A gel with nanoparticles that reduces the spread of cancer after surgery


Anticancer gel can stop the development of the tumor and improve the condition of cancer patients. A solution that quickly forms a biodegradable gel contains nanoparticles with certain drugs. Chemotherapy gel is injected directly into the abdominal cavity using a spray.

New treatment for peritoneal cancer

A chemotherapeutic agent in the form of a spray is intended to fight cancer cells at the place of their occurrence.

Every year, about 20,000 people in Russia develop abdominal cancer.

Pathology is almost always caused by metastases of other cancers. So far, the average life expectancy for abdominal cancer is less than 1 year. A gel with nanoparticles is able to completely stop the spread of cancer.

Chemotherapeutic agent in the form of a spray

A few years ago, a new method for the treatment of peritoneal cancer was developed, which is used in several European countries.

In the HIPEC method, after surgical removal of the tumor, the abdomen is washed with heated chemotherapeutic agents.

It has been shown that some patients can survive in the long run thanks to this therapy. However, this method makes sense only for individual patients, since it is considered very dangerous.

Researchers have developed another method of therapy in which a chemotherapeutic agent is administered through two incisions in the abdominal wall as an aerosol.

Due to the gaseous consistency, the drug is well distributed and penetrates into the abdominal tissue.

Doctors hope that the modern method will extend the life of patients

How effective is the method?

Although therapy is still under study, initial results offer hope for many patients.

Scientists have demonstrated a response rate in excess of 40%. In 20% of patients, the tumor completely regressed.

That is, 2 out of 10 previously considered incurable patients fully recovered after the introduction of the gel into the abdominal cavity.

Peritoneal cancer usually develops as a result of previous cancers of the stomach or intestines. They then dissipate in the abdominal cavity.

Classical chemotherapy has limited effectiveness.

The problem is that substances that block the growth of cancer cells work in organs with good blood supply. The peritoneum is poorly supplied with blood. Therefore, drugs usually cannot reach cancer cells in a sufficient dose to develop their effect.

What are the goals of the new therapy?

First, doctors remove the cancerous parts of the peritoneum and other organs surgically. Then, a special solution with nanoparticles is injected into the abdominal cavity for 60 minutes.

The procedure significantly increases the effectiveness of cytostatic drugs.

Treatment measures reduce blood flow in the tumor tissue. Cytostatics can better penetrate tissue into a spray. The sum of all these factors can lead to the death of tumor cells, as a result of which healthy tissue is not affected.

Does life expectancy increase?

Combined aerosol therapy reduces the risk of recurrence of the tumor by 42%. Most of the patients have several chemotherapy regimens, the effectiveness of which decreases from time to time.

Side effects of various methods are significant. New therapy not only increases life expectancy, but in some cases can completely cure a person.

The PIPAC procedure is relatively new and there is currently no evidence of the long-term success of treatment. However, there are clinical reports that are very promising.

In some cases, complete remission, that is, the complete disappearance of the tumor, was achieved using a gel with nanoparticles.

It should be emphasized that this procedure can only be used in a strictly selected patient population.

Attention! PIPAC is never used as the only method, but always in combination with systemic chemotherapy.

All patients evaluating PIPAC indications should consult their healthcare provider.


Watch the video: Nanolayered drug-release systems for regenerative medicine and targeted nanotherapies (June 2024).