A delicious week for losing weight on the Maggi diet. How to spend a week on a diet of Maggi for weight loss


Sometimes just one day, stacked with several other equally unique days, means a lot to lose weight. It will be about the Maggi diet, its main rules and the intricacies of diet planning.

Scientific explanation for losing weight on the Maggi diet for the week

The high-protein diet of Maggie does not require the use of such classic protein products as, say, chicken breasts. The main thing in it is cottage cheese or eggs.

A special diet based on them allows you to feel full, but at the same time maintain vigor and lightness, which are very conducive to physical activity.

Protein food in combination with sports helps to give the body a beautiful relief in the right places.

Easily digestible nutritional proteins with a deficit of fats and carbohydrates, serve as an excellent basic element that allows you to rebuild the metabolism to expend the previously accumulated reserves (fat deposits) while preserving the integrity of muscle tissue.

This process of converting the method of generating energy occurs quickly - after a day from depriving the body of glucose (carbohydrates), weight loss begins.

What you need to know about the week on the diet of Maggi for weight loss

The standard duration of the Maggi diet is 7 days, for which it is possible to lose light weight - about 3-5 kg. Moreover, if without them, body weight can be called within normal limits, then you can definitely not worry about their return.

This method of losing weight does not allow changes and omissions, which means that no pies are allowed once and no time transfers of meals (usually 3, but if it’s easier, the ration can be divided into 5 servings) distributed evenly throughout the day (with dinner for 3 hours before bedtime). And be sure to drink plenty - 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.

The Maggi diet for weight loss for a week is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions, because its main products in this regard represent a certain danger - consumed in excess, they can cause many of the typical symptoms of an allergy to eggs, citrus fruits, casein.

It is worth considering other cases in which this method of weight loss is contraindicated:

• hypertension or hypotension;

• serious disturbances in the digestive tract (protein food slows digestion and promotes constipation);

• diseases of the cardiovascular system;

• chronic kidney disease.

A week on the Maggi diet for weight loss is a short time period, which allows you not even to take vitamin and mineral complexes from its consequences - they really will not have time to develop, the main thing after it is to provide yourself with a complete diet.

And the transition to it from Maggi should take 6-10 days - nothing fried, carbohydrates are preferred complex (for example, cereals), and simple ones - from fruits, honey, and not cookies.

If you choose the version of Maggi with cottage cheese, you can count on improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails - after all, this product is rich in calcium, and also helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

What to eat for a week to lose weight on the diet Maggi

Chicken and quail eggs are almost equivalent in useful properties and the main thing for them - to be the freshest, on the packaging should be written "diet" - that is, sold no later than 7 days from the day the bird took them.

And since eggs in one of the variants of Maggie are absorbed in large numbers, it is useful to know that among the egg dishes there can be a lot of tasty:

• poached egg - an excellent variety of salads and toasts;

• fritata - you can eat as many vegetables as you like;

• croc-madam - of course, ham will have to be replaced with a chicken slice, but it will still be delicious;

• Orsini eggs - the yolk is baked on an air cushion of whipped protein.

It is noteworthy that on the egg diet the main product with curd is undesirable, and on the curd it is possible to mix it with eggs (little by little).

The best product is cottage cheese 3-5% fat, and not zero (the fact is that without fats the body can not exist and it is better to get them from protein milk food, which can accelerate their useful expenditure by 30%).

Curd should be eaten by appetite, but for breakfast no less than 200 g.

As for the products accompanying these two main elements, their list can be represented as follows.


• low-fat cheeses (up to 20%);

• kefir 1% fat;

• yogurt.


• hen;

• turkey;

• quail;

• sea fish (with white meat).

Other types of meat should be forgotten, and carefully remove fat and skin from the poultry fillet when cutting.

Berries and fruits:

• grapefruit, orange, mandarin;

• green apples;

• persimmon;

• kiwi;

• a pineapple;

• plums;

• apricot;

• avocado;

• pears;

• cherries;

• blueberries;

• blackberry;

• raspberries.

You can’t eat mangoes, bananas and grapes, all dried fruits. Citrus fruits and berries are eaten throughout the day, the rest is recommended to be absorbed 15-30 minutes before breakfast.


• zucchini;

• bow;

• greenery;

• spinach;

• cucumbers;

• radish;

• chard;

• tomatoes;

• garlic.

From cabbage it is better to eat only broccoli, cauliflower and red cabbage, from beans - only green beans, you can’t eat potatoes.

You can also use:

• dried slices of rye or whole grain bread (you can also take ready-made crispbreads and crackers);

• mushrooms (preferably champignons);

• additives to improve the taste of dishes - salt, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, ground pepper, juniper berries, Provence herbs;

• black and green tea, high quality black coffee.

Speaking about drinks, it is worth noting that American nutritionists often still allow a little drink of chicory and diet cola a week on the Maggi diet for weight loss.

But the cereals, approved in many diets, will have to be forgotten.

