Anastasia Volochkova revealed the moral image of Senator Arshukov


It turns out that the inimitable Anastasia has long been familiar with Senator Rauf Arashukov, who was detained the other day at a meeting of the Federation Council. Moreover, she always knew that a person is, to put it mildly, “dishonorable”.

In a conversation with the Moscow Talking radio station, the famous and inimitable ballerina called the senator “a soap bubble”, “a slum oligarch” and even hinted at his harassment, saying “he tried to drag him into a bathhouse”.

She exposed his deception. Raul speaks and understands perfectly in Russian, and after the arrest he suddenly asked for an interpreter!

Rauf Arshukov, as you know, was detained in a criminal case on the murder and the creation of a criminal community.

“I'm not surprised,” says Volochkova.

Of course, what else to expect from the person who twice “threw” her and her team for money during a tour in Karachay-Cherkessia ....

FEMALE OPINION: Anastasia is very fond of in Karachay-Cherkessia, she was awarded the title of People's Artist there 13 years ago. Recognized talents must be appreciated, cherished and cherished. Yes there, elementary respect! It was extremely stupid of Rauf Arshukov to offend this wonderful, talented and unpredictable woman. No one can predict what other friends Anastasia will tell us in subsequent interviews ...

We can only express the hope that there are still more decent, honest and smart men among the friends of the great ballerina than villains!


Watch the video: Анастасия Волочкова набросилась на бывшего водителя,Anastasia Volochkova attacked the former driver (July 2024).