“New Year's” allergy: dangerous Christmas trees, dishes and toys


Allergic rhinitis (synonym: hay fever) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to the action of allergens. In most people, allergic reactions appear suddenly and without obvious reasons. Currently, about 20,000 allergenic substances that can cause allergies in humans have been identified.

In Russia, every 3 people suffer from allergies. Christmas items are a common cause of an exacerbation of allergies. What subjects should an allergy sufferer refuse?

Pollen, animal dander and ticks - the reasons for the "New Year" allergies?

In allergic diseases, the body’s immune system fights substances that are normally harmless.

Pollen, animal dander, dust mites and other substances do not pose a real danger to the body - unlike bacteria. Allergy triggers are proteins derived from animals or plants.

A living tree is one of the common causes of allergies. The juice of conifers is rich in hydrocarbons, which can cause adverse reactions. The New Year's table also contains foods rich in allergens - peanuts, milk, eggs, soy, fish or hazelnuts. Decorative ornaments on the surface have pollen or chemical elements that are recognized by immunity as foreign bodies.

Allergens come in contact with the skin or enter the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. In the event of a sudden allergy, the immune system immediately reacts and releases biologically active substances. Foreign proteins that the body has not previously responded to can cause a severe hypersensitivity reaction. Histamine is the hormone and the culprit of all the consequences of allergies.

Allergy symptoms - runny nose and itchy eyes. Often there are rashes on the skin or asthma attacks.

In extreme cases, an allergic reaction can cause life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Often it ends in death, as it leads to heart failure. Anaphylaxis occurs as suddenly as it ends.

Why is dirt sometimes better than hygiene?

Allergies are increasingly occurring in industrialized countries. One of the reasons lies in today's hygienic living conditions. A person constantly washes his hands, and many children barely come in contact with dirt and germs.

As a result, the immune system is not sufficiently prepared and, therefore, uncontrollably reacts to external influences.

In regions with simpler hygiene standards, allergies are less common.

In the human immune system, the initial role of immunoglobulin E was to protect against parasites. In industrialized countries, parasitic diseases are rare. Obviously, allergic diseases are almost unknown in third world countries. In Russia, children from rural areas who grow up with animals and flowers rarely suffer from allergies.

Global warming is expected to significantly increase both the number of allergy sufferers and the severity of symptoms.

According to a study published in 2016, the number of victims increased from 33 to about 77 million people.

The largest increase in the number of cases is observed in Germany, Poland and France. The pollen season is also common in most of Europe until September and October.

However, even New Year's stress can contribute to the development of allergies. In stressful situations, many allergies get worse. Especially with allergic asthma and eczema, stress is a trigger. Reason: stress enhances certain immune processes. With constant tension, the body becomes more vulnerable, and the defense system begins to fight even with harmless substances.

Is allergy an incurable disease?

Therapy of allergic rhinitis consists of three aspects: prevention (avoidance of an allergen), medications, and specific immunotherapy.

Although allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease, it can be completely reversed. However, only part of the victims is under medical supervision.
