Match numbers on the clock: the meaning of the number combinations


For quite some time now, people believed in the magic of numbers. There is a special science of numerology, which studies the effect on the fate of man. According to numerology, even by birth, you can find out the fate of a person, identify favorable or, conversely, bad days.

The well-known mathematician Pythagoras believed that numbers govern our world, are the foundation of all things, and keep the secrets of the universe. It was believed that each person has a special number that affects his life, makes him happy or, conversely, unhappy.

People still believe in the magic of numbers. Surely, at least once in your life have you added numbers on a ticket, what if a lucky number suddenly comes across? Brides often choose “beautiful” dates for marriage. Not for nothing that we often attach special importance to numbers. It happens that, looking at the clock, you can see repeated, mirror or pair numbers. Most likely, we’ll think about what this could mean? In fact, there are a huge number of different combinations of unique value.

Angel numerology

If you have never heard of such a phenomenon, it will be useful for you to find out what it is. Angelic numerology is, in a way, a way of higher powers to contact us, to warn, to give a sign, to help in making an important decision. They are trying to inform us of what may happen in the near future so that we can change something.

The main feature of the phenomenon is that higher forces use numbers to contact a person. It can be signs in the form of combinations on numbers of cars and tickets, time on hours, dates of birth and other things.

If you often notice the same numbers or combinations in different places - do not ignore the prompt of your guardian angel. It is necessary to decrypt it in order to understand how to use the help of higher forces. To do this, it is necessary to find out the meaning of individual digits in numerology, what combinations happen. We will look at examples of coincidence of numbers on a watch and find out how they are deciphered.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

According to the teachings of Pythagoras, base numbers from 1 to 9 were determined, from which all possible combinations are formed. In numerology, there are also numbers 11 and 22 - they are also integral, they can not be added if you need to get an accurate interpretation. It is believed that even numbers - women, have calmness, passivity. Odd - male, they, in turn, are active, more powerful and vibrant. Now let's deal with each digit individually, starting from 0, find out the features, value, impact on the person.

0 - according to numerology does not carry a strong semantic load. Zero represents emptiness, nothing. It means calmness, silence, beginning, excludes both bad and good. In this case, zero - duplicity, secrecy. Among the entire number series, zero is considered the most feminine number.

1 - It is considered a strong number, personifying everything masculine, embodying the following qualities: strength, courage, power, courage, confidence, activity. The unit gives both positive and negative qualities. If a person is under the power of one, he is usually strong in spirit, has the ability to solve any problems, rarely asks for help. Moreover, such a person is quite often a cynic, an egoist, amenable to aggression.

2 - very good number in numerology. The two personifies harmony, politeness, tact, clarity of mind, confidence and positive. People under the patronage of the deuce work hard, achieve everything with their labor, do not engage in idle chatter. Two is oratory, sincerity, attracting the attention of an audience. Of the negative qualities - sometimes, excessive pedantry, weaving intrigue.

3 - magic number, fans of magic love it very much. The three is love, amazing luck and creativity. The number "three" is often found in fairy tales, for example, the thirtieth kingdom, 33 heroes, three desires. The three people attract the attention of a large number of people, a real speaker, they listen to him. At the same time, the triple is often a hangover, a spender and a bummer. Also 3 - intrigues, gossip and bad rumors.

4 - according to numerology personifies all the correct, real state of affairs, good luck in all endeavors. The four people are tactful, calm, a real excellent student in everything. However, often there is not enough emotion and spontaneity, everything is too clearly planned, and fantasy is not enough.

5 - adventurism, brightness, novelty. Such people always have a creative approach, they are creative, they like to bring fresh, fresh ideas into everything. At the same time, fives are often sprayed right away on a lot, jump from one thing to another, not finishing the first. The five cannot stand criticism, they are touchy, often they act thoughtlessly.

6 - complete harmony in everything, comfort and coziness. Six is ​​surprisingly kind, helps without a hitch. Often, outpouring sacrifice brings suffering, does not find understanding among others. People under the protection of this number are very honest, confident. At the same time, they often dream of power.

7 - personifies wisdom, gaining new knowledge, development and intelligence. Seven reigns in harmony in the soul, however, before making important decisions, they often engage in self-digging. Such careful introspection helps to cope with difficulties perfectly. In life, sevens can be prevented by excessive focus on their own person.

8 - strong will, powerful energy. Eight is the strongest number in numerology, endows with leadership qualities, makes wards excellent leaders, they are listened to. At the same time, the eight does not always act delicately, self-esteem, sometimes too high.

9 - according to numerology, this is wealth, luxury, money. At the same time, the nine is very tender, endowed with great love. This may be a creative person, faithful to his work and loved ones. At the same time, the nine often acts thoughtlessly because of their naivety, which can be used by ill-wishers.

Repeating numbers on the watch

Believe in clues of numbers or not, it's up to you. However, it is worth considering the meaning of numbers - it was not for nothing that a whole science was created that studies such phenomena.


Watch the video: I keep seeing the same numbers, what does it mean? Numerology 9:11,22,33,44 (June 2024).