Tooth hurts, pills do not help? We are looking for the most effective and inexpensive folk remedies for toothache


There are such terrible words: caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis ... All of them mean the most nasty, terrible and unpredictable pain - toothache. Often, as a result of hypothermia of the affected tooth, the pain is very intense and is aching. It can give to the cervical lymph nodes, jaw or ear.

As soon as an unpleasant sensation appears, an ideal option would be to urgently seek medical help. If acute pain occurs at night, in this case there are round-the-clock dental clinics, as well as private rooms.

When there is no opportunity to visit a specialist to eliminate pain, you can turn to folk remedies for toothache, which our ancestors used to relieve pain. Otherwise, ignoring the symptoms will lead to infection of the adjacent teeth. This is most important for those who experience regular periodic pain: the lack of treatment will lead to the fact that the tooth will most likely have to be removed.

Is it scary to see a doctor? And without teeth in the near future is not it scary to stay?

The simplest recipes for toothache

If the pain first appears, an alkaline or saline mouthwash may help. To prepare it, you should take one teaspoon of salt and dissolve in hot water, the temperature of which should not be lower than 45 ° C and not higher than 50 ° C. If the water is colder, the effect of the procedure will be significantly reduced, since the blood flow to the diseased tooth will not be so active. If the water is much hotter, this will cause a mucous burn.

This procedure should be repeated every half hour. It should also be borne in mind that this method can only relieve pain for 2 to 3 hours. If during this period of time you cannot visit a doctor, it is better to seek help in more effective ways.

Birch buds

Birch buds are simply a storehouse of a huge amount of natural antibacterial components. They quickly and effectively eliminate pain, and also destroy pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Due to the large number of different essential oils and tannins, they help relieve pain, therefore they are quite effective in the inflammatory process, disinfection and pain relief.

Birch buds collected in the spring period, just before they began to bloom, are most effective. Dried kidneys can also be used, but their effectiveness will be significantly lower. To prepare the infusion requires:

Rinse 1-2 handfuls of birch buds in warm water and pour 500 ml of boiled hot water. Simmer for 20 minutes. Cool at room temperature, as soon as the broth has completely cooled, it should be filtered.

This amount is designed for two rinses. Also, a folk remedy for toothache can be used to create compresses. Rinsing the mouth with this tool, even with healthy teeth, will not be amiss, since the product helps prevent the destruction of tooth enamel, which is especially important for pregnant women.

Strawberry leaves as a folk remedy for toothache

The only disadvantage of this tool is that it can only be used in the summer. And the rest, it is an effective and very tasty tool that children will especially appreciate. To prepare the broth, the leaves of both garden and forest strawberries are suitable. The ideal option would be to use fresh raw materials, since only a fresh leaf can cope with acute toothache in 30 minutes.

To prepare the infusion, you need to collect two handfuls of small leaves of strawberries and fill them with 200 ml of boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and insulate, remove in a dark place and insist for 2 two hours. Use the infusion to rinse the mouth three to four times a day. Before each procedure, the broth should be heated to a temperature of at least 30 ° C.

Raw potatoes for compresses

The main property of this folk remedy for toothache is the stretching of pus, which significantly reduces inflammation, and promotes the healing of microtraumas. Therefore, the use of raw potatoes is effective in infectious and purulent dental diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that it can only be used as an emergency measure for the temporary elimination of pain, before contacting a specialist.

Raw potatoes also have another, very important advantage, the absence of allergic reactions to it. The hypoallergenicity of potato starch and potato has been proven worldwide, but still for 10,000 people you can meet one whose body will give a reaction. Therefore, potato compresses are the safest method to eliminate toothache, especially during child bearing.

To prepare one compressor, half of one potato and one teaspoon of honey will be enough. Young potatoes are best suited because they contain the largest amount of nutrients. Half the potatoes should be chopped in a mixer to a mushy state and only then add honey. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and apply on a cotton swab, which should be applied to the diseased tooth for a period of at least half an hour. To prevent the swab from moving, it should be held by the inside of the cheek or a temporary dressing. During the entire procedure, it is required to take a horizontal position.


This folk remedy against toothache was used by our great-grandmothers. Propolis itself is very useful, it contains more than a hundred names of trace elements indispensable for the human body. Its composition is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and tannins. Propolis, insisted on alcohol, constricts blood vessels, which allows you to remove swelling and inflammation of the gum tissue, as well as reduce bleeding gums. For self-preparation of tincture you will need:

• alcohol 200 ml (not less than 60%);

• propolis (two tablespoons).

Mix all the above ingredients and place in a dark, cold place for 10 days. After the specified period, the tincture should be thoroughly mixed and filtered.

The resulting medicine should be used to wipe the inflamed gums or use it for compresses, thoroughly moistening a cotton swab in the solution and placing it on the aching tooth. If you notice any signs of allergy, the use of the infusion should be discontinued and an anti-allergic drug taken.

Calendula as an anti-inflammatory

This plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare a medicinal infusion, it is required to take a container with a volume of at least 0.5 l and fill it with calendula flowers. Then pour alcohol or vodka into the container. Put in a dark place for a period of not less than two weeks. After the time has passed, strain the resulting liquid. For lotions, use cotton wool soaked in medicine and attach to a diseased tooth. Hold the compress until the pain syndrome completely disappears.

Rinsing with tincture of the oral cavity also helps with toothache. To do this, stir 30 drops of the product in a glass of water (slightly warmer than room temperature). The rinse procedure should be done at least twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening.

Garlic lotions

This tool is also very popular among many recipes for eliminating pain. In order to cook it, cut a clove of garlic and rub it on the inner wrist in the area of ​​the ripple. Fix the garlic with a bandage. Garlic juice should stand out and lightly burn the skin. If the diseased tooth is on the left, then the left hand should be rubbed, if on the right - the right.

You can also use this tool by adding to it ingredients such as onions and salt. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

Grate and mix the ingredients thoroughly until gruel. Put the resulting mass on a bad tooth and cover with a piece of cotton. Hold until the pain subsides.


Watch the video: How can I prevent tooth pain? (July 2024).