Everything can be stewed, steamed and boiled in water, baked in the oven (but not on the grill to an appetizing crust!).

Maggi Egg Slimming Weekly Diet Menu

First day

Breakfast - poached eggs, stewed spinach (served mixed with grated cheese), toast, grapefruit.

Lunch - chicken broth soup with broccoli and egg, boiled chicken with sauce (mashed fresh tomatoes, olive oil, herbs, garlic, grated cheese).

Dinner - fish baked with zucchini, tofu cheese, fruit salad.

Second day

Breakfast - a salad of boiled eggs, avocado, apple and green onions with olive oil, orange.

Lunch - a salad of pineapple, mango and grapefruit, mashed spinach soup with cheese and a boiled egg, a magnificent omelet, toast.

Dinner - turkey with vegetables in a pot, baked apples stuffed with berries and goat cheese.

The third day

Breakfast - egg omelet with vegetables in a pan, toast with cheese, orange.

Lunch - chicken broth with crackers, stewed vegetables, baked apples.

Dinner - Frittata, fruit salad with yogurt.

Fourth day

Breakfast - Orsini eggs, a salad of baked pumpkin with cinnamon and apples with yogurt, grapefruit.

Lunch - fish cakes stewed in a sauce of fresh tomatoes and herbs, toast with cheese.

Dinner - assorted baked vegetables (eggplant, tomato, carrot, bell pepper) with poached eggs, toast with cheese.

Fifth day

Breakfast - a magnificent omelet from eggs in the oven, vegetable patties in the oven, grapefruit.

Lunch - mashed cauliflower soup, toast with cheese, coleslaw, carrot and apple salad.

Dinner - boiled eggs, cucumber salad with tomatoes and yogurt, baked chicken with vegetables in the oven.

Sixth day

Breakfast - boiled eggs, baked with cheese and herbs tomatoes, orange.

Lunch - mushroom soup puree, stewed chicken with mushrooms (at the end of cooking, beaten with beaten egg and grated cheese).

Dinner - steamed fish, a salad of fresh vegetables with dressing from olive oil and soy sauce.

Seventh day

Breakfast - a cocktail of raw eggs, whipped with kefir and mashed baked pears, orange.

Lunch - pumpkin soup puree, chicken stew with vegetables (marinated in yogurt with curry).

Fritt dinner, cheese toast, fruit salad.

Curd menu for a week to lose weight on the diet Maggi

First day

Breakfast - cottage cheese with slices of fruit and yogurt, toast with cheese.

Lunch - chicken dumplings with cottage cheese and spinach in a sauce of yogurt and berry puree, a salad of cucumbers and herbs with poached egg (with olive oil and soy sauce), baked apples.

Dinner - turkey in a pot with carrots and green beans, baked zucchini, toast, cottage cheese, blueberry jelly.

Second day

Breakfast - unsweetened cottage cheese casserole with herbs and cheese, grapefruit.

Dinner - an ear, quail stuffed with mushrooms and a boiled egg with a side dish of stewed cabbage, baked pumpkin with cinnamon.

Dinner - steamed chicken breast, coleslaw, carrot and apple salad, baked pears with cottage cheese with yogurt and greens sauce.

The third day

Breakfast - cottage cheese with berries, kefir, lettuce rolls with baked vegetables (pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower) and cheese.

Lunch - vegetable soup on chicken stock, fruit salad with cottage cheese.

Dinner - a magnificent egg omelet, stewed vegetables, baked chicken (marinated in orange juice and soy sauce), toast with cottage cheese and herbs.

Fourth day

Breakfast - cottage cheese, mashed with herbs and yogurt, toast, salad of baked bell pepper, tomato, cucumber and ricotta with dressing from yogurt and garlic, grapefruit.

Lunch - string bean soup with chicken meatballs, pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese, toast with cheese.

Dinner - stewed turkey with vegetables, a dessert of cottage cheese and beaten egg whites (with mashed potatoes from baked peaches and pears).

Fifth day

Breakfast - omelet from cottage cheese and eggs, salad from boiled green beans, chicken and baked pumpkin.

Lunch - cold tomato soup, steam chicken cutlets, eggplant rolls with carrots, cheese and garlic.

Dinner - chicken broth, toast, tomato and tofu salad, cottage cheese, berry jelly.

Sixth day

Breakfast - cottage cheese, yogurt, avocado salad with boiled egg and apple.

Lunch - fish soup, fresh vegetable salad with baked chicken, pear dessert (raw eggs, beaten with cottage cheese and baked peaches).

Dinner - a cold sandwich with baked chicken, cheese and vegetables (sweet pepper stewed in olive oil and tomatoes), cottage cheese, grapefruit.

Seventh day

Breakfast - cottage cheese with slices of fruit and yogurt, a salad of chicken, celery, peaches and apples.

Lunch - okroshka on kefir, turkey stew with vegetables.

Dinner - cottage cheese casserole with vegetables and cheese, toast, orange.


Watch the video: Keto Recipe - Spaghetti Bake (July 2024).