than usual. A lot of questions can come upon you, you can try to achieve a result for a long time and eventually switch to other more important matters. Do not fuss about love and relationships. Ponder your words and the words of your partner. Control your emotions.

Libra - Today, the rune Laguz protects you. It symbolizes interference from outside, empty talk. You may have to learn a lot about yourself today. They can invade your life, violating your personal boundaries. Try to keep all important thoughts and thoughts on this day to yourself. Share only what really needs discussion. You yourself also do not discuss and do not condemn other people's actions.

Scorpions - The rune Evaz patronizes you today. Carefully follow your goals, plan your affairs, try to keep up with everything. This is the rune of important decisions and loss of strength. You can give too much attention to matters of secondary importance, and everything important will be deprived of your attention. Try to fix this situation. Do not go deep into other people's problems, remember your affairs.

Sagittarius “Anzus is patronizing you today.” This is a rune of tips, directions, gaining experience. Today you are listening more than talking. You need to get important and necessary information. You will receive it as soon as you turn your attention to other matters. Do not gossip and gossip about yourself - this is a waste of time.

Capricorns - Today you yourself control your destiny. You yourself are building your future, because you have an empty rune, or the rune of Odin. This suggests that it is time to rely on your own strengths and on your inner experiences. You should set your own priorities and outline the boundaries of your inner world. Ask your soulmate to respect your emotions and feelings. If your relationship is strained, now is the time to sort this out.

Aquarius - Today you are patronized by the rune Perth. This is a rune of unusual events, surprises, the rune of the beyond. Quite mysterious and strange coincidences may haunt you all day. This day may be too much for you. But do not worry, this is not an accident. Most likely you have earned your past actions joy and happiness, luck and luck. Therefore, just gladly accept everything that life will present to you today.

Fish “Otala patronizes you today.” This is a rune of labor, material success. You may have a patron, someone more self-confident will tell you a way out of the situation. Do not be afraid to accept help and support; be afraid to refuse such benefits. Be calm and restrained. If you recently encountered difficulties, they will soon resolve themselves. Just trust in life and get the desired result. The main thing is to know what you want.

Rune's general prediction on Tuesday May 21

The rune of this day is Turisaz. Today, many will have to work on themselves and their future.

Each word is worth considering and balanced approach to solving problems.

Today you may have a desire to commit spontaneous actions, to spontaneously buy something that is completely unnecessary. Protect yourself and your loved ones from such actions.

Spend a day working on yourself and your life. Then the results will really please you.

Fulfill all the promises given earlier, communicate with everyone with whom you had planned for a long time but did not find the time.

Only active actions on this day will bring you sincere joy.


Watch the video: Tarot Life Coach Weekly April 14 th - 21St : ALL Signs Update (June 2024).