What do Jennifer Lopez and Google Images have in common


Recently, Jennifer Lopez, who seems to be getting prettier over the years, on her YouTube channel told an amazing story about that same legendary green dress, one of the “naked” Jay Law periodically pampers us with.

Jay called her story "an untold story about how she inspired the creators of Google Images," but first of all it was her first personal insight into the fashion world.

It is now that she realizes the destructive power of a successful dress, then, when, by the way, she still considered herself the owner of not the most trendy figure, since in those days high "flat" blondes with small breasts were valued, she was torn between the career of a singer and actress, and often dressed up "on the run", not really managing to delve into the process.

It was the year 2000, she was nominated for a Grammy and starred in Wedding Planner with Matthew McConaughey. After hard shooting one of the scenes with horses in a hole, a stylist came to Jennifer and said that tomorrow was a Grammy. There was no time to prepare, so she was brought several dresses to choose from.

In a good way, they prepare for such an event at least a week in advance, but it was a very fruitful period in Jay's life - the film was being shot, songs were recorded, an album was being prepared. "Shot" - that's it. In 2001, the singer and actress lit up literally everywhere and at the same time: the film was released, the songs took the first positions in the charts and the leading position was taken by her fresh album.

So the Grammy Day ...

She urgently gets ready, tidies her hair, and makes a choice of dress. In her wardrobe a huge number of outfits and shoes, but that evening the choice was only between the two. One was white, recalls Jennifer, and the second was the famous green dress from Versace with a print in the jungle. The stylist recommends white, because the second has already been worn. Three people have already come out in this, among them Donatella herself. Everyone has already seen this dress. You need to wear something else, the stylist insists.

After trying on, all those present make an unambiguous choice - this is it, without a doubt. Despite the stylist’s attempts and reminders that the dress was already worn, a choice was made.

The war with the stylist gave way to a new alarm. “When the choice was made, everyone was puzzled by the reasonable question: will my breasts jump out of the dress on the stage, or somewhere else,” Jennifer laughs. Such a deep neckline required a special approach, and she used adhesive tape to fix the body under the tissue (see photo below).

That evening was a lot of interesting things. Jay didn’t get a Grammy, the dress didn’t fail by a miracle, but the way absolutely everyone reacted to him became a real revolution for young Jay Law. This dress played a magical role. Getting out of the car, it seemed to her that some big celebrity was behind her - everyone held their breath, a characteristic whisper was heard, a special concentration of energy was felt. However, all this was turned to her and the attention to her was not the same as usual. She had to run on stage, since he was the first and this time was late, as, however, quite often happens to her. This fateful dress is still remembered.

Then she was disappointed that the Grammy was not received, but it was she who in her dress appeared on the next day on all kinds of covers, while the winner of the 11 Grammy was modestly placed in the corner.

And Google noticed

Later it became known that Google employees in those days noted the incredible persistence and frequency with which people searched for this particular dress on the net, and there was no opportunity to search through pictures then. It was this episode that inspired Google to create the Google Images service.

The same dress. At the Grammy Awards 2000:

Recall that recently Jennifer announced an imminent wedding, the fourth in her life, shocking everyone with her ring. By the way, Jay believes in marriage and is sure that she would not want to grow old alone.

Green color and “naked dresses” - Jennifer Lopez’s horse.

Instagram photo. //www.instagram.com/jlo/


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