Mexican salad - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Mexican salad.


Mexican cuisine is known for its spicy dishes and famous flat cakes. Mexicans love the sharpness in everything. Well, if you cook soups with pepper, tears roll down from your eyes, but light salads cannot do without hot peppers. You can say this is the trademark of Mexican cuisine. Also essential ingredient for Mexican salad is canned corn.

Mexican salads, as well as the salads of many other cuisines, are amazing variety. It can be vegetable dishes, which include Bulgarian pepper, green beans, lettuce, chili tomatoes, potatoes. You can also cook Mexican meat salads, it is enough to include chicken, ham or any other meat product in the dish. It is worth noting that ketchup is more welcome in Mexico than mayonnaise. Perhaps that is why most of the Mexican salads are seasoned with olive oil, and not mayonnaise. Mexican salad gives freshness, newness and a whole bunch of unique flavors.

Mexican salad. Product Preparation

In the process of cooking Mexican salads is recommended to use only fresh vegetables. Corn can be taken canned. By the way, often in the ingredients you can find chips, olives and olives, so to speak, the next business card of the Mexican dish. As for meat, you can take it boiled, but it is better to include smoked meat in the salad, it gives the dish not only a richer flavor, but also a unique flavor. Do not be surprised if in the recipe you meet unexpected and unfamiliar ingredients, for example, sweet potatoes. These vegetables and fruits can be purchased in grocery stores, and if you wish, you can replace them with similar products.

Mexican Salad Recipes

Recipe 1. Salad "Mexican" with chips and olives

Not all salads can be prepared in a matter of minutes, with some, for example, with the dish described below, you will have to tinker a bit more. Preparation consists of two stages - cutting vegetables and preparing sauces.

Ingredients Required:

• 3 pcs. - tomatoes;

• 3 pcs. - cucumbers;

• 2 pcs. - Bulgarian pepper;

• 70 g - canned corn;

• 4 things. - lettuce leaves;

• 50 g - olives;

• 20 g - chili sauce;

• 100 g - chips;

• 50 g - walnuts;

• 2 tooth. - garlic;

• 4 tbsp. l - olive oil.

Cooking method:

Let's start with lettuce leaves, they should be carefully broken into small pieces. Vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers (take different colors), cut into cubes. Put the sliced ​​products in a deep vessel so that you can safely mix all the following ingredients. In the salad bowl add olives, sliced ​​plates and canned corn, after allowing the drain liquid.

Sauce preparation

When all the vegetables are ready and waiting for the "meeting" with the defining link of the salad, that is, the sauce, you can mix the chili sauce with olive oil, here put the garlic and walnuts. It would be nice if you add fresh herbs to the sauce. All ingredients are thoroughly whipped and shipped to the rest of the chopped vegetables.

Putting the salad. First, lay out a layer of chips in a plate, and then the salad itself. It remains to sprinkle vegetables with chips from chips.

Recipe 2. Mexican salad with sweet potatoes

Delicious, spicy and unusual salad will open for you new taste horizons. The recipe indicates Mexican yam, which can be purchased at specialty grocery stores of world cuisines. If there is no time to search for this ingredient, replace it with the potatoes we are used to. True, the taste of the salad will change a little, but this will in no way interfere with experiencing bliss.

Ingredients Required:

• 14 pcs. - lettuce leaves;

• 500 g - sweet potatoes;

• 1 PC. - avocado;

• 400 g - canned red beans;

• 300 g - corn;

• 300 g - cherry tomatoes;

• 1 PC. - lime;

• 5 Art. l - olive oil;

• 5 pieces. - radish;

• 1 tbsp. l - cumin;

• 1 tsp. - cilantro.

Cooking method:

Prepare the products - wash the vegetables, and pour the liquid from canned beans and corn.

The sweet potato is cut into small cubes and fried in hot olive oil until cooked. After filling the sweet potato with salt, pepper and cumin. Next, with a lime in a bowl, decant the juice, here add 3 tablespoons of olive oil, cilantro and thoroughly work with a whisk. Tomatoes, radishes and avocados are cut into cubes. Mix the ingredients. We combine canned beans and corn, we send them roasted sweet potatoes and chopped vegetables. Pour the sauce over and mix. In the plate, first lay out a leaf of lettuce, and already on top of it and put the cooked salad.

Recipe 3. Mexican Smoked Chicken Salad

A hearty and original salad will adequately decorate the festive table. If desired, smoked pile can be replaced with boiled meat.

Ingredients Required:

• 1 jar - canned beans;

• 3 pcs. - tomatoes;

• 1 PC. - avocado;

• 100 g - pitted olives;

• 1 bunch - green onions;

• 100 g - cheese;

• 300 g - smoked breast;

• 1 PC. - lime;

• 100 ml - sour cream;

• spices.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly wash the canned beans and place them in a deep bowl. In the same vessel add chopped tomatoes, green onions and olives. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

2. With avocado, remove the peel and bone, and cut the remaining flesh into small squares. With lime, decant the juice, which is then filled with avocado. Everything goes to the rest of the products.

3. It remains to fill the salad with spices and sour cream.

Mexican salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

Lime juice is often needed when cooking Mexican salads. If this ingredient is not at hand, replace the lime with lemon. You will not notice any perceptible difference.


Watch the video: Mexican Salad - Healthy Salad Recipe - My Recipe Book With Tarika Singh (July 2024).