What you need to take at sea: a list of the most necessary things. What to exclude from the list of things "at sea"


When there is a long-awaited vacation ahead, the most enjoyable thing is to pack your bags. Often, upon arrival, you may find that some thing is missing, and she remained dusting at home on a shelf in the closet. To prevent this, you need to make a list in advance, and then you will definitely not forget anything.

What you need to take at sea: a list of necessary things

Before the trip, it is advisable to take a sheet of paper or a notebook and write down, without which rest is impossible. All are individual, each has its own needs. But there are things that cannot be dispensed with. First of all, you need to take a passport, cash, a tourist permit or hotel reservation documents, a credit card, a visa, plane or bus tickets, a driver’s license. Nowhere without these documents. If a child travels with one parent, one must not forget the consent of the second parent to export his child abroad.

For the trip itself you will need a suitcase and a sports bag, where you can put everything you need, and a separate bag for all documents with money. It is very useful to find out the emergency phone number and the embassy of the country where you are going on vacation. To write something quickly, you may need a small notebook with a pen. It does not hurt to download a map of the area into the phone. If you want to go exploring the area yourself, the navigator is a great assistant that will not let you get lost. Also in the list you need to include medicines, hygiene products, clothes and shoes, gadgets and more.

What you need to take at sea: a list of clothes and shoes

It is advisable to include only the most necessary in this list. It makes no sense to bring along the entire wardrobe. You need to navigate depending on the resort and the place where the vacation will take place. For example, if the rest is in a small village on the seashore, where the infrastructure is poorly developed, you should not take with you a lot of evening dress and stilettos sandals. If some social events are supposed, you can take a couple of beautiful dresses and jewelry with you.

So what exactly comes in handy:

• swimwear and swimming trunks. Two sets will be enough to change them when one is wet and not yet dry. Yes, and for a change, so as not to go in the same;

• pareos or shirts made of thin fabric. They will not only beautifully emphasize the figure, but also protect them from the direct rays of the sun;

• hats, caps, panama hats. Without a headdress it is better not to fry in the sun;

• flip flops and flip flops. These are the most comfortable shoes for the beach;

• shorts that are needed by both women and men. Very practical clothes in which you can walk everywhere;

• T-shirts and T-shirts. They perfectly complement shorts and a skirt. You can take a few pairs and this will be enough;

• skirts and sundresses. A great summer option that will help you look stylish and beautiful;

• jeans, pants, tracksuit. It may not be so hot in the evening, therefore, without these things, nowhere;

• sandals. Another version of summer shoes that men and women love. Legs are well ventilated and do not steam. If you plan to go out, come in handy elegant stilettos. Men can take moccasins;

• sneakers. Will be needed depending on the season. And if you want to go on an excursion to the mountains or the gorge - these are the best shoes;

• socks for sneakers;

• a warm jacket or body shirt that will warm you on a cool summer evening;

• Underwear. Without these attributes, nowhere;

• night clothes if needed: pajamas, a T-shirt, shorts;

• decorations. Useful for an evening boardwalk. It is not recommended to bring expensive jewelry with you so that they are not stolen. But something from natural stones or jewelry is a great option;

• glasses: for vision or sun protection. Or contact lenses and all accessories for them.

For children, you can take more things than for adults. They get dirty faster, but there will be no time for washing.

On the beach, a beach umbrella, sunblock or for it (depending on the type of skin), sunglasses, a bedspread for sand, an air mattress, towels, a mask for swimming underwater, water for drinking are useful.

Hygiene products - the key to health

The list of what you need to take at sea must have hygiene items. It is important to pre-purchase cream for and after tanning. And those who care about their beautiful hair, will need a hair spray that will protect them from burning out in the sun. The cream should be selected in accordance with the type of skin. The highest level of SPF is needed only for children and people with fair skin who blush and burn.

You should take toothpaste and brush, shampoo, balm, washcloth, soap, cream, shower gel, shaving accessories. Often in hotels in the bathroom you can see several small bottles of soap and shampoo, but the quality of these products is not the best, so it's best to take your own. Women should bring along essential cosmetics, pads or tampons. Dry and wet wipes, sanitizer may come in handy. Who can not stand mosquitoes, you can buy a cream against them or a special device with a liquid. Then a quiet sleep is provided.

Do I need a first aid kit

Of course, many travel agencies provide insurance if something happens. But for a non-insured event, you have to pay the doctor. Sometimes it is very expensive. Therefore, you can make a list of what you need to take at sea, from medicines. Especially if there are any diseases of a chronic nature. And for the common cold, for example, no one is safe.

A mini first aid kit for all occasions includes:

• iodine or brilliant green;

• sterile bandage and cotton wool;

• bactericidal patch;

• Activated carbon;

• painkillers (analgin, no-spa and others);

• antipyretic drugs (for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen);

• Digital Thermometer;

• mezim;

• Panthenol for burns may come in handy;

• hydrogen peroxide;

• other drugs you need.

Other useful and necessary things

The list of what you need to take at sea should also include other useful things in our time. For example, electronic gadgets. It is better not to take a laptop with you if you are not going to work there. On vacation, it is advisable to take a break from the computer, rather than monitor social networks every few hours. But without a mobile phone and charging it can not do. You can upload a map of the area to your smartphone, which is useful if you want to travel on your own by car. A very good application - maps.me. Do not forget the camera, if you like to take pictures, and flash drives to it.

You do not have to carry the hair dryer with you; it is usually in the hotel room. But a travel iron may come in handy. Especially if there is no desire to pay for renting an iron. You can take clothespins, which are not found in almost any hotel. And without them, linen can blow away by the wind. If the trip or flight will be long, it would be nice to buy a pillow under the neck. If rains are forecasted in the place where you decided to go, you need an umbrella. For entertainment, you can bring along a board game, an MP3 player, crosswords, books and magazines. If you have a long trip, you should not forget about food for a snack and water.

This list is conditional. Each has its own individual preferences. Someone needs to drag the whole wardrobe with them, while someone is minimalist and does not need many things. But still the most necessary things must be taken, then the upcoming vacation will be wonderful and will be remembered for a lifetime.


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