How to arrange and store things in cabinets: useful life hacks


The article has some tips on how to conveniently place bedclothes and underwear, sweaters, jackets, an overalls, smart and casual clothes, suits for babies and small accessories in cabinets. Things that are properly stored will have a beautiful appearance and functional qualities longer.

Now you can see plain white linen only in expensive hotels. Clean and ironed, it is stacked in even piles and stored on shelves in a separate room. Finally, the trains give out good bedding, packed in airtight bags.

You can learn from the older generation about bedding. Our grandmothers used only snow-white linen, they boiled it, dried it and weathered it on the street, then steamed it with a cast-iron iron on both sides, and neatly put it in a chest or chest of drawers.

How to store linen in a modern apartment so that it is hygienic and pleasant to sleep? Highlight the spacious shelves in the closet. They should not be at the very bottom, where dust and moisture accumulate.

The duvet covers, sheets and pillowcases, identical in color and size, are more convenient to be stored in separate piles, and colored bedding sets. Fold the duvet cover in the shape of a book, and put the folded sheet and pillowcase inside.

Allocate separate sets of linen for each child and put them on a shelf in the children's locker, let each independently monitor the hygiene of the bed. Separate linen should be for guests. Cover large piles with a thin cloth, and lay out children's kits in bags.

Basic rules for storing bedding:

  1. Clean shelves.
  2. The ability to ventilate cabinets.
  3. Things are neatly folded. They are clean and dry.

These things are especially carefully prepared for long storage, because they will be needed only in the winter months. After the end of the cold season, all warm clothes need to be cleaned or washed, then ventilated and dried.

Carefully roll up sweaters, hats, scarves, mittens and put them in an airtight bag. Fur coats and coats hang on rounded shoulders. Wrap the ends of the shoulders with soft cloth so that no bulges remain on the sleeves. From above put on a tight cover with a fastener. You can use a large plastic bag, and cover the holes with tape.

Remember to take action against the moth. There are many means for this purpose. But the easiest way is to use cheap toilet soap, which you are not allergic to.

Rub a piece on a coarse grater. Pour crumbs into a bag with things, on fur, in pockets. Small pieces of soap can be put whole and used several times. The subtle smell of soap repels moths well, but disappears after washing or cleaning. In summer, at least once check the condition of your fur coat and sweater by airing and drying it under the sun.

Everyone has things in which they do general cleaning, car repairs, and tinker in a personal plot. Many bring home overalls to wash.

Such clothes should not be stored with everyday or smart clothes. Highlight a separate locker for work clothes in the hallway. For example, if you were busy in the garden, you should not go into the rooms in these clothes in order not to bring dirt and ticks. Carefully examine yourself, spray the bottom of the trousers with a tick remover, remove the debris with a brush.

Remove work items in the hallway and put in a bag, then wash. The most convenient option is a small dressing room for work clothes, where you can also store the corresponding tools.

Imagine that you need to get together for a festive event in a short time. And you pull out a crumpled and dusty suit or dress from the far corner of the wardrobe. Now you need to urgently clean and smooth your holiday outfit.

Store clean and pre-ironed smart items on soft shoulders packed in cases. Hang them in the shaded corner of the cabinet or cover with a dark cloth so that the edge of the suit does not become discolored from the light. Now your gatherings for the festive event will take five minutes.

Get at least simple double-leaf cabinets for each family member. Inside should be shelves, a compartment for a coat hanger and several drawers for small items. So everyone will quickly dress in the morning and learn how to keep order. And it’s easier for parents to control the state of their and children's wardrobe. Distribute things on shelves.

An example of the arrangement of things from the upper shelves to the lower:

  • Hats and scarves.
  • Sweaters, sweatshirts.
  • T-shirts
  • Jeans;
  • Socks.


Individual kits can be stored in packages that are issued in branded stores. Often bras are placed on small hangers upholstered in fabric. Comfortable, but straps can be stretched.

Store your underwear in a separate drawer or chest of drawers. Cover the bottom and walls with a soft, clean cloth so that lace and small parts do not get into slots or openings in the drawer.

From a large box or basket, you can make an organizer for underwear, dividing the inner space with dense ribbons.

The things of newborn babies are stored in drawers of the changing table. A plastic chest of drawers is also convenient. He easily moves to the place where you need to change the baby. Its purity is easy to monitor, since it does not deteriorate from soapy water and water.

Think about where in the children's room you can place a horizontal bar for suits or dresses. Let them hang at a height accessible to the baby. From the age of three, the baby will already be able to take clothes for sleep, games or the street and dress.

Shelves for ties and belts were provided on the doors of antique cabinets. You can make similar ones or select a pair of shoulders on which you will hang only ties or belts.

Place small items in a hanging organizer from transparent pockets or in ordinary bags, and then fold them on a separate shelf.

Schedule a couple of hours once to clean your closets, and then save time and nerves all the time. Imagine that you even calmly find and take the necessary thing with your eyes closed.


Watch the video: 11 STORAGE HACKS (July 2024).