Signs and superstitions associated with trees. Why can not you plant spruce and aspen near the house?


Since ancient times, people have attributed to trees magical qualities that could heal diseases, improve well-being, and also attract happiness. There are many signs that are associated with trees. Many of them are forgotten and lost, but it’s never too late to remember the wisdom of our ancestors and use this knowledge in our lives.

Birch tree

There are a lot of legends and legends about this tree. This tree has long been a symbol of Russia.

They say birch has a defensive power. If a person touches it, it will restore lost strength, draw energy.

Branches of birch from the ancient Slavs were a reliable amulet. They were stuck under the roof of the house, in the walls of the barn, in the middle of crops in the field.
People believed that by redeeming a sick person and pouring this water under a birch, a person would be cured.
Lightning in a birch will never strike. Why? Unknown But a fact. They tried to plant a birch near the house so that they would not be afraid of a thunderstorm.


Oak is a symbol of strength and power. Our ancestors believed that if you plant an oak near the house, there will always be prosperity in the house.

Also, the newlyweds walked around the oak tree three times so that family life was prosperous.


Planting a spruce near the house, from ancient times was considered a bad omen.

The mistress of this house will be childless, or she will have only girls.
If the spruce planted near the house has dried up or died from a lightning strike, then wait for the hosts to die soon. Under the spruce tree during a thunderstorm, people tried not to hide, it was lightning that struck the spruce.
It was also believed that if the spruce outgrew the roof of the house, the person who planted it would die.


Maple among the Slavs correlated with a person. The five-pointed leaf of a maple is a human body, arms, legs, head. It was believed that maple can always help people.

Maple healed for various diseases, predicted fate, could indicate a bad person.

The suspect was forced to touch the maple, if the tree did not turn yellow in the near future, then the person is innocent. Our ancestors sincerely believed in the life-giving power of maple; they never made coffins from this tree.


From time immemorial, Aspen was considered a cursed tree. And despite this, it was used as a talisman. This tree was not planted near houses to avoid misfortune; they never sat in the shadow of aspen.

Moreover, in ancient beliefs, aspen was indispensable in the fight against evil spirits and sorcerers.

Eastern Slavs stuck an aspen stake in the grave of a vampire.

Often this was done during the funeral, so that the deceased did not "walk" after death.

Enumerate popular beliefs can be a very long time. Here only a small part of them. How it relates to them is a personal matter for everyone.


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