Non-standard ways of using potatoes


Love is not a potato, do not throw it out the window. Although, the vegetable also does not need to be put anywhere. This mega popular product is actively used not only in cooking. He can solve a lot of problems, help out at any time and save money.

Familiar vegetable will help to raise the mood and fully show creativity.

Give your child a few potatoes and offer something to make.

You yourself will be surprised how interesting this activity is to make crafts from potato tubers.

Continuing the theme of crafts. Teens love to create creative collages, changing the world around them. In this they will come to the aid of potatoes.

With a sharp instrument and patience, almost any print can be cut from a tuber. For example, a personal monogram.

By dipping in paint and gently applying a print cut from potatoes to the surface, you can create unique patterns.

Heels like a baby’s are not a luxury if you have potatoes at home. She copes with roughened skin, corns, cracks steeper than any pharmacy ointments and cosmetic creams. Even pumice is not needed. Goodbye, closed sandals!


  1. We clean a couple of tubers, rub finely.
  2. We apply a thick layer to the feet, we stretch a plastic bag and socks.
  3. If the skin is very rough, cracked and dry, then leave it for 5 hours or overnight. For preventive purposes, we keep an hour. Then we wash it off, go through a light scrub, apply the cream.

Potato starch whitens the skin perfectly, and juice relieves swelling. This is the most affordable skin care product around the eyes. Finely rub half the tuber, lay it on napkins, send it to the eyes.

It is advisable to lie down for 20 minutes. Take off. We do a week at night and enjoy the result.

If there is a tendency to bags under the eyes, the eyelids swell, then the potato patches will help out.

Cut the peeled root vegetables into thin plates, apply to the eyelids. Or we put it on a plastic wrap, freeze it, pour it into a bag. At any time we take out frozen slices, apply to problem areas.

The recipe for a universal face mask that relieves inflammation, helps to cleanse and brighten the skin, removes traces of acne, prevents the appearance of new pimples. You can use it up to three times a week, it is better to do in the evening. The effect is visible after the first procedure.


  1. Finely grate a small washed tuber, add 2 tsp. warm olive oil.
  2. Apply to cleansed skin, soak for 15 minutes, rinse. If there are a lot of black dots on the face, then it is advisable to massage the skin before removing the potatoes. The oil will dissolve sebaceous plugs, potatoes will cleanse the pores.

The skin of the hands is the most capricious, it most often dries, quickly coarsens, wears and ages. Not a single cream works like a potato. There are several ways to use it.

The simplest and most affordable - baths with a decoction. It usually stays with mashed potatoes or other cooked foods. Add a little olive oil if desired. Immerse the brush in a warm liquid, hold for 10-15 minutes. Then you can do a manicure or just lubricate with cream.

The second method is more effective, but also longer in time. A mask of potatoes nourishes, softens the skin, has a rejuvenating effect.


  1. Cook in a peel a couple of tubers, chop.
  2. We introduce a spoonful of honey and 0.5 cups of warm milk.
  3. We apply the mashed potatoes with a thick layer on our hands, put on gloves or bags, wrap ourselves with a towel.

After half an hour, the pens cannot be recognized: the skin is soft, light, soft and moisturized.

Our grandmothers also knew about the healing properties of potatoes.

Which of us did not burn yourself, forgetting about safety in the kitchen? There is always raw potato and a grater at hand. Gruel from grated potatoes in 5-10 minutes will relieve pain and alleviate the condition.

This vegetable can even be applied to open wounds, to bruises and sore areas. He will draw all the pus from the inside, cleanse, tighten the tissues and contribute to the speedy healing. Usually gruel of raw root vegetables is used, medical dressings are made from it, sometimes mixed with honey.

If you need to quickly cure a single boil or pimple, then rub a small piece of potato, apply it to the inflammation and a little around, glue it with adhesive plaster. Change after 5-6 hours.

At the first opportunity, the abscess should be shown to the doctor!

In ancient books on magic, you can find a recipe for warts: a potato is cut, a growth is rubbed with a fresh cut, then the rugs are connected and buried at the intersection.

In this case, you still need to say some words. In fact, it is not a spell, but the healing properties of a vegetable. You can even not go anywhere and do not bury anything, but simply glue the grated root crop with a band-aid daily onto the wart, after 1.5-2 months it will disappear. Of course, modern methods of treating warts are much faster.

If you were presented with a bouquet of roses, they wilted, and the cuttings are strong enough - put them in potatoes. The main thing is to first remove all eyes from the potato.

We stick the stem into the potatoes, making a hole first with a screwdriver. Then plant the potatoes with the cuttings in a pot and do not forget to regularly, but moderately water them.

The rose will take root and will delight you with its flowering for many years.

Not a single product can remove protruding wreaths. But raw potatoes can remove unpleasant heaviness in the legs and improve their condition.

For this, a compress of crushed tubers is applied to the swollen vein.

Or they impregnate a bandage with potato juice and leave it overnight.

Here is such a useful thing - ordinary potatoes!


Watch the video: Free Energy Light Bulbs 220v using Potatoread description (June 2024).